Conquest of the Horde

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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player.:
I'm a Vanilla player, though only briefly. I played a Rogue. Burning Crusade was about to be released in like, two months. I tore through content with my guild with ease, having been a gamer since an early age and got to drop Kael'thas for a server first and Illidan for a server third (Would've been first.. -.-).

At first I was a PvE Player, lacking the motivation to arena in an unbalanced system.. (Druid/Warrior in 70 days anyone?) or on a PvE Server for that matter but eventually came to enjoy it with a Feral Druid I played with. I BG'd a little for fun before that.

That being said, Arena facilitated my transfer to a RP-PvP Server (Ravenholdt), only to find the RP lacking and Elitist Morons abound. Probably should've done some research.

I left WoW around Sunwell's release (intending not to come back) and ended up coming back at the start of WOTLK, only to roll a DK, having a "Caster In Plate" syndrome. It was truly the class I had been waiting for, or so I thought. Anyway, as of today, I am on the Emerald Dream server in a sub par guild to what I'm used to, seeking out Roleplay often.

I have been a Role Player for about 8 years now, ever since I was 12. For me, my origins did not begin with D&D or any type of table top game.. I came from the days of Ayenee and Eden on Yahoo! Chat so I'm used to a 10 paragraph minimum count to Roleplay posts and can type relatively fast. (82-95 WPM) Description was always key in those days..

Uhm, not sure what else to put, lol.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?
I come from the US and English is my primary language. (:

How did you get into Warcraft?:
At the time, my friend let me roll a Rogue on a server and I spent about 2 days on his account and leveled to 25. After that, I was hooked.

What made you seek our server over others? (or How did you find us?):
I will be completely honest. Googling World of Warcraft Roleplaying Private Server turns you up first and usually you're first on the list for good reasons. That is how I ended up here, hoping to find a server where Roleplay was paramount above all else, where the established Roleplay rules of Blizzard might actually be put into effect. (Constant IC, no ridiculous names, etc)

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
I am very diverse in my roleplay scenarios and enjoy all Roleplay regardless of where it is found. Typically, the two types you mentioned were what could be found on Ayenee and Eden; Tavern Roleplay and T1/T2 Tournaments. As for pairs, I rarely roleplayed with a single individual, preferring a large group of Roleplayers.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:
This is tough. I have recently started leveling a Warrior and found myself loving every second of it. While I enjoyed playing various other classes (I've leveled a Rogue, Hunter, Shaman, Paladin, Druid, Priest and Death Knight to various capped levels, 70-80), I find myself enjoying the playstyle a Warrior offers.

As far as races are concerned, being a primarily PvP entity now, I enjoy Undead for their fear break and also like the way they move.

What are your expectations of this server?:
I expect constant IC everywhere, friendly raids on the opposite faction and to blow through PvE Content with a group of skilled individuals (hopefully).

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
"This concept should be readily communicable through the player's in-character words and actions, and players are expected to remain in character a majority of the time. Public character channels, such as /say, /emotes and /yell should be in character (IC) as much as possible, but out of character (OOC) chat is permitted as long as it is clearly defined, such as by double parenthesis ((as such)). Be aware that people usually dislike this, and will ask you to stop if you speak out of character in a channel reserved for IC communication."

This. I hate being on an RP server where the majority of the population does not in fact, roleplay. It irks me and makes me wonder why they even bothered rolling there to begin with. Probably because they assume being on a Roleplay server entitles them to be PvP/PvE Champions as if a love of roleplay meant the rest of the population of players were unskilled or something.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:
[[This post is something I have on hand. If you google it, you'll find "Eidolon - the Astral Abode", a game I was GMing on]]

Seikyou Tamakabu sat in his vast throne room, a great stone hall with double decked, steel reinforced doors. From these doors a great blue carpet, bedecked with an intricate gold border led to his throne. All along the walls and windows were various azure colored tapestries, enchanted fabrics that constantly shifted from a fancy scrawl that read "Eidolon" to include an amazing likeness of Eidolon's original creator, his mother, Yumi Tamakabu. These were the only means Seikyou had to remember her, having never truly seen his mother with his own eyes and the only means to be reminded of her legacy on a daily basis. Every day he hoped he did right by her though he cursed his choices back when he was a mere child expected to run a Kingdom.

The Noble lineage of his great Nation crowded together between the various pillars (each of which contained bracket for their lighted torches) looking at him with something akin to sheer awe, as they finally witnessed the seriousness of his purported solution. Idle chatter and whispers dawned in the room, springing forth from every corner, each one pondering the possibilities of who would come and answer their King's call.

The King made sure every faction was represented today, with the notable exceptions of those who remained hidden or involved themselves in criminal activity, though he had no doubt both of them had Agents within this very hall. He double checked the table at his right hand side, making sure he had every variety of item he had requested for his Investigators.

