Conquest of the Horde

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Yes, thanks Kret for considering this.
Sounds interesting.. while I have no real clue what tattoos there are out there, I can see various races using them.

Thanks for considering. :)
Yeah I've seen someone use tattoos ic maybe, two or three times now. Not sure for what, but yeah, I've seen people have them before.
It should be remembered that a lot of times, tattoos are a symbol for the person who has them. Usually people don't just get tattoos on a whim, especially considering how permanent they are, but anyone can get tattoos if there's some sort of personal meaning behind them.
Eh. I'm indifferent to this idea.
There's already so many things handed to us for visual aids.
To me, RP is about the writing. It's not hard to throw a tattoo detail in there.
Yeah, it'd be really awesome to see it on a model, but a bit unnecessary.

There actually used to be a business while back that specialized in tattoos on here...
I think.
I like the amount of things we have for visual aids, and im sure this will be great for characters that would use them, i like to try and match my ingame character as closely as possible to how i imagine her when I make her, it feels more natural :)
I think it's a good idea. I'd get them if they were available. Buuuuuut my want to become a rune master has decreased dramatically. If this would pass of course. And after seeing how difficult/long it takes to acquire a Demon hunter I am pretty positive I'll never have one. Kinda on the fence pro's and con's to it. It's one of those if everyone's special no one is. But if you keep them for the "special" people then you have elitism in a way. But its just a visual reward for hard earned RP/writing bleh goes back in forth too much in my opinion. Whatever the result I'm down with.
I approve of this idea. And I guess, there will be enough players, who don't use them.
HownDoog Wrote:Eh. I'm indifferent to this idea.
There's already so many things handed to us for visual aids.
To me, RP is about the writing. It's not hard to throw a tattoo detail in there.
Yeah, it'd be really awesome to see it on a model, but a bit unnecessary.

There actually used to be a business while back that specialized in tattoos on here...
I think.


I think that if you really want to have a tattoo, you should just describe it in RP / FlagRSP / Profile, etc. We had a ton of RP'rs who did this back in the day before those nifty demon hunter tat's ever came into existence. I think it's a better way to RP tattoos instead of equipping an in-game item, because you get lots more room to work with. Let's face it, what exists in-game is extremely limiting. Tattoo's can come in the form of endless designs, patterns, color, and meaning. Why limit your choices on it with the same 8 or so in-game models that only have 3 colors each? I don't see how that'd be fun to RP. 'specially when ya know the next guy will have the exact same tattoo you do.

But, having said that, I don't see any reason why the items shouldn't be made available to the public for those who want it.
People can usually overlook tattoos in their rp with the character if its only mentioned on flagrsp, I guess, that is one advantage of having them in-game. But then again, they really aren't that necessary to begin with except for some of the Prestige Classes.
Tattoos, in the approximate timeline of WoW, considering culture and technology, are a painful, long act, that remains forever, and are mainly a spiritual thing. I believe that certain tattoos and markings can be given out to those who really desire them, and have a meaning/story behind them. For example, my Human, inspired by what a Kaldorei told him, began to walk a path that may appear odd, and he may, very logically, mark himself, as devotion to that specific path.
Would be pretty cool if OOCly Eustace had a tattoo of a heart with the word "Mom" in it! XD
I actually have to disagree somewhat on this. The tattoos should be earnt just like prestige and whatnot. They are rare items which stand out alot. If they become avaliable for us mortals we will see a boom of tattoed shirtless dudes in BB and Ratchet and those Demon Hunters will hesitate to use them cause it will give off the wrong wibe.
Bovel Wrote:we will see a boom of tattoed shirtless dudes in BB and Ratchet.

...Im failing to see the bad thing here. xD

But really, my odd oogling aside, would it be that unbeleivable to see that in a pirate port? Its hot. And people in a place like that would often be tattoed. I can't imagine tattoo's being so rare that only Demon hunters have them
Miah Wrote:But really, my odd oogling aside, would it be that unbeleivable to see that in a pirate port? Its hot. And people in a place like that would often be tattoed. I can't imagine tattoo's being so rare that only Demon hunters have them

Seafarer tattoos is not a thing of ancient times despite some claims that pirates went to Japan to be covered in 'em.

The first tattoos historically speaking were religious and symbolic and they have more meaning in an RP perspective. Better assume that someone with tattoos have power of faith rather than assuming it a scum of the sea.
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