Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Taking the Hard Line
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After a rather lackluster move (Yes, I've been moving this last week. Forgot to mention.) left me bereft of internet for a time I made an investment in a wifi network for my new apartment. Overjoyed at its completion I hoped on WoW to play a rousing game of 'Find the Role-play.'

Three minutes in and any thought of role-playing are dashed. You see, it is rather hard to role-play, let alone walk, when your latency is at 6702.

At the suggestion of a very close friend I purchased an Ethernet cable and hooked it into my laptop. Positive that I had bested the beast I hooked it up to an internet jack that was in the wall and started it up. I was able to surf the internet with ease, chat with multiple people over a messenger software and even download and stream video at relative high speed. I was positive that I had fixed the problem.

But when I logged onto WoW it froze just after signing on. 'Connecting', it told me. 'Connecting'. 'Connecting'.

For the next twenty minutes I continued to retry numerous times, logging in and out with the exact same results. Finally I switched back to Wifi. Took three seconds and I was able to get on WoW. I switched back to the hard line. Another two seconds.

"Were sorry, but we cannot access the server. Try again later. If that does not work contact us at: http://www.....

Any suggestions? I cannot RP on the server with such high latency.
While I'm personally horrible at Tech stuff, I've never had much problems with an ethernet cable. How are you connected? As in.. Is the ethernet cable coming straight from your modem? Is there an router in between, a possible switch or anything?

( Basically, the modem receives internet from your internet provider and sends it through. While the router is put in place behind the modem (thus, the modem receives the main signal, sends it through towards the router first before any other PC) to provide wireless access, or to allow more computers to work over ethernet cables.)

In theory, the connection could have been open to all the other services but effectively blocked WoW at the same time due to either ports being closed, a firewall in the way or anything along the lines.

As for wireless, I've never liked it as it always has caused high latencies for me with whatever I'm doing. The signal is easily disrupted by either big beams of metal in the way, other signals causing problems, or basically because you are a floor higher then the wireless antenna. It could be, that the new house has more stuff in the way then your old one, and therefore makes it really hard for you to play normally over wireless. (I know I can't use it on my computer, simply by being on a floor higher)