Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: GanonDoom`s Introduction
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player.:
As a player, I have become somewhat disillusioned with a great deal of modern video games. I've always been someone who is interested foremost in character and story-driven narratives. The worry is that this kind of game is becoming something of a rarity, and that companies are more interested in providing quick thrill rides or graphical masterworks. Hopefully this isn't entirely the case, but as a result of this I own less video games than ever before. I was chiefly a console gamer for most of my life, beginning as a SEGA fanboy before branching out in my teenage years. My first PC game was Ultima Online, which also became my first roleplaying experience. I played on a private server for about six months solid before it shut down for a while. I've came to realise that roleplaying brings an element to gaming that delivers a whole new level of involvement and fulfillment. When I started playing World of Warcraft, I was hopeful that the retail Roleplaying servers would provide me with a great experience, but it turned out to be somewhat lacking.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?
I was born and raised in Scotland, one of the four constituent countries of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Today, I still live there, sometimes with my parents in the City of Glasgow, but mainly in student accommodations at the University of Stirling. As such, my first language is Scottish. I don't really have a second language, so I'm not sure what I called it my first.

How did you get into Warcraft?:
I was telling one of my American friends at University about how involved I became with my character when playing Ultima Online, and they seemed to think I would be interested in World of Warcraft. After my Ultima Online experience was somewhat detrimental to my social life, I was weary of another MMORPG, especially one with a monthly cost. However, he bought me the WoW Battle Chest as a gift on my birthday, then two free months of play time for Christmas, so I had no choice but to play the game! Thankfully I've matured enough to balance playing video games and an active and healthy social life. Kind of...

What made you seek our server over others? (or How did you find us?):
I was always aware of private WoW servers, and the idea had always interested me, but I was scared of somehow losing my retail account. I had tentatively searched for the best roleplaying servers when the roleplaying experiences on retail had let me down, and came across the Conquest of the Horde on a google search. After reading through the Wiki page, the various rules and so forth, the concept really appealed to me. I like how thorough the application process is, it makes me feel like a great deal of care has been taken to assure quality.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
I find this question difficult to answer, as in general I enjoy roleplay in any shape or form. It's great to see people building characters, believable characters who react in real time to a multitude of situations and characters. Whether they're in a tavern bonding over old battles fought together, in a classroom environment where the Archmage is teaching the younger magi the ways of the Arcane, on the battlefield facing off against hordes of naga or just a family interacting and playing off one another: roleplaying is a wonderful thing, bringing an unparalleled level of involvement and immersion in a game world. Reading a character's story on a forum or website is nice, but it's something else being able to sit down with them and have them tell it to you.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:
I think my favourite race is the Forsaken. They have a great sense of individuality, brought about by a unique and horrible history. They're self-interested, but in a way that benefits the race as a whole. Bound together under Sylvanas, you feel a great sense of community as a Forsaken. I've always been a fan of old zombie films, especially the Zombi films made by Lucio Fulci in the 70s, so it was natural that they would appeal to me before even knowing more about the lore. My favourite class is a more difficult question to answer, since I haven't had enough time with them all to make a confident decision. For the time being, I think I would say the Paladin. They exemplify for me, a type of guardian, a protector of something worth maintaining. Being able to switch between the Holy and Protection roles are what demonstrate this the most, but I'm not such a big fan of Retribution, even if it does make soloing a lot easier. I like the kind of responsibilty you have in this role, it really makes it feel like I'm playing a character who serves some worthwhile purpose. The lore of the Paladin is also very interesting to me: the story of Tirion Fordring and Eitrigg really had an impact.

What are your expectations of this server?:
An immersive roleplaying experience, where I can interact with other mature roleplayers: building characters, forming relationships and working together to create an enjoyable playing environment. Furthermore, a server which wont tolerate stupidity, and will enforce relevant rules to ensure that the players are awarded the best experience possible when the abide by those rules.

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
I think it's simply respect. The most negative experience I have had on other games were generated through a lack of respect for other players, or myself. We're all here to enjoy ourselves, so why would anyone want to ruin it for everyone by being selfish and not simply respecting the desires of other players, their characters, or the staff? If we start with this simple rule, everything else should come together as well. Respect for the players, respect for the rules. They're there for a reason!

