Conquest of the Horde

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Only AFK.

That said, it seems I might have to go AFK for a while now. Y'see, as of Friday, I officially started my college education. So far, from what I've witnessed of it, it actually isn't that troubling, though I imagine the novelty will wear off very quickly. The work I've been assigned thus far is a fair bit more difficult than what I'm used to from high school, but I still think I'm on level with it.

It's not the difficulty of the work I have to do, it's the quantity. Just over the past few days I've been assigned six hours' worth of homework, and these conditions are unlikely to improve. So . . . wish me luck, I guess, guys. I'll still be around as often as I can, but I don't think that'll be very often.

I'd like to apologise to everyone involved with any of my characters, particularly Nexi, Pletious, RiffRaff, Dmitra and Majyk, who will likely be deprived of regular appearances of Dancer for the foreseeable future. QuantumLegacy and the rest of Clash, too - sorry I couldn't make the tourney on Thursday. Not to mention Xigo's Dark Heresy group. I completely missed out on the fact I'd been included into the group until I checked my PMs this morning, and I'm sorry I missed last night's session.

That said, I will still be around, at least for a while. You can count on that. I'm not abandoning my commitments here on CotH just yet, just letting you know that I can and will abandon them should it start to inhibit my education. Heh. Sorry, folks.

I'll miss you guys, that's for sure. You lot kick some serious ass, and I do hope that this isn't goodbye, just yet. Have fun.

Lots of love,
Best of luck, bro!
Just get your work done at a steady pace and you'll
find you had more time than you thought.
G'Luck, buddeh! We'll miss you!

You better be back. QQ
Kibbles will miss his belovd Dancer. But school work is far more important than our work. You finish it, do well, and come back so I may insult you with hurtful words. And put you in heels.
XD Yes, be a good boy.

See you later Dancer!