A Brief History of Eidolon, the magical contacts which could be used to switch between three distinct viewing forms; Thermal, Night, and True Sight, a few bags of gold coins for whatever they deemed them necessary for, and letters with his seal which would grant them unfettered license to move about and question the inhabitants of Eidolon as they saw fit.

Seikyou silenced them all with an imperious gesture, his eyes falling to the left and upon the Magicians from the local College. "Oritholes, do you have the rings bound to this location?" His melodic voice intoned. Seikyou had commissioned the College of the Magi to produce for him several magically enchanted rings which, once donned by the wearer would issue forth it's summon through telepathy. It spoke of Eidolon's plight and asked the wearer if he would choose to assist Eidolon. An affirmative answer would result in the teleportation to Seikyou's throne room in a blast of radiant white light, likely to cause people to shield their eyes from the penetrating glare.

"I do, your Majesty." He abruptly approached Seikyou who held his left hand out, palm up, into which Oritholes deposited several ethereal rings, the heralds of Eidolon's plea for assistance. Seikyou's right hand come over to cup it and a flare of white light issued forth from between them, his entire being devoted to the concentration of the spell. Not a person stirred, or whispered, waiting with bated breath for the completion of the magic. After a solid five minutes of such a stance, Seikyou finally moved, the rings completely gone from his grasp apparently.

"My loyal people. The rings are currently falling from the sky, about to land at the feet of it's selected target. These people come from the very same realm we once inhabited and will end the terror Ghostgrin has brought upon you all." Raucous cheering broke out and Seikyou gestured for silence again, but it tapered off very slowly, a few whistles tossed out as it died away.

"I expect your utmost dedication to assisting these individuals in their endeavors and ask that you hide no trace of information from them, should they ask, should you discover anything which may help. They have been honored with my trust though they do not know it. I have given them full power, absolute license to do as they feel for the good of Eidolon." A hush fell over the crowd, murmurs of surprise that Seikyou had so honored outsiders.

'"They will answer to no one, not the Valkyrie Guard, not the College of the Magi, none of you, save me. I am the only person they will account to for their actions. You will honor and treat them with same deference you show me."

"We will, Your Highness." A collective body of voices agreed as Seikyou stepped up from his throne, calling out. "Let the Banquet begin! Jarain, come sit with me."

From the various doorways littering the hallway, tables were brought out and laid all along the walls except for the center aisle where the chosen few would appear. The table to contain the otherworldly visitors was dropped before Seikyou's throne and chairs were the next item brought out. Then the food began to appear by his servants, dishes of such extravagance that the Nobles only smiled knowingly. Any excuse for indulgence was royally abused by Seikyou.

Jarain, an ancient man by human standards, approached the table with Seikyou. He had his snow white hair braided down along his back and was bedecked in the customary armor bequeathed to Valkyrie Commanders. Two great broadswords were strapped to his backside as well as a blue cloak beneath this

The Nobles took their seats according to position and waited for the arrival of their saviors..


Malkayor stood at his desk, his arms folded behind his back as a man bedecked in red and with the Blood Letter standard emblazoned upon his chest entered his Office. "Milord?" He asked, hesitatingly, knowing that when his leader looked out upon Blood Bay, his general mood was that of repugnance and he would be less inclined to act rationally, often right out killing his own men in such gruesome ways that it generated a healthy respect from those men who served him, borne out of their fear of becoming like them.

"I'm listening." Malkayor stated as he turned around, one hand brushing back the thick strands of his blond hair from his face. He was a fairly attractive man despite his lot in life and had actually become quite wealthy off the inhabitants of Blood Bay, but he was by no means a Noble and this simple fact irked him, being declined by Seikyou to receive a title, who was apparently aware of his trade. His nose was long, though gracefully arched and pointed, eyes set deep within his head. Those eyes were so unsettling to the men because they expressed almost nothing but casual disinterest. If that.

His lips, though, could express emotions with subtle ease, a technique he incorporated quite successfully to the disadvantage of others.. Men have fled in terror when a frown from him was directed their way. But the true culmination of his vanity was his hair, beautifully shining hair that extended past his waist and eyelashes women of noble birth would give up their title to obtain.

"Muh men inside tha castle said Seikyou be holdin' a feast today, tah celebrate the visitors he would be receiving. Said they'd come from ah different world, if ye catch ma drift."

"So the rumors are true." Malkayor mused, with a smile on his face, eyes closed as he pondered the possibilities of exploiting these would be Investigators to his advantage. Quickly opening a drawer and fingering a bag of coins, he brought this out and tossed it to the man who caught it with a grin on his face."Dismissed soldier, thank you for this bit of information."

