Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Blaze200038`s Introduction
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player.:
Well, my names Matthew, I'm fifteen (been playing five years now). My favorite colors are black, silver, and crimson. (( *Is following that 'this can be anything'* )) I spend most of my time in World of Warcraft roleplaying, and raiding when none of my acquaintances are online. I listen to most types of music, with the exception of country, folk, and 'fusion'. I prefer symphonic/progressive/orchestral/melodic metal. I am a total trekkie, and a big fan of Monty Python, both of which I often reference OOC.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?
I'm from the United States, and the only language I speak fluently is English.

How did you get into Warcraft?:
I was first exposed by my sister, who got it on release day because she worked at a game retailer. It looked fun, so I waited a few months before getting it.

What made you seek our server over others? (or How did you find us?):
I was recommended by a good friend of mine who suggested that this was an excellent server for Roleplaying.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
I tend to enjoy roleplays with an atmosphere of relative calm, but I do not abstain from a fair share of fighting, both duels for sport and for blood. I am not a big fan of massive multi-person brawls though, unless they are properly and efficiently managed to not become total chaos.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:
My favorite race is definitely Night Elf. I enjoy the grace, mystery, and calmness that generally dominates their nature. My favorite class is Death Knight. I greatly enjoy the versatility and numerous abilities that can be engineered in Roleplay by using the default abilities of Death Knights, and I enjoy the basic idea. I also very much like the weapon set available to them (although I eternally lament the inability to use shields).

What are your expectations of this server?:
As of yet, I have no expectations. I am hopeful that I will find it to have relatively little griefing, which I have become accustomed to on my favorite Blizzard server.

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
The Role-playing & Respect rules. On my old server, I encountered people who, after finding out about a private role-play I was engaged in, gave me a rather rude lecture about how they abhorred what I was doing. These rules seem to state that exactly that isn't allowed here, which I like.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:
(( Oh, choices. I hope third person is alright. ))
Aranthack blinks suddenly awake, to the sight of the amber light of his eyes reflecting back at him in the shiny blackness of a grizzly bears deep eyes. The young hunter remains still for a long moment, before slowly sitting up, hugging the bear tightly.
After releasing the bear, he sighs, glancing around the ravaged remains of his camp. "What now, Arcan?... all that we had is gone... burned in the wake of that fiend...." As he spoke he rose, wandering around, stopping to spit in disgust on the bloodied corpse of a Nathrezim. "Why must demons like this exist?.. it is as if Elune has left us, forsaking us to fall upon the unholy blades of our foes...."
With a sigh he kneels over, clumsily picking up an elegantly curved sword. "Ne'er did I think I would use this blade as desperately as I did this past eve..." He glances at the bear, who had been following his master's aimless wanderings past smoldering fires, puddles of blood, and dozens of smashed musical instruments. "...why do I bother.... Food. Food first..."
He digs through the remains of a crumpled tent until he finds a heavy longbow and a dozen or so crooked arrows in a stained leather quiver. He slings them over his back, muttering slightly as he snapped his finger for his bear to follow him as he walked through the trees, away from the shattered camp.
After well upon an hour he stops, his eyes flicking around the forest at everything that moves. He cautiously draws an arrow, knocking it on the bow he was carrying, still muttering to himself. "Why us, Arcan?.. were we so much more deserving of this fate?.. and what do I have now, but you, this bow, and the bodies of my only friends…" He raises his bow, pulling back the arrow, the bow creaking in a familiar way from the stress. He points it over a bush, his eyes locked on a stag. His eyes narrow as he releases the arrow, sending it whistling through the brush, before finding its mark in the stag's flank with a ponderous thud. The animal called out its distress for a brief moment, before it was drowned out by Arcan's charging. The bear crashed through the bushes in the way, ending the stag's pain with a quick snap of his jaws around its neck. He quickly falls to devouring the slain animal in a most un-ceremonious manner while Aranthack slowly walks over.
Aranthack looks at the corpse of the stag as Arcan tears into it. His face gives away his mild surprise as he says, "We will hunt, Arcan. We will hunt the fiends that slew them, and drop them to the ground as one drops an aged deer, grown feeble from a long life…" He walks past purposefully, patting the bears back as it finishes its feast. It quickly hurries to follow them, the two of them disappearing into the depths of the forest.

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
No, there isn't.
Welcome to the server!