Conquest of the Horde

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It's been quite a while since I left for Northrend, it seemed. Everyone was so different when I came back...

The priest, Annabelle, decided to pursue the path of the Paladins. Voran seemed to be awfully close to a young mage girl called Reigen, and appearently the House of Autumn was re-made.

A lot has happened today that led me to write a journal, should I be unable to keep up with all the events by memory alone.

I had recieved a letter from my brother, Athaniel, that had appearently lived through the attack on Quel'Talas as a Death knight. I traveled to Northrend and searched for him with hopes of finding my brother, and instead I met only his shell. His body was the same, but what was left of him had no feelings. Just a fake personality and the same ideals as the one I held dear.

But I didn't give up. No, I couldn't. I searched for ways, devised plans, all came to failure. My last one is the reason for my return -- If I acquired just a bit of the Sunwell's waters...

I'd need to find a way to get by the heavy guard unseen, any other way would be far too dangerous...

Once I returned, I met up with Alissa, Eve and Voran. After a bit of talking I ended up meeting the mage, Reigen, that lacked one eye and one arm after being attacked. I agreed to help her, as it'd give me a chance to test new enchantments.

I placed several of them on an arm made of glass, so it'd be malleable and slightly less brittle.. It was impossible to make the girl get her sense of touch and of course since no Engineering was involved the arm needs her own Mana constantly infused on it to work otherwise it'll stop functioning and instead become a lump of glass attached to her elbow. She'll get used to it in time, I'm sure, maybe even become able to cast her spells again in time.

The eye was significantly easier, as the only difference it needed from a normal glass eye was my kin's characteristic green glow.

After both were done and successfully implanted into Reigen's body, she rested. I myself roamed the place that we chose to complete the "ritual", the Azshara Crater for a day or two, before meeting with an Orc, a Draenei, a Human and a Tauren at a nearby fire. What happened then wasn't important, but what happened afterwards. Annabelle arrived with a mage as her company. He immediately seemed to dislike me, but I chose to ignore it. I was glad to see Annabelle again after such a long time being gone.

We talked for a while before all moving to the Arena to watch two humans battle. That's when things went downhill.

Anna asked me if it'd fight her again, for practice. I decided to go along with it, but added that we'd only use melee, as she wanted to be a paladin and I, a battle magi.

I'll have to admit, either I honed my skills well in Northrend or hers are quite sloppy. I cornered her with ease, to the point I gave her a few free hits and yet could have been victorious. Before the defining attack, I sheathed my blade and said it was her victory. We're friends, after all. The problem came after.

The mage, Redis, jumped from the balcony and tried to attack me. First he summoned a pillar of fire, that I was got by surprise and unable to successfully dodge. Afterwards he tried to hit me with a fireball, but I simply stopped it with my hand and mocked him, claiming that his skills were useless if not used on surprise. Annabelle was clearly shaken, and said she "Knew what happened." She ran towards the stands, while I moved towards Redis. At that time, a Kal'dorei and two orcs had already appeared to stop him from doing anything else.

It took all of me not to end the human's life at the spot. The insolence... But I couldn't. Not now. So I turned my back at him and walked away... Disgusting.

Voran healed me, and I met the orc Ghash. A shaman, who was willing to join the House of Autumn and looking forward to help us, with his own objective in his mind.

Then I met the red mage, Eroci. She was an interesting girl despite her habit of vanishing and reappearing all the time. She agreed to help Reigen by gathering special herbs that'll control her Fel addiction, but only for a few moments.

After talking for a while, I left, and passing through some sort of dungeon consisted of a large staircase going downwards, I heard sounds. Following them, I found Redis had done something stupid again... And this time Annabelle was in danger.

I waited until everything was solved; It ended with Berenice and Redis' banishment from the Azshara Crater. I must admit... I'm glad that happened.

Me and Anna decided to head to the Ratchet to cool off over the recent events over a mug of... anything we could find. We drank a bit, while sharing each other's stories. Now we headed to bed, and while she's asleep I choose to write this small journal.

