Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Thinking night.
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So as part of the League's goal, I'd like to host a weekly event that would last an hour to an hour and a half. During this time our characters would be free to discuss major philosophical issues, so I'd like some feedback.

1. Is there an interest in this?

2. If so, what day and time would be best

3. Would weekly or bi-weekly be better?
I'm intrested in philosophy and are problems, so yeah i'd like to meet up with you and discuss this. However there sre a few more questions you need to ask, such as the characters name, where to meet up, and finally the biggest issue, what reigion do you live in? This is important because, if i'm correct in saying this people live in different time zones, It could be 7.00 where i'm liveing and 10.00 where your living. So yes i'm intrested, how is thursday nights?