Conquest of the Horde

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A few dots as if from the tapping of a pencil and a number of scribbles and crossed out words precede the text.

Like I thought, I wasn't able to keep a journal for a long while. How many months has it been? I would apologize but, who would I be apologizing to? I think I do that too much.

So much has happened since last time. I won't go into everything, I'd be here all night. I suppose the short version is, what started out as a random spat of good will has turned into...I don't know what. A war? Messengers have been sent out, calling for aid from different groups. Yes, little Anna at the front line. If that doesn't make a person laugh, I don't know what would.

But, I suppose this 'war' has always been going on. Light versus shadow and all of that. So many are so eager to kill and rend. That would be the quick solution. An arrow to the heart, and it's all over. But the idea lives on doesn't it? Whatever the opposition was fighting for lives on.

One of the Circus' members left, and I am currently teaching him about the Light. Perhaps, through him, the ideals of the Light will spread to other members and they won't hide behind sorrow or anger anymore like he did.

Some of them anyway. I know some are lost in their madness.

I fought Sagi. I haven't told any of Autumn. I don't want to be accosted with questions about why I didn't kill him. We were equal in strength it seemed, a perfect balance. It seemed almost too perfect. We spoke after, and he accused the Light of being false because it lacked a god, or embodiment. Why does he need something to see? It's funny, and sad. The Light is in him. I know because of the love he has for Therai, but he won't see it. Why does he hide from it? I think I won the debate we had.

I didn't like the man with him. I couldn't tell what color his eyes were, but they weren't normal. And he spoke strangely. He said the Light had forsaken him.


I should speak with Sariel again, clear my head. He has been a wonderful teacher. I wish I could tell more people of his existence, but I cannot risk the Circus finding him. Funny, they so love the Forgotten Shadow and yet a Forsaken (though he does not call himself that) uses the Light as well as any human. It hurts him though. It hurts me to see him use the Light.

Alexas is recovering well, and her new hand should be ready soon. Don and I plan to marry soon after that.

I wish Edward would talk. I know I could never understand what he went through, but I don't want him to feel alone. He's hiding behind that new helmet of his. Still refuses to call me anything other than Ms. Greene. But I like it. It's familiar.

I believe I will end it here for now. I think Don is getting ready to lecture me about getting enough rest.

The next few words are scribbled, as if written in a hurry.

Plague? Saronite? What is 'nightmare'?