Worst case scenario, in one hundred years or so I'll be able to read this and laugh at myself for being foolish enough to befriend humans...
More things happened today than I'd like. This seems to happen an awful lot around Annabelle.
I took her from the Ratchet to as close as I could get to Stormwind without the guards killing me, and when I dropped her off we had... moments.

Soon, however, a human wearing a large dark armor appeared and started questioning Annabelle's escape from the catacombs. I decided to just go along, and after a bit, we separated, going in different directions.

Then, we went to meet with Reigen. She still wasn't healed, as expected. Eroci appeared with the herbs she spoke of, easing her pain. Afterwards I went to show Annabelle the tower -- we wanted to switch bases after the commotion at the crater, and I suggested Aula Arcanum's past base, the mage tower at the center of Azshara. There, Annabelle and I had another... moment.

We returned to the crater, where we discovered the herbs had better effect than expected -- Reigen was fully healed. We went to the tower to celebrate, and well, it got an awful lot more crowded than I'd hope, another thing that seems to happen whenever Annabelle is around. The human is interesting, indeed.

Annabelle wanted to spend an awful lot of time with a human called Edward. I thought her fiancée was called Don, however? Well, I assume this is not something I should question her about as it could generate some sort of anger towards the question.

After a while, whoever, I received worst news -- The Heretic Circus were trying to resurrect Shadovarn. Why the fel would anyone want that bastard alive again?!
And what about Rinoros... Do they have his body as well...?

Well, Annabelle has just gone to bed after walking with Edward, their arms in an awful weird position. I'm writing this note as I try to put up with Voran's ramblings, as he woke up and is still drunk -- There was a keg of wine in the tower I'd rather not have him find, and unfortunately, he did.
This note will be far too short, as I need to finish it as soon as I can to continue watching Reigen. She has started to move and behave weirder every momment after I figured out who she was.


What is this feeling that drives humans and Sin'dorei alike? Fuels someone's hatred for someone else, the desire to take back something that can't be returned.

Someone murdered Annabelle's parents. From the Heretic Circus. Berenice gave me a lead. His name begins with "Cha."... I'll need to look into that.

Other than that, me and Annabelle and I've gotten closer, I can see that. I ended up saving her life twice today, in two different circunstances. Then there were complications, people pissed me off until I could no longer withstand it, and there were huge arguments for hours. Seemed like everyone wanted to discuss.

Incredibly, Reigen was the one who stood up for me, ever after I lashed at her. That cost her greatly, though, it hcost her her identity. Long since I had realized she seemed to flip between an immature child and a mature woman in a matter of seconds. Long since I had thought she was hiding her true self. After I carried and laid Annabelle in a bed (She finally decided to open up and cry as much as she wanted, to te point of almost not being able to stand. Part of me is glad she decided to trust me like that. The rest... would very thankfully die before seeing her like that again.)

((Ugh, I'll post it like this because the text keeps scrolling up all the time. I'll just write another post as well))
((Continuation from "note 3"))

Anyway. I questioned Reigen about that when she was acting "mature" again. Her act was revealed. She's but using the Autumn, to her, it's just a game.

She is far powerful than any of the others expected her to be. Far too powerful. Perhaps she's just a bit below my skill, or we're equal. But right this momment, I have the advantage. The arm I made, that feeds on her on mana, was something that ended up being quite useful, as she'll be unable to cast any stronger spells for a while. Should we fight, too, I can easly shatter my own creation or turn it into a useless lump of glass easly. That can work to my advantage.

As for now, I'll wait. To find out why Reigen chose Annabelle, and us, to play her little game.
Something... quite embarassing happened today. I won't mention a lot on it.

But anyway, today as the attack on Feralas. I was there firsthand to withness it, and fight against it. We took the enemy down easier than I'd hope... but the leader of the attack sacrificed himself to summon the doomguard. When it launched a wall of felfire towards all of us, I reached to Annabelle on instic, shielding her with my body. I fell to my knees and in pain, but I survived.

