Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Everlook Teleporter
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We seem to have teleporters to every Goblin town. Ratchet, Booty Bay and Gadgetzan. Yet there is one which is in a very nice spot that is never used and has plenty of potential. Everlook.

Thus, my suggestion is this. Add Everlook to the group of teleporters we have, maybe we can find a way to get some use out of it.

(I know this is small but, it's to the point, nothing else to say really.)
It's true, it's a spot that's pretty hard to reach if you don't have the FP, which is probably why it's never used.
I agree. Especially because the landscape of the area is so beautiful.
I can't really see the hurt in it, and hell, I'd like to see Tavern RP with three coats on or something.
As a belated reply (by several days), an Everlook transpolyporter has been added to GM Island.