Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Dead Knight (C wut I did thar?) [RC]
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Dael'ar was cold. Much colder than usual. Being a rune-wielding Death Knight with necromantic powers at his command, he had always been with death, wherever he went. Since his Ritual, Death had followed him wherever he went. It was a titanic, disconcerting, all seeing, all dancing crack at the world. All of your dreams, passions, troubles, friends, enemies, efforts - all of it was irrelevant when you meet a stone bough at 9.8 meters per second.

And that was precisely what Dael'ar had done. To accentuate the injuring, he had been hit with a pyroblast, several fireballs, and slashed with a sword beforehand. It was a humiliating defeat. He had made a good effort until the second fireball. At that point, the fire mage had taken the upper hand. He had rent his chest open, his mageblade cutting through the armor with ease. Just as the blade left his skin, he'd brought his hand up and blasted an inferno into his open wound. The pain was indescribable as he was lifted off his feet and sent flying through the air, in a panic as he realized he had been falling too long to still be on the rocks.

In his spinning he caught a glimpse of the blood red stones racing up to meet him, and panic had forced his heart into dramatic fervor. Just as he was turning back for another glimpse at his death he collided with the unmercifully hard stone. After that, nothing. Memory did not operate in his state. Slowly, decomposing microorganisms were creeping into him, ripping him apart slowly but surely.

Then a blast of Light filled him. He didn't see it, but felt it as is coursed through him and pulled him from the black morass of death and back into the mortal realm with a feeling like being pulled by a rope hauled by a bone gryphon. The spell of resurrection was rather cumbersome. Almost lazy. Where some coaxed life back into the body, this was more like a forceful recalling. Akin to grandmothers slapping the wrists of children who run off into the woods when they aren't supposed to. But he wasn't thinking yet. His first though was thus; I'm breathing?

Short-term Drawbacks
An extremely movement impairing limp.
Severe weakness.
Severe 3rd degree burns and resulting pains.

Long-term Drawbacks
Ghost pains for the rest of his life where the burns are located.
A slightly impairing limp for life.
Fainting spells from severe head trauma.

Edit: Forgot the rezzers and killer!

Killer - Lodur (Abishua)

Ressurector - Annabelle (c0rzilla)