Conquest of the Horde

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I'd just like to put forward a request/suggestion for a free item for RP that is an equipable (preferably a ring, necklace or trinket) that renders you by some means 'non-hostile' to mobs (such as making you generate no threat or marked as a non-viable target) so as to allow non combat RP to take place in areas that have mobs that would normaly be drawn to attack the character. I would sugest adding certain afflictions to the wearer such as an inability to attack or use skills/spells/professions so as to avoid the risk of abuse (if you see it fit to include such a thing).

If there is already an Item such as this then I apologise but I think this would really help open up areas for RP especially to people of a lower level who would otherwise find themselves unable to enter these areas.

As a victim of repeated gorilla maulings in stranglethorn, i approve this idea!
Agreed, because even though the world might be dangerous, there are not enemies every 20 yards.
I am FracturedGuardian and I approve this message. Seriously, this would be helpful for low level characters getting to some of the RP areas.
On the last server I would disagree, because it discouraged people to RP in dangerous locations, but the range we pull aggro on mobs is a -bit- extreme on the new core. I don't know if it can be fixed or not htough.
It would be heartlessly abused by -someone-. Using Benefit of the Doubt doesn't really work anymore. With all the people we have, someone would do it. Ergo, instant problem.
but surely if you limit the wearer from using skills/spells/attacking/etc. including Fishing, gathering, and the rest then there would be no option to abuse, If they can't do anything that mobs would usualy get in the way of then what abuse is there that can be done?
I agree with this...dangerous location or not, millions of monsters rampaging out of the wilderness every ten seconds is irritating and unrealistic.
Something similar to this was discussed during the Meet and Greet. It was specifically stated that being able to roleplay in higher leveled areas is a perceived benefit of leveling (and, if need be, getting approved). From the Meet and Greet summary:

Quote:Difficulties Roleplaying in Zones as a Low-Leveled Character
  • The staff will not be making mobs neutral. Grakor explained that being able to go into higher-leveled zones for roleplay is part of the perks available to players when they level their characters. Furthermore, most of these mobs would be hostile to players -- in-character, at least. This is considered a deterrent to people who may want to roleplay in places where they should not.
Based on the intent behind the decision, I do not feel that an item that would have similar results will be crated or offered to players.
I must admit the idea of areas that characters 'should not RP' seems odd to me, surely the concept of Role Play (at its core at least) is to play the role of a character regardless of what happens in there lives and where ever there travels may take them, as for the anti-mob protection sentiment I was only suggesting it as an aid to RP for circumstances in which you would have ICly snuck to a location or cleared it out of the creatures that were there and are now RPing the next part of there scene but would rather not be interupted (and possibly killed) by respawning mobs that ICly should no longer be there (at least for the purposes of the scene being played out). At least that's my view on it.
Yes, I brought this up at the Meet and Greet and I got that response. Don't worry you're not the first to think of this! xD Though Aroes does make a good point, in some places there's enemies every 5 yards. I mean the population of cats in Ashenvale is rather ridiculous. Icly they'd leave nothing left. :)
In spite of what Grakor has said about it, the ratio of predators to non hostile herbivores like deer and general civvies is grossly unnatural, and is purely a mechanic of WoW and not a RPing one.
Omnivar, they don't want you to not RP. They keep it that way as a way to get people to try to profile there chars.
I never ment to sugest they wanted to stop us from Roleplaying but I fail to see how restricting where we can RP in a comfortable manner (without the threat of random mob ambush) would help us to develope our characters, surely all that does is limit the developement that can occur to events that would take place in areas that would be 'safe'
I think what they are trying to say is that there are more mobs than guards in some instances. Like once before as a lowbie I had been killed walking on the road in Elwynn because the Defias wasn't exactly in the range of the guards just yet. Still, incidents like these could probably be fixed with a few levels.
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