Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: The First Stab [Ebon Offensive]
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This Thursday, at 12pm server time, shall be the first Ebon Offensive event.

Here's the rundown:

Who: Death Knights, Ebon Offensive members.
What: The Ebon Offensive is going to perform it's first strike against the remaining Scourge within Dragonblight, targeting a three Saronite mines still under operation via the command of an ex-Scourge, now independant, Death Knight. The Death Knight in question holds grasp over a large area of land within central Dragonblight, said area growing daily. During the task, there will be several skirmishes, with both Ghouls and Death Knights.
Where: Everyone shall meet just south of Galakrond's rest. There will be a party, or raid group, for the event itself, so there's no need to worry if one shall get lost. Just /w Malth or Villith for an invite so you know our groundings prior to the event.
Why: After Arthas was defeated, plenty of Scourge Warlords have separated and become independent, leading their own armies against other ex-Warlords. The Ebon Offensive has tasked itself with the goal of destroying them, and bringing order back to Dragonblight, as well as Northrend.

This event will serve as both a kickstarter for the guild, and a recruiting event. Note that only Death Knights may join the guild, and as such only Death Knights would know of the campaign (An exception for flammos20's Elf, Lari)

Anyway, I hope people can attend, and I hope those that do enjoy themselves!