Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: New Rule: Plagiarism
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Plagiarism is a huge pet peeve of mine... and I'm not even a teacher! If you're posting a guide or something from another site and you did not originally post it, please give proper credit. The original author does not deserve to have their hard work being paraded around as being written by someone else. Furthermore, it's proper to ask permission of the original author first before posting their work elsewhere, even if cited!

I am aware that there are several other sites that have copied information from here (notably guides). Some of them are pretty much direct copies - others are used as inspiration. Bear in mind that imitation is not the same as plagiarizing. If you are writing something and used someone else's work as inspiration for your own post/thread, I highly encourage you to reference that in your post. It is a sign of respect for the original author, and I'm sure they would feel good if they ever discover their work being used for that purpose. On the other hand, if they discover their work directly copied to another site (without references), they'd undoubtedly feel the complete opposite.

So, as a reminder, do not plagiarize!
I should note that this goes for introductions as well.
I would like to also say that its only proper that you ask permission before copying something, especially from another website because it might be copyrighted.
Aphetoros Wrote:I would like to also say that its only proper that you ask permission before copying something, especially from another website because it might be copyrighted.
Everything that is posted is by default copyrighted even if it does not state that it is. One of the reasons people tends to add a copyright notice at the bottom is to remind people not to steal their work; another is if the text, images or music is under a specific label or brand. You always need permission from the original creator and/or brand before using it unless it is under the creative commons with certain attributes that allows you to repost or edit the work.
Also. For more information on what plagiarism is and how to avoid it, please go here. I hold to hope that people will not maliciously plagiarize someone else's hard work here on CotH, but plagiarism happens a lot, and not always intentionally! This resource can help you if you have basic questions about citation and when it is appropriate. *Sagenod* Thank you.
Oh, finally this was added!
So I had an idea for a really awesome rule, No plageri-- okay okay. No, don't throw muffins at me! D:

But on a serious note, I also agree on this point. It's a matter of respect honestly, and while imitation is the sincerest flattery, it still pisses people off to not get credit where it is due.

The thing that I feel really sets CoTH apart and makes it so awesome is how so many are dedicated to respecting everyone on and off server.

Plagiarism, the gift that keeps on giving...the same thing