Conquest of the Horde

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Redis has a small, red handbook that he uses as a journal, and as notes for his studies...

((Note: If you want to comment on any part of the book, questions, concerns, feedback, rage lines, whatever, just PM me.))

The latest entry, much is written on the page, mostly in haste.

Control: Arya, female, human

Subject: Berenice, female, undead


1. Used acidic venom, torn into the flesh of the girl, barely harmed undead.

2. Used 'frostbite liquid', effective on girl, no effect on undead.

3. Used by-product of plague researched by Forsaken, successful on girl, will keep for later.

4. Entered girl's mind, no resist but very hard. Will gain power in time.


Told Sagi how I felt about the Fel-blood addiction I have. Will, be hard to fight it. Fel is useless if I have hopes of learning Necromancy. Did yell at him, but was useless and unneeded. My arcane powers are not as strong, at least without using Fel with them. Will have to research on a way to remove the Fel. Berenice attempted to encourage me... Effort is nice.

Berenice has been acting strange, for an undead. She is very cold during research, but more open with feelings when talking to me... Interesting. Do hope she doesn't hold some love for myself, might prove... Deadly. Wanted to join Circus, will assist her. Very loyal to my research, might be a friend.

Arya, a pretty girl. Normal for young man like myself to see her as such. Will not attempt to be-friend her, but will be nice when possible. Perhaps a slight flaw in my part, and Berenice could be jealous if she has feelings... But that isn't normal. Did have to buy her life for 50 gold... Troublesome.

Human paladin, interrupted my studies.... Was nearly killed by gnome. Captured his body, put in cell. Will use him for more dangerous studies...

Overall, today was a success... Will look into finding more questions that require answers...

Will have to talk to Snack sometime, female, gnome, Necromancer... I have much to discuss...
The next entry... The first top half of the page has runes written all over it, the bottom has writing in common...

Found Sylvandre, female, Night elf, in Goldshire. Her metal jaw armor bit gave her away. White hair, very fit, very dangerous. I followed her and her group.

One unknown, female, Night Elf. Must be warrior in training.

Another, named later learned. Tirius Cloudbreaker, male, Night Elf. Very aggressive, has a saber well train... Will need to kill if Sagi wishes to confront Sylvandre.

Followed them from Goldshire to Stormwind, met up with Tekla, member of the Circus. She enjoys muffins... As do I. Attempted to stop me for my following, but ignored her...

Another met up with group, name later learned... Avints Bronzecrest, male, human. Tirius calls him a wimp, yet he had black with red trim armor, plate most likely... Will look into this matter. Also shown that this group does accept other races... Interesting.

Group left Stormwind, went into forest. Knew might be trap, but Tekla alerted me to the group... Used quick thinking and escaped. The group was very successful in catching me off guard. Professionals... Disturbing...

After returning to safe grounds, followed group back to Goldshire, learned of unknown female Night Elf joining the group... This does not bode well.

Do plan to submit report to Sagi when possible. Also wish to talk about Tekla to him... She may need more contr- ...

The last part has a red stain, smells like wine.
After a few pages of green runes, the latest entry is in common.

Found a arena for mages to test their skill, will prove useful in order to test my powers without the enhancement of Fel. Hopefully, I won't have an urge to use Fel while in combat...

I -lost-! I couldn't believe it, if only used Fe-... No. Not an option...

A paladin gave him a book regarding a Dwarf's life in Outland, he was apart of the first army to enter the orcish homeworld... Interesting, will save for later.

Also need to report into Sagi, this arena could be useful in recruitment for the Circus... With all the people out to get us, we'll need the help.
The top half of the page is charred, but the bottom is still readable.

Damnit! How could this happen!? Annabelle, one of the leaders of the House of Autumn, had me locked in a room in Booty Bay, while she helped herself to this journal and two other books! The nerve! I put an enchantment onto my book satchel... Only I will be able to open it from now on...

