Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Rensin's Guide to Inter-racial interactions
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Heh. I giggled so hard at that, Pies. My mind hates me.

I'd like to add something wonderful about being encouraged to be hostile/racist in character interactions.

It's fun. Lots of fun.

Don't tell yourself that you're an open-minded person IRL as well as ingame. Because I'll know you're lying, and I'll laugh at you (and it will be awesome fun. For me.)
Everyone is biased, regardless of who they are and where they came from. Your environment may not be overtly racist/nasty, but there are still definite traces of it.

This bit holds true out of the game too. You say you're not biased? Think of stereotypes. Think of racial groups. Think of economic classes. We treat people differently depending on their background, and take it completely for granted. Think about it.
It's a sad fact, but we are all prejudiced IRL.

I suggest you make real life prejudice useful by applying its rules to your roleplaying. Don't just resort to insults and dirty looks to convey racial tension all the time. Get creative. Try subtle discrimination, promotion of some races over others, stereotypes, etc.

For the record, I have a remarkable degree of fun roleplaying racism. If done right, it can be fodder for many hours of playing.

Edit: It's very telling that I mention 'fun' three times in one supposedly serious post. Heh.
I feel the strong need to bump this because of some of the things I've seen going on recently.

I know that most of your ears perk up when romance is on the table, regardless of what race you are and what race the opposite gender is, but come on, guys. Act accordingly. We've had several talks about this stuff, and although there might be RARE cases where people will get into interracial relationships, it's just not something that happens often.

So at the risk of sounding like a bish, try not to mix your apples and oranges and have your Drae date a Drae or Orc date an Orc. You'll be much happier and there's a better chance of having a baby that doesn't look like it didn't have enough time to cook.

And like people have been saying, the hostile RP is quite fun. As Etmosril said, we are all a little prejudice IRL. It's human nature. With that being said, I'll leave you with a small video and be on my way.

Spoiler'd for general lag issue clear-up and some people might be super sensitive about the content therein.
Kiffles Wrote:there might be RARE cases
Aye, there are cases where it happens BUT remember, it's not love-at-first-sight, okay? If it happens then they should've some how talked and get to know each other for a very long time.
I tend to promote racial hate on Martellibus... yey?... and I mean piles of that stuff *nod nods*

It seems like Draenei might be treated with distrust by the Alliance, for well.. being different and to those who have seen Eredar, look -very- similar to those high-ranked powerful Daemons.
....More like class-dependent hate. Eh, HERETIC?!

I have one pacifist now. But it's because she took vows of neutrality to help her with her work - and she still struggles with it.
I am very happy to see this being bumped in the Recent Forum Posts. There has been way too many interracial friendships that...just do not make sense. I know it can only go so far before becoming an issue, but it's bothersome. I really can't stand seeing Blood Elves and Humans buddying up, even the Booty Bay or Ratchet. There really are exceptions, but usually it's just not realistic. Seeing partnerships that really should not be is like an annoying itch you can't scratch.

I really wish more people would read this guide and take it seriously instead of brushing it off like most people tend to do with guides.

Everyone does tend to cut corners sometimes, but some corners are way too big to go unnoticed.
Kiffles Wrote:I know that most of your ears perk up when romance is on the table, regardless of what race you are and what race the opposite gender is, but come on, guys. Act accordingly. We've had several talks about this stuff, and although there might be RARE cases where people will get into interracial relationships, it's just not something that happens often.

I actually haven't seen this happen much, maybe I am just not looking in the right places for all the weirder pairings of romance. The only interracial romance I have done was gnome/human, and from what I get it's actually pretty plausible. Wasn't there a guide to romance somewhere in the forum?
Certainly everyone wants to imagine that they are indeed in the spectrum of “rare” and given that RP can be a bit scarce or exclusionary the I'm sure it seems reasonable. Unless one wants to make the rules more direct, like saying “yes this happens but not to YOU, don't you do this”. Then I don't see how it is unlikely at all.

Perhaps there should be some sort of application process. If you want to get friendly with someone of the opposite faction then you have to get it approved. I agree that seems a bit absurd and more importantly it seems to stand in the way of organic RP which I think might be the root of this problem, if it is a problem.

If one allows people to make their own decisions about their own RP then one may have to accept the outcome of that decision. The other option is to enforce your RP views on everyone else. Which is the whole purpose of rules. If the rules just say “rare” then everyone is allowed to think themselves rare if that is what they decide in the course of their RP.

I might point out that seeing a blood elf stroll into the lion's pride arm and arm with someone of good standing doesn't keep my character from thinking we are being invaded. Life doesn't have to be easy for these mixed couples but it requires RP interaction from others to put on that pressure.

This is all just my opinion certainly and I may be way off base. My apologies if I have mischaracterized the nature of this in some way.

To be honest I havn't really seen more than being friendly to one another just for some information to do a job done, excepting my human. Why does my human have a Blood elf friend? And no, they didn't meet and say "hi lets be pals" actually my human tried to stay clear of the elf, but this was in December last year and a lot of RP's happened to the part of where my human's so paranoid he only trusts 2 people: His Blood Elf friend, John who saved his back in early December, but they rarely speak so it's mostly the Belf, apart from that he's seriously gone to the "everyone's out to get me" mode.
I'll also note that a lot of half-race children have been the result from rape, rather than real love.

Just something to throw out there.
Yup, rapists exists no matter what some may say. But I just want to make it clear, my human and his blood elf friend wasn't friendship-at-first-sight it was RPed. Also, that so far my human is no where near what I planned him to be when I created him.
I'd just like to point out Broxxigar the Red was accepted and friendly with Night elves.

Just throwin' that out there...

And Grom Hellscream drank demon blood before savagely tearing Cenarius apart. Your point?
His point was not -everyone- is at war with one another, some get accepted into another race.
The world is composed of millions of NPCs who really aren't cool with it, and a small portion of people (PCs/adventurers/criminals for the most part) who are kind of cool with it or very okay with it.

That's about the short of it. If you want to roleplay and pretend the world of Warcraft lives and breathes then you have to acknowledge the prejudices of common society and the rarity of adventurers and tolerant folks in a large and vicious world on the brink of collapse. Friendships and relationships that bridge faction boundaries are fine as long as you acknowledge the place of your characters in the world they live in, and the background they come from in that world. If it fits, it fits. If it doesn't seem like you'd be friends, maybe you should think it over.
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