Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Queen Sylvanas wants you!
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Bored of being mortal? Scared of what you might happen to you when you die? Well be scared no more! Head on down to the Undercity, located beneath Lordaeron City in Tirisfal Glades! I can guarantee that we'll make you immortal!

(spoken very fast) Side effects of immortality may include: Undeath, bad body odor, depression, a taste for brains, bitterness, and hatred of the living.

Serious part:

I'd like to address a feeling I have, and that feeling is a general lack of undead players. The few undead players there are seem to be neutral, and not loyal to Forsaken. I am trying to help raise a Forsaken nationalist guild, but recruitment is very hard because it seems nobody plays undead.

So, please, I'd appreciate it if we had some more undead who were active, and aren't hanging around Booty Bay or Ratchet being creepy (as humorous as it is).
Can we be as well-preserved as she is? ;)
Napoleon Wrote:Can we be as well-preserved as she is? ;)

Yeah, if you get the Chinese forsaken patch.
Too bad that it's a very much client side thing :)

You're right tho. There is some interesting roleplay possible for the Forsaken. I might consider it at some point!
I might... do... kapish... dish... forsaken stuffs.
I too wish that was a skin option.

Any way what is your guild, I have a few undead that are looking for trouble.
DuskWolf Wrote:I too wish that was a skin option.

Any way what is your guild, I have a few undead that are looking for trouble.

Fallen Guardians. Just send me a PM, or hit me up via whisper or mail on Abderos.
Maybe if my character dies and my character after that gets rejected I'll make a Forsaken. Not sure what he'll be, though.
This is fairly fortuitous; I had just rerolled my Forsaken this afternoon. If I have the time and inclination, I'll pursue joining a guild. For the time being, I'm just looking to explore her personality a little more.
Sad thing about Forsaken roleplayers is that majority don't know how to get out of the box and become one-sided apothecarians who throw plague bombs at everyone. Sad thing is, Blizz enforces it and turns the Forsaken race into just another mindless zombie race bent on killing everyone. I used to lead this cool Knights of the Queen guild here. It was a cool change. Goodluck I guess. Watch out for that pitfall.
Yeah I love Forsaken, but rp is hard when there isn't enough forsaken running around to roleplay with. I don't know, I just like roleplaying Forsaken all together. What ever happened to that Undercity Dreadfleet? That was fun.

Edit: I would definitely join the Undercity Dreadfleet if it was remade. It was only Forsaken, and all Forsaken in it were only loyal to Sylvanas. Just absolute fun when I roleplayed with them.
I'd like to note that I've been tracking the numbers of different races throughout the day on and off again for the last month or so. Part of it resulted in the creation of The Regiment, which is intended -- in part -- to bolster dwarven-centric roleplay. And, from my experiences, there are far less dwarves online throughout the day than Forsaken.

Perhaps the creation of a Forsaken-centric guild would fill this niche, just as The Regiment has.