Now, she knows I'm in the Circus, and that I'm studying Necromancy. That b***h!

... Yet she offered help for my Fel addiction. While it cannot be cured... She could have the Fel cleansed from my body. Without that arcane corruption, I can focus the arcane into Necromancy, once I learned how the Fel to use it in that fashion.

It could be a trap, but I need the Fel removed. She tried to talk me away from my research, but.. Mayb- No! No... I must keep going with it. It's too late to go back now.

I will attempt to contact Annabelle, hopefully I'll find her in Booty Bay.

I did report the Sylvandre event, and the arena event to Sagi, minus the part of me falling and being captured... If he found out, my life would be forfeit.

Berenice did not help much, as expected. She has aquired her own minion, the Paladin who charged into my last experiment. He now craves flesh, as if a ghoul... He has cast away the Light as well... Will have to watch out for Berenice, it seems she grows more powerful each day.

Sagi has ordered me to stay in Booty Bay and keep watch over the town.... Hopefully I'll find Annabelle there...
... I have met with Annabelle in Booty Bay. After talking, she has agreed to cleanse the Fel from my body. The process will take a long time, the withdraws will be very painful, but it must be done. I am not sure if my body will be able to take it, along with not being able to use arcane. She will look over me, or have someone else when she's gone. I am nervous, but ready.

I don't know why she treats me so well, it is... Strange. I never been cared for since I left Dalaran... Never been loved... But no, she and I would not mix. As part of the deal, I have given up Necromancy research, but that will soon end once this ordeal is over... As much as she says she wants to protect me, I cannot turn from my path. All those years will not be wasted...

But, even worst, Sagi and the rest of the Circus might find out my contacts with Annabelle... My story is that I was spying on Annabelle, who led me to a trap, successfully taking me to Westfall to purify me. When I do see him, I'll explain that I just broke free...

If he finds me before the process is over... I'll use the same story. If he doesn't believe me... Well...

I'll be forced to side with this crusade against them, if I survive. They will either expose me to more Fel, then turning me into a mindless minion of theirs, or kill me. Neither is acceptable... But we shall see.

Berenice... I will send her a message about what is going on. Even if she's with the Circus, I do believe she knows what I'm doing and why. Worst comes to worst, and I side with the enemy, I believe our partnership will cease...

... There's a lot at risk here... What did I get myself into...

The rest of the page is blank, except a faint wet spot the size of a small circle.
I took part in the grand fight at the Catacombs. I did quite a number on those crusaders. My fire magic hit at least a few of them. There was one women, foolish girl tried to kill me. I did defeat her, and she was captured afterward.

Those Night Elves can fight, must be all the years they lived, to hone their skill for so long, my left shoulder was nearly cut off. Will have to be more careful next time.

Annabelle was there, I didn't take a shot at her. She almost got killed, she needs to be more careful. I can't help her like that again...

This is it... The day we begin.

I have been doing research upon this, it seems this has been attempted many times, mostly done by the Church of Light or other people who have those powers.

One the Fel is removed from my body... The process of withdraw will begin. The first day, the day which the Fel is removed, will cause massive amounts of pain.

Then, I must survive six more days without drinking any Fel Blood, in order to be able to control myself. It says I'll adopt traits from the demons that had their blood exposed to me.... And the blood they gave me was a mixed of many demons. I do believe there was an Imp, a Succubus, and a Fel Guard, not sure about the rest.

I want Annabelle to record what happens, perhaps it'll help her in the future, since I won't be completing my end of the deal....

Why is she helping me like this? I never had someone go this far as to help me, above all things, a Fel user! Is this what the Light does to people? I don't understand her, yet, I have this strange feeling when I see her. I never experience this before, perhaps this is what the Light is doing to my mind.

No... This is something else, but I couldn't possibly...

She's here.
The whole page is bloodied, burnt, and torn out the journal. This page lies crumbled on the floor in the Catacombs cell. Any prisoners there may read this if they find it.


I must see what they did to you

Forgive me
The next page is written better...

