Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Dalaran Forsaken
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Would Forsaken be allowed to roam about Dalaran if they were a student of the arcane, or a practitioner? Not so sure about the undead and being there, since the attack from the Scourge.
I think they would be allowed- there's even a forsaken that walks through Dalaran freely.
Oh okay, thanks for the feedback so far. You know what, I think I've seen that guy.
Crazy how fast they accepted them, like a DK in silvermoon :P, yeah thanks to the Horde and sylvannas the forsaken are really allowd almost anywhere the Horde are.
I think one of them really needs to give up smoking.
You maybe know, what I'm going to say. GAMEENGINE!!11!!1!!!!H4XX!!1vote4ban!!!11

Jokes aside, the thing with undeads and Dalaran bugs me for some time now.
For first, Dalaran was mainly destroyed because of the undead soldiers of Arthas (and Archimonde later) in the third war.
Afterwards, the Forsaken had a huge bunch of quests, where the player was told to kill Dalaran NPCs, for example at the old location of Dalaran and Ambermill. You even stole important items from them.

Then came WotLK and since Blizzard wanted to have another neutral city and not two, who fight each other like in vanilla WoW, they made Dalaran into a neutral city. The reason: One of the 6 archmages of Dalaran is a Bloodelf and thanks to him and him making pressure on Rhonin, the Horde gets an entire quarter (!) in Dalaran (what is nonsense in my eyes, but sadly I'm not the Lead Storywriter of Blizzard. I would totally kick Metzen out <3).

With Cataclysm however, the new quests in the near of Ambermill will be all around killing members of the Kirin Tor again, even about raising them as undead soldiers for Sylvannas! And that even without a reason other than "Lulz, get us more soldiers". They are actually in war with Gilneas...

So, my common sense tells me, that undeads are actually non-sense in Dalaran, a city, which would theoretically hate undeads and do everything to stop them. But I guess, faillore is lore too, so I can't really say anything against it...

I'm still interested in the decision / answer of the staff, though.
Consider, though, that Dalaran is a center of arcane learning and power apart from all other nations (Being a nation unto itself), and it has its own struggles for power within the structure of the school and the Mage-Council governing the city (Silver Covenant versus the Sunreavers being one major power struggle). I'd say anyone but a necromancer, or other practitioner of dark and forbbiden arts, can be allowed in Dalaran, but that's not discounting at all the intense and subtle political infighting that would go on in an academic environment such as that. It would make for interesting RP if anyone cared at all about intrigue.