As the Soldier exuded a sigh of relief and left, Malkayor sat at his desk, rubbing the stubble on his face thoughtfully. "It seems only natural that they will eventually come here.. Ghostgrin's last murder took place here, so they are more then likely going to question me. But how to turn this to my gain?" He asked himself with a broad smile.

An information exchange was always prompted with a large sum of funds leaving the seeker's hands..


The Underling's footsteps echoed off the cavern walls, resounding within like the beat of a drum. He opened a large wooden door set into the stone which led to the highest chamber within Omen Depths, as the Black Hand had come to call it.

They had spent almost ten years of their time since Eidolon's displacement, working the stone and shaping it to suit their tastes though a good portion of it remained rough, mainly the entrance to their abodes, simply as a deterrent in case anybody wandered into their cavern unawares. It also served as a strong defensible position.

The former caverns that had once rested below the original Eidolon were scarcely anything like they had previously been however and were where the Black Hand sought to keep themselves until such time as they could escape the Astral Plane along with the White Hand, their mortal enemies.

Ometh had told them the displacement was unfortunate but that Styx probably wasn't being allowed to intervene on their behalf because of Alexander and thus, that they might as well be comfortable.

The room had a disturbingly crimson luster to it, a result of the candles Ometh burned which give it this rather foreboding radiance. The cavern was loaded with material comforts, only the best of which was provided to Ometh. It surprised the Black Hand how adept he was at dealing with his subordinates, especially the humans who sought to appease him in any manner.. Wealth being one of them.

They envisioned grand powers attributed to them when Ometh sought to take over Eidolon, a fiction reinforced by his persistent whispers of power, position, and wealth unimaginable when he chose to make Eidolon fall.

Ometh appeared in the standard form of any of his agents, a shifting essence of black robes that appeared as shadows, with crimson orbs set within the cowl. The Specters of Death, living tributes to the anthropomorphic form of their God. Naturally ethereal in appearance, the Astral realm had not effected the ghostly gleam of the Death Knights as vastly as it had the citizens of Eidolon.

"Hortator, one of our agents insisted that this report be brought to you immediately."

A skeletal hand issued forth from black robes gripped the end of the paper and tore it from his underling's grasp, hastily untying the ribbon and unraveling the note. His red eyes grew hungry as he read the words written in an archaic language, identifiable only by himself, and a maniacal cackle issued forth in his low, metallic tone as he finished.

"Hortator Ometh,

Lumeth of the White Hand received a messenger late last
evening, deigning him to meet with His Majesty, Seikyou
Tamakabu. Upon further investigation, it appears the rumors
that Seikyou intends to have several men and women from
the Prime Material Plane come forth to solve the Ghostgrin
murders and catch the elusive criminal are true and he was
invited to view the proceedings. Lumeth left this afternoon
and went to the Palace and has yet to return. I suspect
when he does, it means those Seikyou selected have
arrived and I will inform you of when he does return to the
Luminescent Temple.


"It would appear Seikyou is worried. He fears he cannot contain the efforts of the Hands to make war with each other, needing the full power of the Valkyrie Guard to do so?" The laughter continued as he shook his head, disbelievingly. "One hundred men warring against each other, unable to be contained by his thousand. Disgusting. He must feel the defeat inflicted upon his men last time keenly." Ometh extended a bony arm over a candle allowing it to catch fire and flung the report into a dead fire pit nearby, his eyes flicking up to his Underling who stood by quietly, awaiting his orders.

"That fool Lumeth should not chase ghosts he will never have the chance to catch but instead focus his attention on one he can. Send word to Icarus to follow Seikyou's new servants."

The Death Knight smiled knowingly. "Of course, Hortator." He flickered and disappeared as Ometh walked about the cavern, grasping various components of a spell to watch Icarus from afar. The Bandit had never been a bright one and would likely miss subtle details that Ometh himself would notice. As well he should, the Bandit wasn't 3 millennium old.

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
I was curious what your stance is on Race Specific factions. Are we able to be Horde Humans or Alliance Blood Elves? Just curious! (:
I've always thought you should be able to choose your faction because you always have individuals who defect. For instance, the Blood Elf standing on the docks outside Auberdine.

I will have plenty to add at a later date, trust me. ((:
Quote:I was curious what your stance is on Race Specific factions. Are we able to be Horde Humans or Alliance Blood Elves? Just curious! (:
I've always thought you should be able to choose your faction because you always have individuals who defect. For instance, the Blood Elf standing on the docks outside Auberdine.


Anyway, welcome to the server!
Awes. But oh well.
It'd make for interesting roleplay scenarios.
I would've definitely rolled Alliance Undead, just to see the general IC reaction and to develop my character.

Mistrust, fear, hatred, and all that jazz.

Anyway, thanks!