The addiction no longer keeps hold of my mind, it is free, free to see my Annabelle... Oh, sweet Anna. I am a day early, but I couldn't wait... Nothing will keep me apart from you.

My life, has been empty without your grace. A void in my heart, was finally filled, only to be ripped apart. You provided me with something those mages at Dalaran or all the books in the world couldn't give. I do not know what to call it... I believe it's love, truly. Not lust, but love. I would do anything to bring you back...

If those holy types even do bring your back, your body is still very damaged... Dieing twice and coming back is unheard of... If you died once more, I fear the Light will not be able to bring your body back to life...

Kimee, Snack, the Necromancer.... I must learn from her. If I master the art of Necromancy... We, could live together... In life, or death...

Annabelle, you gave me purpose in my pitiful life. No zealot, or the Heretic Circus, will get in my way... I need private guards... My task is too important for me to fail...

Annabelle, I long for your return, your warmth is an aura around you, and I wish to bask in it. Whomever my father or mother was, could not make me feel any better when I'm not around. You are the only goal in my life now... No one will take me from you. I shall see you again... Soon my love, soon.
The next page, strangely enough, has hearts drawn on it's edges, 'A + R' at the top, and '4 Ever' next to it.

Today, is the day. My heart is pounding, I can feel it in my ears. I'm so wired up, Annabelle shall live again today! I longed to tell her how I feel, we'll be happy together. I'll protect her, and she'll protect me. The bond we will have will be unshakable, even in death! Oh Anna, my sweet Anna, no one shall get in our way.

I'm here! The healers here really don't like me, but I'll listen to them. For Anna's sake! They have three people conducting the revival! Finally, I'll be able to speak to Anna. I have so much to tell her...

The next three pages are charred, barely any writing is on them. The 4th page is the next one that isn't burnt.

I can't believe it.

Annabelle, -my- Annabelle, is engaged to this 'Don'... She never told me... Damnit...

I threw arcane fire at the man, I almost hit him... And then I ran. I ran for so long my feet were raw and bleeding when I fell. I lay here, writing, in this forest. I never felt this much sorrow... I never loved, now... I have. And it ripped my heart out. I don't know what to do, Anna is -mine-. I can't live without her, she is the only reason I go on... Why did you do this to me....

I stopped crying hours ago. I can't anymore, it hurts too much to shed them anymore. The agony is worst than when I heard Anna was dead, worst than my Fel addiction... What hope is there for me? None... Don... This Don... He took Anna away from me... That -bastard-. He caused me this suffering, this pain, he mustn't have Anna! He let her die once, I won't let him fail again!

I will protect Anna, I will guard her life, she will not fall prey to anything. I will find cures for her sickness, aid for her wounds, protection against foes... I vow this, Don is not fit to marry Annabelle Greene! He failed once, I will -not- let him do so again. His life is forfeit.

Annabelle, I promise you, I will learn Necromancy, then I will protect you. We will travel to a remote island... Where we can live forever in peace... Anna... Please... Love me...

Tear drops dot the end of his last sentence.
The next page is in fairly good condition, tear drops once again dot the page.

I don't understand anything... I don't know why I am here. Berenice is right, she'll never love me, no matter what I do... There will be nothing to please her, or to win her heart. I don't want to go back to how things were.... No hope, no way out... Darkness. I am nothing to her... Nothing to anyone else... If I don't win her tonight... I'll never feel this emotion again. Who would care for me like she did? Who would?!... No one... Some kid with magic won't go far...

Berenice is right... I'm a worthless coward, I'm not even worth Anna's time. She's too good for me, but she's perfect! She is the one!... But that Don... With the guns... He got to her first... Why... Why couldn't be me!? Life is unfair... Nothing was normal... No parents, no family...

Maybe I'm a mistake, an error... I wasn't meant to be, that's why I was dropped off as a baby... I should just end it... Maybe there a place where our souls go... And be happy...

