Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Alightment shift
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Just wondering, even though we have to start our alignment upon character creation, is it possible here (with enough character development) for a character's alignment to shift?

Like a villian redeeming or vice versa. Have we had that before?
Perfectly possible. No-one has to stay exactly the same, character advancement is actually encouraged, as long as you dont swap allignment from chaotic evil to Lawful good or something dramatic like that without significant reasoning and a gradual change
One can be Lawful Evil or Chaotic Good, Miah. It has nothing to do whether one's Good, Neutral or Evil.

On the topic, yes it is possible to change alignments. As the character progresses and changes, so does their personalities and thus their alignments.

CotH Wiki Wrote:Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good
Lawful Neutral, Neutral (Or True Neutral), Chaotic Neutral
Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Evil

Please refer to this wiki page for more information on Character Alignments.
I think it's very possible to shift alignment, but it can't be done willy nilly. It's a sort of gradual thing.

One of the biggest factors I think is age and maturity that can factor in. Also personal events may cause someone to change. That being said, I think people in general are always changing in some way. We definitely might not have been the same as we were a few years ago, right? Should apply to characters too. They can evolve.
Skaar Wrote:One can be Lawful Evil or Chaotic Good, Miah. It has nothing to do whether one's Good, Neutral or Evil.

On the topic, yes it is possible to change alignments. As the character progresses and changes, so does their personalities and thus their alignments.

CotH Wiki Wrote:Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good
Lawful Neutral, Neutral (Or True Neutral), Chaotic Neutral
Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Evil

Please refer to this wiki page for more information on Character Alignments.

Yush i know, but to go from Chaotic evil to Lawfull good would be a huge swap over, like going from Lawfull evil to chaotic good. Just saying don't instantly swap over vastly :)

Also, Lawfull evil are my favourite character's to play with cause they are oh so diabilical, Chaotic evil are a little samey cause you see it a lot more.
I'd also like to point out that unless a change in alignment is done right, then you can end up straying down the path that Mary Sue walks.
Thanks for the insight guys.