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:
"...and keep clear of those blasted machinations!"

An aging gentleman, possibly in his early sixties, pointed with some strict authority at the rather small person before him. This particularly short individual had wild green hair and a rather mischievous looking moustache that twisted up at the ends like little party blowers. They had a very neatly tied bandage tightly wrapped around their head, and a somewhat dishevelled appearance, with an oil stained vest and a pair of loose brown trousers, torn wildly at the cuffs. The little gnome smiled brightly, and comically saluted the much taller gentleman before him, before donning some bizarre looking googles.

"Up and away!", the gnome yelled, before dashing off out of the building.

The taller gentleman shook his head and sighed quietly to himself, running a tired, gloved hand over his face. He wore thin, white surgical gloves and a baby blue overall which looked like it was almost as old as its bearer. As he ran the hand down, it brushed over a carefully trimmed grey moustache and a gathering of hair beneath his bottom lip. His dark grey hair was rolled up into a pony tail, and completely tucked away under his black surgeon's cap. All of his professional work was performed inside his own home, which was large enough to accomodate a considerable amount of people. He had transformed one of the largest rooms into an area for treating his patients, performing operations. The gnome had been resting at this surgeon's home for a few days, recovering from the removal of a metal gear, which had become lodged into his skull. A delicate operation that required remarkable skill, it was quite amazing to see the pint sized pilot in such good health and high spirits. Medicine was practiced in a large variety of different ways across the Eastern Kingdoms, the use of potions was common, and in some cases magic was used to heal wounds. Jacob Freudstein thought of himself as a traditionalist, and had no time for mysterious concoctions or spell casting wizards. He dealt in what he termed 'real life medicine', and was a self-professed expert in the anatomy of men and various other humanoid creatures.

Jacob lived a happy family life, with his wife Mary and two young children, Bob, aged nine, and Mae, aged twelve. His wife was a teacher at the local school, where his children were currently pupils. She taught history, and was very fond of music and horticulture: tending with passion the rather sizeable garden of the Freudstein household. Their children were very bright, although Bob had grand ambitions about serving the Kingdom as a Knight and fighting dragons in the snowy peaks of Northrend: much to the dismay of their parents. Mae took after her mother, learning to play the flute at age eight, and developing a fascination for archeology. Mary would often have to berate her daughter for digging up the garden and muddying her new dresses, but she was very happy that Mae was passionate about such wholesome things. Bob had heard tales from other classmates about orcs, trolls and dragons, and became enraptured with the idea of battling it out with ferocious beasts and coming home to a heroes welcome. He spends more time in class depicting such battles in his jotter, as opposed to listening to his teachers. Jacob did not look forward to the day when one of his children were his patient, but believed that Bob's current obsession was a childish fantasy that would hopefully fade with age.

Once Jacob had cleaned himself up, he was ready to take his seat at the dinner table, where his two children already eagerly awaited their food, banging the cutlery against the long mahogany table and playfully sword fighting with their forks. One sharp glare and a raised finger from their father settled the children, as their mother approached with a delicious looking platter. This was the last time they would sit together at the table as a family, for this day heralded to Lordaeron the return of Prince Arthas Menethil from Northrend, where he had acquired the cursed runeblade, Frostmourne. With him, he brought the Scourge, and began to spread the plague of undeath throughout the Eastern Kingdoms. The Freudstein family fell victim to a gruesome fate, but only Jacob Freudstein himself suffered the fate some considered to be worse than death. He would live on past his family, as a servant of the Lich King. Arthas had become a lieutenant of the Lich King, Ner'zhul, and sacked countless towns and cities in his name. Jacob was one of many victims this day, but to his mind no one felt it as much as he did.

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
I'm a philosophy student at University who is also interested in a number of other things, ranging from Ancient Chinese History and Japanese Professional Wrestling, to cooking at home and watching Star Trek. I'm quite excited about the idea of a Warcraft server dedicated to roleplaying!
Welcome welcome!

If you haven't already, please read our rules, Policies, FAQs, and take a gander at our Wiki. I look forward to seeing you on the server and be sure to /join chat upon entering, thank you! If you have any questions feel free to ask here or PM me. I'd be more than glad to help.