Oh Anna, please... Please give me hope... Please.

After talking with Annabelle, the handbook was left with her, reason unknown.
This log was after Redis was mailed the book back.

((Note: If you want to comment on any part of the book, questions, concerns, feedback, rage lines, whatever, just PM me.))

I... Feel good. As soon as I received the book, I turned around back to Anna. She still means something to me, a pounding drum inside my heart. I followed her as she walked the planes of this world, and found a small underground pool... To swim in.

She is very beautiful, very graceful as she swims. I watched her enjoy herself, as I only thought of my misery, my agony. She wouldn't want to be around someone such as I... And then I saw her... -Heard- her cry.

I couldn't bear it. It was someone tearing my heart out by hand, only moving inch, by inch. Annabelle, she had everything right for her... A man to marry, loving friends... How could she cry?

I... Ran down there. I hugged her.. Telling her to stop... It'll be OK...

...Then we talked. Talked for hours... I asked her what would make her happy... I would've done everything for her...

...She wanted me to quit everything. The research... The Circus... I told her how many I've killed. 27 men, women.... Children. Just she thought I could redeem myself... She'd forgive me... I was at lost for words at that point, and could only nod -yes-.

We leave tomorrow for Stormwind, she needs to travel to the Church there, and I'll protect her with my life... She has hope in me... I don't want to let her down...

The only problem, Berenice and the Heretic Circus... If they find out about any of this... They'll kill us both. I don't want to be selfish... I don't want to see Anna die again... If they come for us... I'll gladly give my life up so that she may run... Run and live happy... That is my goal.
The next two pages have two very good drawing off a full body Annabelle, both captured a pose of her. The first was her turning, as if answering some one, smiling widely. The other has her arms folded, her smirking at something. The third page has writing, but another book lays on top of the page, leaving a small piece of it visible at the bottom.

After meeting with a rude mage, friend of Anna's, he opened a portal to Stormwind, saved a lot of time. Poor Anna had trouble going through it... We found an inn for the day, and rent a room... With one bed...

Of course I wasn't going to share it with her, no matter how much I desire to. She's still engaged with... -Don-...

I was to sleep on the floor, I offered to do so... But then we talked for hours... She has to have some kind of feelings for me! Who else would do that?.. Maybe out of pity...

Afyer our talks, she wanted me to rest my wounded feet, instead of me protecting her as she made it to her trainer. She must care for me... I hope she does...

I went to go find her after a while, and I had no idea where she was. I stayed where the Church was, exploring around... Till I saw her came out of a buikding. She was to be trained as a paladin, she was cleary very happy about it... Then this Daas showed up, a Draenei, started talking about the Light to me. I wasn't really interested in it, because -Don- was with Anna when I looked back, hygging and kissing her... She looked so happy... Why can't I bring joy to her face, or cause her to laugh as she does with Don... It's not fair...

Maybe he is right for her, he's strong, charming, funny, a perfect man in a woman's eyes... He's now even going to attempt to use the Light... Ot sounds more of a good deed to impress Anna than true desire... But it worked on her...

I tried listening to Daas speak about the light... I don't know what's more confusing, the Light or his common... I didn't get much of it. I never was one for belief in a faith...

So I went back to Anna, it seemed that Daas wanted to speak with them next... Anna once again ordered me to get some sleep... But I am restless... I went back to the inn... Cried some... Didn't sleep... I don't know why I'm wasting my time with Anna, she's to be married... Yet she is the only one I can love... If Don died... But that would put Anna in pain... But I won't be able to live with head is spinning, I'll leave a note for Anna on this page... I need some air...

"Anna, I'm going to buy some supplies, food, water, anything that'll help for the journey back. I 'pray' that you'll be safe while I'm gone. Please Anna, do be safe."


The room seems untouched, besides the damp pillow. The book lays open on the bed.
The next page is a very detailed and amazing picture of Anna, laid on her side, draped in sheets, head propped up on her elbow facing to her left, as if she was pondering something. The next page is written in words.

