Conquest of the Horde

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Robson looked hectically around. His blond hair fluttered in the cold wind of the night.

He stood in the midst of a dark, unwelcoming forest. The trees were damaged and seemed tainted. There wasn't a path or street he could walk onto and the sky seemed overcastted with dark fog. The landscape looked familiar to him, but a strange, uneasy feeling inhibited, that he recognized the place.

Robson closed his eyes. Didn't he just hear music in a far distance? He opened the eyes and started slowly to walk into the direction of the noises. As he came nearer, he recognized the noises as creepy music played by an organ. It was a slow and memorable beat, which repeated itself after a few seconds. After listening to it for a minute, he finally recognized the sound.

He started hearing this music one day after he visited a friend in Darkshire. He didn't hear it at daytime and while he thought about this occurrence, he realized that he was dreaming. Usually, the sounds would hardly be noticeable. They were so far away. This time however, it was different. He walked faster into the direction from which the music came. Finally, he started to run. The source of the sounds came nearer and nearer. Faster than expected he stumbled upon a glade. He was standing on a graveyard now. Amidst the graveyard there was a chapel, or at least, the rests of it.

The building was actually burned. The windows were stamped and the place was abandoned. The music however seemed to get out of the chapel. Robson stared for a few minutes at the building, more surprised than scared. Finally, he walked towards the chapel and opened the door. And to his surprise he found…

…Nothing, nothing but the empty inside of a ruined chapel. The music immediately stopped playing and it was silent. Robson slightly shivered. He walked into the middle of the building. Suddenly, he saw in a split second a face, but it was too fast to recognize it. Then everything went black and he couldn't see anything.

Robson woke with a start. He was sitting in his bed and he felt awfully tired. “It keeps happening.”, he mumbled to himself.