Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Hobo92`s Introduction
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player.:
Hmm, myself as a player. Well, I try to play as I live my life; lots of patience, contemplation, open-mindedness, and copious amounts of fun.
Within my family and friends, I'm generally regarded as the most easy-going fellow of the group. I rarely lash out in anger, I always try to maintain a level head, and I listen and consider what others say before passing judgment and advice. In-game, I always bring the previously listed traits along for the ride, as keeping my integrity is hugely important to me. Being two-faced is definitely not on my list of things to make a habit of.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?
I'm a born and raised Canadian, hailing from the totally rockin' city of Vancouver. I've lived here my entire life, and can't think of another city I'd rather be in. Where else can you sail and snowboard on the same day?
My primary language is English. I've spoken it my entire life. Though, being in Canada, some words and vocabulary will probably be spelled differently. Nothing to major, just the occasional "u" added into some words ("colour" is the first that comes to mind).

How did you get into Warcraft?:
Let's see...I think it was back in 2005. My friend had recently purchased the game, and when I went over there to hang out with him, he showed me it. Being a huge fan of Warcraft III, I instantly jumped on the game.
Ever since then, I've both rejoiced and gritted my teeth along with all the other players as WoW has progressed.

What made you seek our server over others? (or How did you find us?):
After getting a taste of roleplaying on another private server, I found that I really quiet enjoyed it, and that—gasp—it wasn't what I thought it was at all. Where as my original concept of roleplaying was that of people sitting around in a dark basement, I soon discovered that it was, essentially, just interactive storytelling. This greatly intrigued me, so I set out to dabble in other roleplaying servers.
Unfortunately, most others had minimalistic roleplaying populations, and the players were usually just trollers or griefers in disguise. So, I began searching for strictly roleplaying servers, and eventually stumbled upon your humble dwelling!

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
I'm usually pretty easy-going when it comes to this topic. If a larger adventure's going on, I'll happy lend my character's skills and knowledge to further the campaign or crusade. But I'm equally happy to sit around a table and swap stories with other characters to build relationships and gain friendships.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:
My favorite race is hands-down Trolls. Ever since playing Warcraft III, I fell in love with those mohawked maniacs. From their wicked accents, to their savage tusks and chromatic skin, I just couldn't get enough of them. Once I saw that World of Warcraft had them as a playable race, I almost had a heart attack (but not really).
On the class end of things, I'd say it's a warrior. I've dabbled in others (Shaman pulls up in a very, very close second) but warriors took the cake. Because I have a hard time processing a lot of information at once, and can't easily manage large amounts of tasks, warriors were perfect; they had enough spells to be diverse, but they weren't over complicated so that I would get frustrated while playing one.

What are your expectations of this server?:
My expectations of this server are that I'll find a good, solid community to roleplay with and have a generally great time doing it!

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
Humility. Extremely prideful and arrogant people seriously irk me, so when I saw that attempting to be humble was a guideline, I was impressed. Most servers allow their players to run wild, fearing that they'll pack up and leave if they're not allowed to do what they please, but the fact that you guys want to build up a community of mature players appeals to me a lot.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:
Well, I know that it says this section isn't required just yet, but I'll take a crack at it anyways.

Once upon a time, in a field far, far away, there lived a snail. This snail, though, was no ordinary snail. He had a magical shell, which shone with all the colours of the rainbow, and gave him many wonderful supernatural abilities.
One day, though, the nefarious wasp colony living to the south of the snail decided that they need this magical shell for themselves. And so, in the cover of darkness the wasps rushed onto the small plot of land that the snail owned and plucked his magical shell from him.
Without his magical shell, the poor snail felt very cold and quite naked. Slowly, he oozed his way over to his friends in the ant colony, and pleaded with their queen to aid him in his attempt to regain his precious shell.
The queen immediately agreed, and mustered her finest warriors. At the break of dawn, the ants marched upon the villainous wasp's hive and assaulted it with all the strength they could muster.
The ensuing battle was fierce, but in the thick of it, the snail sneaked into the wasps queen's throne room and quickly snatched his magical shell, sliding back inside it. With his magical shell back in his possession, the snail had now regained his supernatural powers. He send blasts of pure rainbow grooviness at all the wasps, who fell before it's awesomeness.
With the shell back on his person, and the wasps defeated, the snail and his ant friends returned to their homes, safe once again.

The End.

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
Just that I'm looking forward to hopefully being integrated into this community, and thank you for your consideration!
Welcome welcome!

If you haven't already, please read our rules, policies, FAQs, and take a gander at our Wiki. I look forward to seeing you on the server and be sure to /join chat upon entering, thank you! If you have any questions feel free to ask here or PM me. I'd be more than glad to help.