I woke up early, thought to give Anna some more rest, the way she's been taking care of me must be exhausting for her. I would tell her to take it easy, bathe and wash her messy hair, but I think that would be more offending. I left, doing some shopping, looking at some of the houses... Maybe I'll live in Stormwind. Anna suggested last night that I should take up art as a career, writing or with magic. I take it as a hobby, since most of the time I was drawing detailed Death runes... I also bought some new robes... Some more food as well. I forced myself to eat something, even though I wasn't really hungry. Did get some breakfast for Anna though, hope she likes it. She doesn't want to admit it, but she's been so busy taking care of me that I don't think she's eating as much as I am. I worry for her... She doesn't have to take care of me like she does-

Anna was having a nightmare, and I woke her up. She did enjoy the food I brought her... Then we talked again for hours... She suggested now that I could be a writer... I do like the sound of that idea. I could do some more legitimate researching on another topics of interest. Hmm, will be something to look into.

I been thing about this a lot... I think I want to join the Blades of Autumn. More or less... I think it'll make Anna more happy if I do. I am interested in their windstones... Anna doesn't want me to write it down, so I'll just keep it in my head...

I asked her, and she said yes! She was indeed delightful to hear it... The only thing I have to worry now is Circus agents coming to look for me... Anna said she'll protect me, but... I'm more worried for her. If anything happened... I wouldn't forgive myself... The nightmares that I have, too horrible to think that they could happen...

I'll give my life for Anna, no question. She... Brought me out of the dark... She lets me live, normally. I owe her a debt I cannot repay... But... With love...
The next pages is also written in common.

Anna looked rather well in her black dress today, though I rather not say it in front of her... She might not approve, so I pestered her about getting me one of those 'windstones'. Again, I promised her I wouldn't write about it, so I won't...

Then I saw the elf. I didn't recognize him at first, passed him off for some Elune word shipper or what not. We met some other people of the House, and went for drinks with the Heretic spy... Talanis was his name, I think. Yes, we shared drinks, talked a bit too open for my liking... He knew I was in the House... So when I looked at his face, I knew I couldn't let him leave. Yet he did escape us, for a moment. We ran after him, and captured him south east of Goldshire. Alexas, think that was the woman's name, she summoned a portal to lead us back to the Crater to drop our new prisoner off, even though I would've rather killed him and not worry about him reporting back to Sagi.

After all that mess... Talked to Anna after I put up a portal to bring us back to Goldshire... I... Want her to be happy... And she sees me as a friend... I try to be a good friend... But... How...

Redis trails off at this point, before starting again.

Bags are packed, I want Anna to leave Stormwind as soon as she can. It's not safe here, for the both of us. I don't know how to summon a portal to the Crater, so it looks like we're walking.
A page was ripped from Redis' journal, put into a letter, and sent to Annabelle. Here lies the message.

Anna, I'm sorry for what has happened. I fear that your efforts were put to waste to save me. As hard as we both tried, I am still causing pain. To others, to myself, to you. I wish I could have done better, done more to not be this way. I suppose it's my nature, something that will not change in a mere few weeks. Or, as long as Berenice walks this world.

Forgive me, but I must destroy her. Her words crawl through my thoughts, taking hold and twisting them into something else. Something I cannot control. She has done more damage than you can imagine. She, has taken everything away from me. A home, friends... You.

If, I am successful, I want you to meet me at the inn in Cut-Throat Alley in Stormwind. I shall be staying there until I find purpose in my life. You, may come and see me if you wish. I will not force you to go out of your way to hear my agony or feel my sorrow. It is entirely up to you.

If... I am defeated... I want you to know that I will always love you from my bottom of my heart. No matter what that creature does to me, you must know this. I fear she will not give me the pleasure of death, for she wants to drag me back down to the Catacombs. I do not want to go back there, but, if I do, know it is not on my free will.

Anna, I love you so much. Forgive me.
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