Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Second account Madness.
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Hey, Having an issue. I requested a second account, and got it granted, with the details Username: Miah2 Password: zl15foay
I deleted the character with this mail after jotting these details down so I could remake the character on the second account, but apparently the details were wrong, or the account didn't exist, as I couldn't login to this new account, assumably the password was wrong or I wrote it down wrong but please help! Maybe I could be PM'd the actual password, or, the password changed or, well, anything, Not sure how you guy's would handle this.

1) Might want to delete those details
2) See if you can login to the account manager. If you can then you can change your password there.
Didn't work sadly, and The details are wrong so, its not like anyone can use them right? :P
You could just transfer it between accounts, why delete the character?
...Because i diddnt know I could do that... xD
Oh god..

Well, run it up with GM's.
I think something similar happened to someone before the restart.
Woops... Miah, it all gon be k.
I can't use the components, as you need to login with login details to use it. And they dont work.
Harr. I had problems too. Thing is, the password is case-sensitive. and sometimes, it's REALLY hard to make out what letter it actually is on the wow mail. Try if there's any other possible letters. Like that it could be either an "L" or an "I" and so on. After some experimenting, I managed to log in, at last.
Considering the nature of this issue, I strongly suggest sending Kretol a PM on the forums next time regarding this, and -not- posting your private details on the forums. Have you tried to contact him?
Not yet no cause i thaught it would be a bit rude to run right to the big boss with the issue. And those details are wrong, so, its not like anyone can use them :S
Well Miah, time to get to the big boss.
And yes, someone could use them. With enough patience and what not.
PM sent!