Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Acceptance and such.
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Ermm.. I'm not really if this goes here but here goes.

Tis' about the whole acceptance and such for grunt and profile.. I have just yesterday (8/23) made a profile post and I was wondering if that also goes under Grunt.. There was also a test/answering thing I did some time ago where I had to say what I could improve on the server and what my most memorable RP was and such.. Where do I view if someone has replied to that o.o... I apologize for these questions I would just like to know ^_^ <3
They send you an email saying wether they've declined it or accepted it. Good luck to you! <3
Said profile requires -FULL APPROVAL- before you are eligible for gruntship. Meaning, you can't have just posted it. Initial approval does not count. The profile will be moved to the subforum Approved Profiles Pending Gruntship when it's fully approved and -if- you are not a grunt. Only then can you submit the questionnaire for gruntship. Only after you become a grunt can the profiled character be moved to the Wiki and be leveled up to 80. To do this, you must open a ticket in game, on the profiled character, requesting such. After you obtain gruntship, all profiles you post will be moved to an archive (after approval) and then to the wiki.
Yup /agree with Skaar.
I'd also like to add that part of the requirements for submitting your Gruntship questionnaire is that you be an active, participating member of Conquest of the Horde for a minimum of a month. This is partly to prevent people from meeting the requirements, disappearing for a month, and then coming back to request that their previously approved characters get leveled. If people take an extended absence, we consider the month-long period to be from around the time that they returned.

I only state this, Catherina, because you joined the server back in January of 2010, but only recently started posting on the forums again. I don't know if you were active in-game, but we do take that into consideration. As a result, you may need to wait another week or two or so before submitting your questionnaire for approval as a Grunt -- once your profile has gotten the coveted "approved pending gruntship" response.