Conquest of the Horde

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The Introduction
Hi! Tired of all the cultist guilds getting you down? You're a good ol' opportunistic scoundrel signing up with the folk who'll end the world and the money you love oh so dearly. Fear not, worthy deviant, for the mighty gnome Obadiah has the answer! The Underworld is a cross-faction, all races, mafia guild who's only interest is profit. Pure, unprejudiced profit. We are on a ceaseless crusade of taking over all the cities (Exodar excluded, them Draenei are never tempted) by means of thievery, bribery, and hitmen. But above all, fear. We'll draw the solid, hard working men and women in with a pat on the shoulder and promises of an easy life, but before long they're in debt and our pockets are nice and heavy. Join us, or we'll make YOU an offer you can't refuse!

The Leaders
The leaders of The Underworld are what you'd expect them to be: business men. They have little morals and will gladly backstab each other in the same of such a business. However, that's not to say they don't work well together. They hold meetings to discuss everything going on frequently, and will remedy any problems most sleazily. Generally, they go by nicknames, for mystique, but it is not required. Also, they each oversee a different part of the business.

Current Leaders
Guild Master- Obadiah Swivvlegear, who goes by the name of Ozymandias.
Overseer of Product- Not Filled.
Overseer of Force- Not Filled.

The Ranks

Courtesans: Essentially the slaves of the organization. Yes, they work the streets. And they are obligated to do anything higher ups command, even if the higher up is just one rank above. They are given a single set of clothing to wear on the job and one to wear on off time, and a small knife for defense.
- If a Guard comes, hide from him.
- If you can't hide from him, run.
- If you can't run, seduce.
- If you can't seduce, bribe.
- If you can't bribe, kill.
Regulated by the Overseer of Product.

Hitmen: The backbone of force behind this guild. Hitmen don't even necessarily mean assassins or anything, they're just the ones that do the threatening, make the visits, they're the one's that cause the fear. They're the bullies that get the higher up's points across. Regulated by the Overseer of Force.

Procurers: These are the one's that get to travel the world, make deals, and retrieve the product. They are given free reign and substantial assets for whatever they should need to get the product. They remain in contact with the Overseer of Force due to their need to threaten farms to secretly grow the herbs needed and also hire mercenaries to acquire Fel Blood and Saronite. Regulated by the Overseer of Product.

Infiltrators: These guys are the stealthy ones, the ones that can put on a face and get anyone to believe whatever they want. They infiltrate the governments, businesses, other guilds, anywhere, with their one goal being information. The Underworld has to have blackmail about everything, for this will help them maintain control and above all the fear. They will be feared, and respected. Regulated by the Overseer of Force.

Thieves: The common pickpockets or robbers. They can also do drive bys with the Hitmen. However, their main function is to keep ears throughout the cities and get as much funds conventionally as possible. And unlike the other members, they give their earnings and information directly to the guild master, who regulates them.

The Habits
(Both OOC and IC)

- Never call the drugs drugs. They are simply "The Product." This helps keep us under the radar since, come on, we're in cities, and cities have guards. Silly, idealistic guards.

- Have some form of suit. Be it tuxedo, or dinner suit, or anything. This is the Mafia, we're classy people.

- If you defect, you will most likely be hunted. We don't like the threat of our secrets held over our heads.

- No godmodding or metagaming, fairly straightforward. Besides, those are more cultist type habits, all things considered.

- You do NOT talk about fight club Underworld. Anyone who spills information will be terminated.

On a Side Note...

Let me know if you have any questions or if I failed creating this guild post, kthx.