Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: The Great Novalight Championship
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[Image: novalight.png]

"From the depths of the Eversong forest, going through the frozen Northrend, and all the way to the desertic Tanaris, a rumor goes onward. An association has taken on the Stranglethorn Vale to host some sort of... Contest. The reward? 10 Gold pieces and the offer of a high rank on the Light of Nova. All you need to do now is sign up and SURVIVE."

[Image: event1.png]

A good friend of mine told me it was basically Medieval Paintball. Well it's not quite like it, and in a way it also is... The adventurers involved in the event will be sent out to the jungle in two teams, The white team and the Black team; each team member will be receiving a bandanna with their team's color which has to be used on a visible area of their body/armor (This will be done via a GHI buff). The goal for each individual is to obtain EVERY bandanna; yes, all whites and blacks by carefully wandering the jungle and fighting any enemy they find. Of course there are some simple rules for this:

1.- Players with only Black Bandannas can only attack White Bandanna wearing players and visceversa.

2.- When collecting a different color bandanna from the first you received (White team member killing his first Black Team enemy) you MUST start wearing both bandannas (Via GHI buffs) (even if you have more than just 2 bandannas, you only need to have 1 Black Bandanna and 1 White Bandanna buff).

3.- Players that have one White Bandanna and one Black Bandanna are considered "Neutral" and can be defeated by anyone.

Of course, alliances are accepted, but in the end only one Adventurer can have all the bandannas.

[Image: event1u.png]

The roll system for this event has some slight differences from your regular /roll fights.

1.- We will be using /roll 1-50 for the fights, not /roll 1-100 as usual.

2.- Multiple attacks are optional (Ex. Randomplayer sends two fireballs at Randomenemy) But you must roll for each of these attacks. There is no max amount for these attacks, but each one gets a -10 (Ex. first fireball would have it's roll value unchanged, second fireball would have -10 to it's roll, third one -20, fourth -30, etc...).

3.- Self healing or friend healing is accepted but it's effect varies depending on the type of healing.
-Magical healing (Priests, Paladins, Druids, etc) can heal 1 HP but has a cooldown of 2 of the caster's turns. You must roll to see if you lose focus or not.
-Potion healing heals 0.5 hp per turn for 4 turns, giving a total of 2 hp. You must roll to see if you are allowed by your enemy to drink it or not.
-Bandages can only be used out of battle when combined with herbs (I trust the players will only use herbs if they are ICly herbalists). They heal 1 hp and stop bleeding wounds. No need to roll for these ones.

4.- Poisons are not accepted. Bleeding wounds are expected, and be realistic about it; you can't expect to get stabbed and still fight/walk normally. If this happens you lose 0.5 HP every 2 turns and lasts until you use a bandage (with or without herbs).

5.- Fel magic is banned. Killing is also not accepted. There are Darksteel Slayers Scouts on the trees all over Stranglethorn, any Adventurer caught attempting to kill another, or using Fel will be captured by the DSS Scouts and brought to the Arena for temporary imprisonment (As long as the event lasts) If you are imprisoned and get bored by any reason, you can switch alts or something. We will release you anyways.

6.- Be careful, you can be randomly attacked by wild animals.

There will be no judge for this battles, since many of them can happen at the same time throughout Stranglethorn, so i will have to trust the Players to go by these rules. I know you're good guys and nice RPers.

[Image: event1i.png]

Easy. Just fill up this 1000 question sign up sheet and post it right here :).

Name: Drakmian Ishnar Lightbound.
Class: Light Using Knight.
Race: Blood Elf.
Association: The Light of Nova. (Just put the guild you are on, or "None" if you don't have any).

The only requirement is to have GHI (Gryphonheart Items). It can be downloaded right here.


List of confirmed Adventurers:

-Ghardiak Nao'Sarien.
-Aroes Blackstone.
-Shivala Shadowedge.
-Morgane Faralzen.
-Ryx'en Sunseeker.
-Koriel Sunbreaker.
-Aleah Dawnarrow.
-Ecthelion Lorethien.
-Saif Ibn Al-Essa.
-Ognor Fishcrusher.
-Harkin Rockridge.

[Image: event1h.png]
Name: Ghardiak Nao'Sarien
Class: Hunter.
Race: Blood Elf.
Association: Darksteel Slayers
Name: Vrandiel Gracestride
Class: Hunter
Race: Blood Elf.
Association: None
Name: Aroes Blackstone
Class: Mage
Race: Human
Association: The Blades of Autumn
I can't help but notice there is no set time here.
Name: Shivala Shadowedge
Class: Warrior
Race: Night Elf
Association: The Pride, Clash Company
Well, that is because, depending on the amount of players involved I will decide on a date. If i get enough players, we could even do it this Sunday. Otherwise, we'll just do this next week.
At least keep somewhat in mind that I have school on weekdays and probably others as well. Considering the time zone difference, there is a slight chance I will not be able to attend.
Ok. In that case, I will try to get the event going on next saturday, nighttime.
. . . I'm pretty sure that works.
So, the date for the Championship has been set to Saturday 28, 17:00 server time. I'm saying this for just in case some people didn't know but the server time is shown right below the CotH logo.
Name: Ryx'en Sunseeker
Class: Hunter
Race: Blood Elf
Association: Darksteel Slayers
Name: Koriel Sunbreaker
Class: Rogue (Thief)
Race: Blood Elf.
Association: None.
Recent revelations has shown me that I can not attend to this event. This saddens me. but life goes on.
Name: Aleah Dawnarrow.
Class: Hunter.
Race: Blood Elf.
Association: None.
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