After being healed, I decided that I had to talk to Annabelle about something... important. I can't mention what it is here as the discovery of this journal could put her life in risk if discovered by the wrong person.

Other than that, Reigen seemed to lighten up when she heard that I shielded Annabelle and was mortally wounded in the process. If she was happy that I shielded her or simply that I got seriously burned, I do not know. I like to think she likes me a bit more now, though.

I shall further update these notes if I manage to tell Annabelle. I can only hopeshe believes me.
...I returned to the tower to find something rather distressing. The book, that I've been hiding up to this point, has been found. I don't know who. I merely returned to find the book, open, on top of my bed. It's clearly a warning that whoever found it, knows I'm the one who's been writing it.

I can no longer be explicit of my actions from this point forward. I can't risk exposure of the facts I intended to originally write in these notes.

At any rate, I decided to ask Annabelle if she'd accompany me in a one-day getaway from the tower -- From being the leader of the House of Autumn. She accepted, and we headed to Dalaran, I opened a portal.

The getaway was nice, even if Voran went and got on it's way. I mean really -- He even went ahead and mentioned her dead parents.

Why the fel would someone mention her dead parents in a time like this? Really?

Either way, other than that, everything went nicely. I bought her some toy for her fiancée, and we rested a bit at the town square. Just chatted, and everything seems to have gone nicely.

I'm glad I managed to make her understand.

I mean, I -was- drunk on that incident, after all.
So, Sagi is dead.
Feels unreal. It happened so fast, it was so... easy.
Perhaps too easy.
We fought his lackey, a woman I believe was called Therai.
She took us all with a single blow, which obviously gave me great worry. Should she come back for Sagi's corpse... I don't know if we can stop her -alone-, fel.
Other than that, I started Redis' training. Smashed the boy's nose... not my intention, but I'm not crying either. I decided to hand him one of the old staff's in the tower, that he'd like, to gain Annabelle's favor. Appears to have worked.
Reigen seems to have left the tower and returned in the same day. The Death Knight, Dael, offered his services to us. Don't know if we should trust him.
I went to Dalaran with Annabelle, where we had our share of fun. I'm glad I'm being able to take her on those escapades often -- helps her clear her mind.

I guess that's all I can update with. After I figure out who's been reading this book I'll be able to once again write all of my discoveries without any sort of complications.
I'm currently at Annabelle's house, after a turn of events that brought me here.
I was in Dalaran, after getting my belongings back from Silvermoon, talking to the

Human mage from our guild, Alexas, and met Annabelle and Redis. It was obvious they were some sort of "special" meeting, and so I had no intention of intervening, but Annabelle called for us, leaving me with no choice.

Later, she insisted that I gave her the dresses that I bought her, even thought she held a blue doll that the mage had probably got her.

I was puzzled, but obeyed, and gave her the dresses. Her reaction was claiming it was far too much, as usual.

Later, we talked to Tarania, a Kal'dorei, and Karast, a Draenei, over a couple of drinks. Had to leave quickly as we were summoned to accompany her into seeing her Parent's bodies.

The conclusions was that perhaps Mordus wasn't the one behind it.
Don is dead. I saw Tyria again after fifty years, and Redis and I are now brothers. Weird turn of events.

Annabelle was contacted by her master regarding something important.
Don was murdered, his soul ripped clean off. There's... not much to talk about that. Anna was depressed, as expected. I'd rather keep quiet.

Tyria. She's a childhood friend, that used to travel the world with me, my master and her teacher -- her father. I don't know where the old guy is, but Tyria certainly changed. Not her personality, no, but her body and skills. She's certainly a fearsome fighter now, and her beauty reached an... intriguing extent.

Redis and I, stroke a pact. I used a spell, kind of made on the spot, to bind us through our blood to a same ideal. If we break this oath, we're to die. It can prove to be quite... interesting.