Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Modem/Router Issues
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Well, I've been having some issues lately that really prevents me from playing as much as I would like.

Sometimes (on some characters specifically) my WoW manages to crash my modem and make it shut down. Granted, I know our modem is not the best. Nor is our router, which randomly decides to lock itself when it feels too many connections.

However, problem is just that... This was never an issue before. Why now, all of a sudden? I just have to log on WoW and stay logged in for a couple of seconds most of the time for internet to die down completely in my house - for all computers and the people using them at the time.

I successfully crashed the modem three times this evening.


I don't know any of the specifics on the modem or router, but they shouldn't really matter. It's only from my computer, when I try to connect, that it crashes. Trying to start WoW on any of the other computers work just fine.
It may be simply wearing down from such use. Perhaps looking into a new one would help.
Have you tried to whole unplug/reset of the modem and router? Are they dusty? If so get a can of air and spray them clean (same goes for the computer, people don't really realize what dust can do). It's odd that it can be character specific. Also, what is your internet speed; is it dial up?