Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: School Strikes Down the Best of Us
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The subject says it all. Due to school and Marching Band (<3) I will be fairly inactive for a very long time. I am a 4.5 GPA honor student, and so I have a title to keep.

And so, Farewell for now CotH! This last summer has been fun, but I must concentrate on school and other things. I shall be back when my passion for RP returns.

Until then, Ranko, Zol'jock, and Francis bids you all an adue.
Farewell. Luck be with you, Icemat.
I commend you for putting jock in a troll's name. Unless it wasn't a troll name, then I epicly fail.
Durr hurr.
Everyone's struck by school. School sucks.
I will speak for everyone, and say, we'll miss you!