Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Body and Ghost stuck in lava.
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I would be lying if I said this wasn't a little bit embarrassing. Anyway, my character Grimnir fell into the lava pit in the Great Forge section of Ironforge, and he was quickly and painfully incinerated. The only problem is that his ghost spawned right where his body is .... the the lava pit. Aswell, I can't stay alive long enough to hearth my way out of the hole, so to speak.

So I was wondering what can be done to get him out. Can I just make a ticket in-game to get him out? I assume being in ghost form won't prevent me from doing that. Thanks in advance for any conformation or input.
Yeah, fill out a ticket explaining how your character is stuck and a GM will get to it.
Thanks for the quick reply!