Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: [IC] A bloodied note.
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On the Headmaster's desk sits a simple envelope sealed with wax, imprinted on it is the symbol of a wounded lion. On the front it is addressed "To the Headmaster."

"Dear Headmaster Edgar Barlton,

While I have your attention I would like to take the chance to say I am quite saddened by the events of yesterday, it has taught me a valuable lesson, even those you think you have figured out are not as they appear. What motives you have for continuing to live in your current location I do not know, do not care, and could probably never understand. I do feel as though I gained a better understanding of the place's inner workings.

In this second half of this letter I would like to compliment you on both your powers of insight and in magic, you were correct in not trusting me..which is a shame because I thought I was a pretty good actor.

Not everything I said was a complete lie though, I do seek power but I will find it the right way...I'll be coming to find you some time and repay your for what you did to my arm. Long live the Kirin Tor.

Aroes Blackstone"