Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: The Shades of Grey
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How does everyone feel about the 12th of december? 7-10 A.M server time.
Okay, so that date and time passed. I would like to try to do this again on the 3rd of Janurary. About the same time though I can do anytime on mondays. Let me know. Also if you have a character that you would like to get into Shades of Grey this event could be a good opportunity to do so.
I have an human assassin/rogue which -would- be interested in this.. if it wasn't because of his merc. guild.
So I was thinking, would it be possible to arrange an alliance or something -sometime-? We are allied with Tri Written aswell.

Just a thought since all of the three guilds seem to have the same point of interest.
My character would be very interested in this if it is still up, send me a PM if you have questions about my character...
If this is still active, I may have a character interested too.
Most of us are gone but I still have Ralnoc who would be capable of inviting you guys to the Grey society after a bit of Rp. Like mentioned in the guild post there isn't an actual guild tag, its more like an alliance between different players. But yeah, I could definitely meet your characters and Ral could be the judge of your joining after some rp if you'd like.
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