Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: this is going to take a while
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I'll keep it short. Real-life > rp. Few things that need to be worked out here in the real world and it might take me a week or two to get it all straight.

See you later coth.
Stormshade clan, try not to die before I get back.
I'll tell everyone I killed Kol, and then we'll have a real party.
Good luck out there.
Not cool. Kol can't be killed by emo elves. He immune to their lack of drive and bloodlust. But jv let the clan know I'll be mia for a while. I know half to all but you don't actually read the forums. Well mabe jason but, he's jason.

By the time I get back I should be ready to get back into rp. I hope.
I'm what?
Bah. I read the forums.

Have fun doing real life stuff. We will be waiting for your return... And I promise I won't let Sozun eat the elves while you're gone (unless you want me to let Sozun eat the elves.)
Sozun may eat the elves. Maybe then they will make characters that are from a real race like ORC! but still away. My internet has been down for about a month. And should be down for about another week maybe two. /shrug Yea...