Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Custom Racial Weapons
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There are some weapons in WoW which I feel would be reasonably easy for one of their race to access, which are not currently available through normal items and the .addrpitem system. I would very much like it if some of these items could be included, and I'm willing to provide display IDs where needed.

The ones I had in mind were tauren totems and moonglaives, and possibly warglaives and moonswords, though the latter two are more commonly associated with Demon Hunters and Wardens, so you may not want just anyone picking up one of those. However, there -are- some short glaive models which are similar to the warglaives without being the epic warglaives demon hunters get.

Some display IDs:

[Image: 2ngtx21.jpg]
25507 - Thin Dual-Bladed Glaive

[Image: 261ffis.jpg]
24925 - Short-Ended Bladed Glaive

[Image: 2zxnghj.jpg]
25510 - Dual-Blade Runed Glaive

[Image: dyq914.jpg]
4289 - Moon Glaive (probably works best as a fist weapon)

[Image: 28rjsiu.jpg]
47277 - Plague Rifle (for you Forsaken out there!)

44850 - Moon Sword (Maiev's weapon; couldn't find a screenshot for this one)

This thread has more display IDs in case you want to add more of them into the game, but I'm mainly wanting the racial weapons, perhaps in a vendor of some sort. I bet there are other people who'd like to see these too.
Oh, I like!
That last one's already an item. The one you used to need to summon Ghaz'rilla in zul'farrak.
The moon sword one? Really?

EDIT: The item used to summon Gah'zrilla is the Mallet of Zul'Farrak, which looks nothing like any of these items.
Ah, okay. I'll take that one down then.