Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Yet Another Activity Check!
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School has started for me, but I don't see many reasons to waste my freetime with homework, when I can use it for things like roleplaying here or doing something funny.
Yes, school, but this is my first simester as a professor. So I have to make this count.
Schoolwork, piano classes and crappy projects I'm working on are pretty much killing my free time. ;_;
I've been away for a while due to computer issues, a need to download and reinstall, a lack of free time while other players are on, and a general lack of motivation as a result. It seems that there are now players on between 4am and 6am my time! This is most encouraging! Looking forward to being on from 4-6 am consistently for the foreseeable future.
asdf I hate anstehia, and my heead hurt...8stares pschyn down*

The well needed edit:

So, I'll translate what I said a while ago, under the influence of anesthesia:

I do not like going to the dentist to find out that I have 4 minute cavities that need to be filled and a molar to be taken out, which takes 5 hours to do so. I also do not like the hours of pain and stupidity that the anesthesia caused. >.<
Oh wow that sucks Ghurm. Atleast the bad stuff is gone?
No, despite my constant brushing, I didn't get technical enough with my daily flossing and I am told I have gingivitis. Now I know that I need to floss not only the sides of my teeth, but also those little gum sections.

*readies himself for blood and meatwork...
I'm about the same, except sleeping earlier.
Classes are starting next week for me, but that shouldn't really cut into my free time. I'm planning on still being pretty active here. :)
Slightly late reply/vote, but yes, classes / work have taken their toll.
Yet another late post. Planning on taking prep classes for my G.E.D. Then take some college courses after, send some applications here and there for arts colleges. Hopefully pursue a musical career. So, my RP has been at it's all-time low. (part of that might be because my comp busted...) Anyway, hope everyone is doing better than me! xD Hope to see you guys in-game soon!

P.s. Oh, and Ghurm, don't feel bad, I just found out that 2 wisdom teeth in the way back of my jaw on either side have grown in sideways and I have to have them removed... I know what your thinking "Oh, just an extraction? Don't be a panzie." Except they have grown in with my jaw bone D: I'm scuurd. Hold me? Lol. Aside from my massive t.m.i. ranting, hope to see you all soon! We cannot forget CotH! NEVAR!
I'm around and nothing's changed. Still busy as heck at times, and might not so much busy the next week. Right now I've got a bit of a hangover so might not be doing much anything but watching bad movies today.


"Not really! Things are about the same."
Ugh... College and the need for two jobs, and a girlfriend, as well as friends...

But my habits probably won't change much until the big college classes kick in...
The need for roleplay has withered with the new study I have picked up on.
Got to change my answer..

That darned DDO's too much fun again. When/IF all activity dies and it gets boring again I'll be back. Mark my words!
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