Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Bronhue`s Introduction
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player.:
Greetings! My name's Jacob and I've played World of Warcraft on and off since its initial launch. I'd still play today but the problem is that I noticed role play servers tend to 'decay' over time, eventually losing that initial core community and tend to become watered down by people not so interested in what the server was initially created for in the first place. Which, inevitably brought me here.
I generally tend toward character development through play with a strong initial concept, rather then creating a strong character with a solid, unwavering background from the start. I do like creating some back story for my characters, the basics, but I tend to 'feel out' what I find interesting about the character through play as well as develop more complexity as time goes on.
Most of my role playing experience on WoW (retail) is in playing an extremely resilient Dwarf Warrior, went by the name Havish Stonehammer, or more commonly from his friends Meatfist (due to his over sized hands). I developed my own version of how he speaks common/english in-game too, with it's own rythm and such (though it's purely phonetic with unusal punctuation).
I've also role played a blood elf in the past, though more lately I've been in the mood to role play a druid (Likely a Night Elf, as I like their passive/abstract way of speaking).
I tend tend toward the more creative characters (I like gnomes quite a bit) although I do enjoy playing a 'dumb' character as I find the limited vocabulary challenging and tend to make up for it more with sometimes less is more, and what's often expressed and not said just as powerful.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?
North West United States. I Hail from northern Oregon, only a few hours from the coast, and as wet as it is I love the climate.

How did you get into Warcraft?:
Started playing with a friend close to launch (of Classic) and once I learned the basics of the game I loved it. Played up to 80 on the aforementioned Warrior (Meaty), and kept playing, mostly starting new characters when I played out my others. Got into some moderate to heavy role play with my warrior in a mercenary guild on Shadow Council that use to host events (called later the Blackheart Bravos), a band of mercenaries really, but generally decent fellows (some very good role players too).

What made you seek our server over others? (or How did you find us?):
I've played on one other private server, which I liked due the the smaller community and the GM interaction with the players, something I hadn't experienced before and loved.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
I've enjoyed tavern roleplay in the past, but what I really like is adventure roleplay with a point to why you're going out and crack'in beasties' skulls and bothering to delve into said dungeon. Adventure with a point is what I really like, and more so with good company to boot.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:
Dwarves and Warriors.
I love the warrior, pure in your face combat masters that are either beat-face or tough as nails, or even the occasional battle-frenzy berserk-er. Not much for the finger-wiggling, nor much for prayer, just got an axe and certainly know how the use it.
Dwarves 'cause well, I just love dwarves. I love their ever stoic character, their pursuits in and of their crafts (i.e. traditionally brewer, blacksmith, silversmith), their honor and even how the handle dishonor. I also love their faults, their lust for gold and accumulating wealth, their sometimes harsh/realist demeanor and even their odious personal habits. Don't ask how many pewter fantasy dwarf minis I have, it's a lot.

What are your expectations of this server?:
I expect to find active role players that either have experience role playing or are learning and are respectful and open minded to learning the ropes.
I also somewhat expect to find either a guild, or group of friends at some point that I associate with on a regular basis that I can have some sorta continuing storyline with, or simple just people I can form at least casual relationships with and either meet, or run into on a semi-regular basis.
I also hope that the server is active enough that I'll run into people actively seeking role play and are comfortable with random role play in cities or even in the wilds/roaming that don't mind chatting it up. Assuming they're not busy with their own business.

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
Not that I don't think they all deserve a good reading but I like the section on Tolerance most, actually. I think it's a good principal that even if you don't like another person's character, that doesn't mean you should be mean/snub them. After all, it's a game and honestly they could simply be playing a character that just 'rubs your character the wrong way' or something similar, and that's no basis to judge the person behind that character. That and if anything role play shouldn't be offensive...if it is there's definitely something wrong.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:
I have an old story of Meatfist that seems appropriate...<digs through his pack>

Fishing in the Barrens
By: Meatfist Stonehammer

Meatfist spotted Ratchet's local tavern in the distance, and began his approach with a hard, grudging expression etched on his face. “Goblin ale, bah…they call it ale do they?” He thought to himself, remembering the last time he had the ‘pleasure' of suffering a mug of the goblin brew. He adjusted the rope he had draped over his back, held by two hands each easily the size of large hams. On a rope draped across his thickly muscled back dangled many dozens of fish from his recent haul from a particular caverns secreted away in the Barrens. He had been told of this cavern back in Ironforge by an old dwarf, a wrinkled old fisherman of all things, telling tales of strange fish and even stranger things that happened to those who ate them. Meaty figured that these would fetch quite the price to some finger-wiggler back in Stormwind, but right now he had something full-bodied and thick on his mind, and it wasn't women.
The tavern in the distance was much closer now, and so were the three local guards stationed at the entrance to the city. As he approached one of the armored goblins called out for him to stop and present any weapons he was carrying for inspection. Meatfist was never one for handing his weapons over to any goblin, so he sensed that this could result in trouble.
Normally, Meaty reveled in ‘trouble', relished it in fact, but trouble in this case meant hoofing it from Ratchet to that human settlement in Dustwallow and gaining passage from there to Menethil. By then the fish would only be good for attracting and hungry critters that were about. Grudgingly Meaty thought about handing over his axe, but then a thought occurred to him.

“Ye wants me axe? Well ‘en, how am I s'posed ta chop wood fer a fire ‘en eh?” Meatfist responded, adding a hard glare.

“You won't need your axe here, Dwarf.” The goblin responded in a raspy tone, gesturing for him to hand it over.

“I s'pose ye aven't noticed, but I ‘ave about 30 pounds 'o' fish ere that needs cookin',” Meaty hefted the fish from his back so the goblins could see it. “So if ‘en ye'll s'cuse meself, I need ta see a goblin about some flint ‘en tinder fer makin meself a fire ta cook these ‘ere fish…'en fer this many fish I'm gonna need one mother 'o' a fire!”

“Alright, alright.” Conceded the goblin “, Just don't start and trouble and we won't have to ‘detain' you,” the goblin threatened with a sly grin.

The goblin squad parted and allowed Meatfist to pass into Ratchet. “Now about that drink,” Meaty thought to himself…

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
My only real question is how active is the server, relatively? Just wondering how many people are on during the day. And thus roughly how many people I can expect to run into on my travels (assuming I'm accepted).
Welcome welcome!

If you haven't already, please read our rules, policies, FAQs, and take a gander at our Wiki. I look forward to seeing you on the server and be sure to /join chat upon entering, thank you! If you have any questions feel free to ask here or PM me. I'd be more than glad to help.

The activity of the server, as anything, depends on the time. At early morning/late night you'll see about 20ish people while at mid-day (to me, east coast USA) we see a range from mid 50's to 70 people online.