Conquest of the Horde

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[Image: KILL.jpg]
For it is the lesser man who delivers hatred by race, instead of society.
For it is the lesser man who kills his own blood, blood the most precious currency.
For it is the lesser man who takes what he wants without reason, or righteousness.

[Image: GREED.jpg]
For it is the coin and the power that is to be held by noble hands.
For it is the duty of the lords and ladies to distribute power and wealth.
For this, ultimate charity, we share in blood together, one nation, one people.

[Image: DEATH.jpg]
For it is the land of prosperity that holds the most well crafted defenses.
For it is the land of brotherhood that holds the most stalwart people.
For it is the land of nobility and justified means, in which it cannot be overtaken.

[Image: Throne.jpg]
For it the crown that must hold the burden of leadership, justice and wisdom for all.
For it is the noble lineage that must stand as order and ready against chaos overwhelming.
For it is the duty of the blades of the empire to strike true, to defend its peoples.

The House Cruor Sacramentum…


These words are the heavy descriptors given by the Imperator of the House himself…
These words must define us all, for in these words can be found what is needed to forge a kingdom in the age of chaos.

Nobility, the most key, important trait of the House, For without this trait the House would of faded long ago, and never had its chance to stand under the watchful and fair gaze of the Imperator's Crown.

Pride, a forging factor of those who would raise up the banner of nationality and fundamentalism within the kingdom.

Glory, the driving factor of the fighting force that would stand against shadow and chaos attempting to stop the growth of power and dominion of the House.

Power, the grand trait, the reliable force, the chain of command and courage. Power is required to face down all opposition and raise a proper kingdom.

Loyalty, must always be had, without complete and utter devotion there would never be a nobility or the ability to gain power. All must always remain loyal to the hierarchy and moreover, to the Imperator.

Order, is attained by all other traits, a sensible peace. A protected kingdom has a level of order upon it to flush out crime and pain and poverty. The Imperator and the House alongside him strive to attain this most precious trait.

What is this organization…

The House Cruor Sacramentum is a noble and elite forming of like minded peoples, a new kingdom must be forged. One that will have power, peace and pride of its name. The ends justify the means in most cases as the House marches forward to attain land, legacy and legend, striving for a haven, or dominion rather to rule in some way.

The House shows dire loyalty no matter what to the hierarchy of anointed nobility. Without it the promise of peace and prosperity in a new fair kingdom can never arise.
The House always does as it would, conducting its self with high esteem and grace, the House also has not so savory or well cut members as well. These members though most likely are not the true face of the House.

If you stand in the way of order and power under a single imperial dogma of all races banding together for the good of us all, you are either an enemy or unworthy of being saved.

The Hierarchy of the House…

The Imperator – The ruling crown of the nation lay upon the head of the Imperator, and it is his sworn duty to guide the House into the path ahead, through battle and politics as the House gathers its power. The current Imperator is Craven Bloodvalor.

Magistrates – The inner council of anointed nobility is made up of the magistrate. It is their duty in any way shape or form to give constant information to the Imperator and assist with the politics of both war and commerce as best they can.

The Praetors – As the outer circle of anointed nobility, the praetors must uphold the pride and glory of the nation. The House looks to the praetors to give leadership in battle and in peace alike. The Praetor assure morale is kept high within the dominion of the Imperator.

The Crown Guard – It is the solemn duty of the Crown Guard to keep the Imperator safe at all times. They also to a lesser extent protect the Inner and Outer circles of anointed Nobility.

The Justicar – Policing the nation and weeding out outside influence and crime. They assure safety of the peoples of the haven the House is providing to all. Strike out chaos that would harm the kingdom.

The Templar – The force that is ready for battle, as well as the Justicar, must defend the people. The Templar are moreover the force that is called upon as the bright banner of the kingdom. The nation the House is arising must have a clean, elite, and unified force of troops. The Templar show this trait.

The Artificers – The artificers are those that deal with the mundane side of creation and dealings within the House. They are commoners to a fault and may serve as militia if they desire, but the choice is selective service. Everything from engineers to blacksmiths, farmers to hunters fills this role.

The Artisans – The artisans are those that deal with the magical side of creation and dealings within the House. They are commoners to a fault and may serve as militia if they desire, but the choice is selective service. Everything from mages to librarians, shamans to priests fills this role.

How to gain entry to the House…

To join the House, several ways are before those that would.

-Being born into the House, or blooded into it through family based oath.

-Joining from a state of wealth, donating your worth to the kingdom and filling the role you best would fit. Taking the oath of fealty to the crown.

-Joining from a state of poverty, doing all you can to further the nation and filling the role you would best fit. Taking the oath of brotherhood to the crown.

-Mercenaries, give up their life of wandering death dealing and supplementing the fighting force of the kingdom. Therefore protecting the kingdom from threats by use of your skills. Taking the oath of blood to the haven.

-Joining from a realm of druidism or shamanism, only devoting to the nation and the Imperator. The promise to keep the whole land in balance as power is attained. Take the oath of kinship to the nobility.

These oaths are a required step to become a member of the House. Once you join the House, you are part of the kingdom, if you leave without a good reason to the Imperator himself, you are a traitor and will be killed at our earliest convenience.

Praetors, Magistrates and the Imperator are the only members of the house that may administer the rights of your joining with the blood of the brotherhood. In many cases this oath will take some time and the exact words of which cannot be expected on an out of character level to always be remembered. Therefore a short emote of accepting all the conditions of joining the House should suffice.

The conditions are the traits of the House, and most of all, almost feral loyalty to the Imperator and the hierarchy is an absolute requirement. It is expected on an out of character level you do your best to always up hold this, the House cannot afford any shenanigans amongst its people.

Questions? Thoughts?

Private message me or state here upon the guild post.
What race/s is this open to?
All willing to join the cause.