Conquest of the Horde

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My Aunt Lexi

"My Aunt Lexi, Shorter than my dad

But taller than the temper that he had,

He was always mad, But rarely around her,

Even my sister's name revolves squarely around her

My Aunt Lexi, smaller than my mom,

Always had Juice and was calmer than my mom,

She had bombs! But we couldn't touch them

"We're her niece and nephew" and she tells us that she "loves them"

My Aunt Lexi, She's my favorite

One time Dad told me, she built a space ship!

I didn't believe it, but his face you should have seen it,

But my Aunt Lexi is a genius,

My Aunt Lexi, went on adventures with my dad

She always tells us to remember, when things are bad,

If we're in trouble, she'll be there on the double,

with bombs that turn things into rubble.

Raphael Ordonis Jr. Age 11

A singed envelop makes it into the stack of mail on Alexandria Steamfizzle's desk. The hand writing is familiar and the wax seal has no design or emblem. Upon opening the parchment seems to have been written in harsh conditions, the hand writing is familiar but the words are feint yet still legible. It reads.


I need your help, They took me to some camp of fanatics. I was imprisoned and was supposed to be subject of experimentation. I am now posing as a guard, I don't know how long I can keep this up though. I have to ask you to fly, or bring someone who can pick me up. I am in Sholazar Basin. Bring Bombs, and signal in the air with Red and white flares. I will look to the sky everyday.