Conquest of the Horde

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[Image: 30v0zep.jpg]
It begins as a whisper...deep within your mind.
You don't want it, at least not at first. It wants -you-.
The Grave calls. It begs you to master its tainted energies; to become forever in its embrace.

Don't pretend not to hear. The call is urgent now as you barely resist the temptation.
The urge to open every coffin, defile every tomb.
The urge to study the Undead, examine their weaknesses...
...and their many strengths.

This power can be yours. The energies of death yours to command.
You see what the Lich King did wrong. You see the mistakes he made and you laugh.
Arrogance was his downfall. You don't need to be arrogant.
Because you know you will be better.

I am Nemeth, and we are the Brotherhood of the Grave.
Together we can transcend the Curse of the Flesh the Old Gods gave to us.
Damned Yogg-saron.
But we need to thank him too. Without him...
There would be no death.
No undeath.

It won't matter if you refuse to listen though.
Because whether willing or not...
All will join the Grave.

• The Mission
+ We are a small group of like-minded individuals who wish to gain control over the powers of undeath so that we can transcend our mortal shells. Basically we want to become powerful and immortal by manipulating undeath. (Though that requires prestige.) For now we are researching undeath, heading places like Raven Hill and looking for specimen to study.

When I mentioned small group, I actually did mean small group! There will only be about 4-5 real members and that may be it. Although at some point in the near future we will be recruiting guards, and 'test subjects'. Test subjects would be characters that we would attempt to make undead, via magic, potion or other means. They seek the perfect form of Undeath.

• The Order

+ With such small numbers there really isn't much need for a ranking system, in fact most who join will be given a custom rank. There are going to be however, a few ranks that I will list here.

+ The Harbinger. This rank is one of the two leaders of the Brotherhood. His word is law. May override commands given by Darkmoore. (Astus)

+ Darkmoore. This rank is one of the two leaders of the Brotherhood. His word is law. May not override commands given by the Harbinger. (Peter)

+ True Member. True member is -not- the actual rank name, however this is the OOC title given to the 4-5 real members we will have.

+ Guard. The guards will not be recruited until later, and they will basically provide security to the group in case they need it.

+ Test Subject. A captive or willing recruit that will be used as a test subject.

+ Initiate. A recruit that has not achieved true member status, somewhat of a trial period.
As of now no initiate rank is necessary.

**New Ranks may be Added**

• The Laws

+ Respect. Respect your fellow brothers and sisters. (This applies to OOC as well as IC)

+ Tolerance. Be tolerant of each other. You must learn to accept your brothers to advance in skill and knowledge. (IC and OOC)

+ Listening. Listen to your brothers and always obey your superiors.

+ Faith. Have faith in what you are doing and that it is right. Do not give up in what we believe.

+ Power. Be powerful, learn to use everything you have against those who would oppose you in your pursuit of knowledge.

++ Secrecy. This is one of the most important rules. ICly and OOCly there are things you don't say about the guild. Our base (which you will learn of if you join) is meant to be a secret. I don't want OOC knowledge to even subconsciously effect the roleplay, such as 'Light' guilds being able to easily find it. Happenings in the guild may be spoken of OOCly if necessary, but NEVER ICly unless without express permission. This may sound harsh, but to break this rule could warrant death for the character who commits it. Consider it a warning if you break this rule.

• So what can I expect if I join this guild?

+ You can expect roll/trust type combat events, long epic (and fun!) storylines and help OOCly.

+ I want this to be a friendly guild OOCly (and as ICly as warlocks and evil-doers can be) and if you need help simply ask and I'm sure we can help you. For example if you're a low level character and aren't a grunt, we'll try out best to help you level up and help you get good gear and the like.

+We can also try to help (its hard on us 80s too!) with shortages of gold.

+Even if you're just feeling lonely or sad and need someone to talk to, like a family, someone in the guild should be there to listen and cheer you up.

• How to join?
+ Getting into the Grave can be easy, but it can also be hard. You see, we recruit out members ICly, meaning that I won't OOCly invite people. They have to meet Astus (the characters actual in-game name) or Peter and RP with them. After a bit of RP, they may or may not be told about the Grave, depending on if our characters find your character trustworthy. If trustworthy our characters will ask you to join the guild ICly, and your character will need to ICly say yes.

So yes, it might not be the simplest process in the world, but it makes the most sense to me. By all means contact me via PM or respond to this thread asking if we could set up some sort of RP where the characters meet, I'm not opposed to that at all. Well I've hope you enjoyed this post, if I've left out any information you feel should be in here, do let me know as it was quite early in the morning when I wrote this!
[Image: scourgeskull-1.png]
"All will serve..."

[size=85][b]*Note: I have to give major props to Volshi, who created the amazing graphic at the top of this page.
OOC Bit here:

This is something that a character of mine, Bregar Mortair Cimitero, is actually trying to attain.

However, he is a proud individual and thinks he can do it alone.

Might need to break that. :P Majyk do you want to set some sort of 'chance' meeting in game where we can RP about it? You seem interested if I'm correct.
I would very much like that.

When will such an occurance happen?
I don't play an evil character, but... Damn I kind of wanna join now. I'm thinking maybe a chance meeting will change some of Avon's thoughts arounds...
This would suit Redis very well...

If anything happens with his status in the Heretic Circus, I would totally attempt to set him up here. As a researcher in Necromancy, he'll do well here.
Majyk, whats your character's name? I can friend you and we'll work something out when we're both online.

I'll friend you too Avon!
Aphetoros, I(Xanatos) won't get on for a while. I need to buy a new computer and will get back next week.
I'm just reposting this just in case people didn't see it.

I'd like to know what times you guys are available for guild RP, if I don't get responses I'll pick a time thats good for -me- without consulting ya'll.