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Qaza Wrote:Sarcasm, hun. *shines a flashlight at Grak*

Sadly, rumormongering is part of the high school mentality. It's what they do when they get bored. Thankfully, most folks grow out of it. At that age, any time someone prevents you from doing exactly what you want to do, you view it as an attack, which is where I think a lot of this is coming from.

There's a difference between gruffness and maliciousness.
*Hiss* Ze liiiigh, eet burnssss!
Dudes rumermongering is very uncoo and I pity teh foo tat rumors bout GM's or anyone for dat matter!
(Teh anger! It has me! lol)
(Yes I love teh lolcatz)
It goes both ways. Some people snap at the GMs behind their backs, some people suck 'em off and verbally sleep their way around. It's gonna go both ways. Who cares if some punk kid said something about someone? It don't matter. Now if you go slamming on someone in public, expect reprocussions, otherwise, it's just an opinion you're entitled to have, and share, and spread amongst others who feel the same way. Just don't be a freaking idiot about it. If you're gonna be all, SCREW THE SYSTEM. Do it smart.
Ruder Wrote:It goes both ways. Some people snap at the GMs behind their backs, some people suck 'em off and verbally sleep their way around.

Wow, that was really....graphic. But I catch the meaning.

Anywho, my two cents: "If you can't say something nice, then put a sock in it."
Considering there's no PvP events here at all for's amazing you have ANY drama to deal with :P But then again, if all a person is doing is living in a fantasy, made up world with no real interaction with other players in a test of skill...maybe the opposite should be the case:

All kinds of imagined conspiracies to conjure up.

RP only server = scary...

*Deletes url from WoW list and runs away from the scary people*
There's this popular myth among pvp purists that RPers are huggy-happyboxes and that they (the PVPers) are immerse in daily drama.
While many RPers would like to believe that they are such, it is So. Far. From. The. Truth.
Well, from my end, I've seen GMs snap at people through chat, and I've seen them give more leeway than I would to others. I don't think its favoritism, I think it more has to deal with prior interactions between the player and gm, and the mood of the gm at that moment.

That said, from the angle of one of the non-GMs, people can see a GM as mean if it seems like they are being arbitrary, and I think mainly, people need to remember that the GMs have a buncha crap going on that the players might not know about.

Flipside, though, again from my angle, it'd be nice if the GMs remember that a player may not intend to be sarcastic or be pushing an attitude. Its hard to tell sarcasm and intent of a statement without verbal cues, and some nights it seems like people have to walk on eggshells for fear of getting booted, you know?

's why I mostly don't get involved in the chats with the GMs, 'cause I tend to come off a little snarky, and I rarely mean anything by it.

Just a thought, and not trying to take anything away from how you GMs feel, I know you guys gotta stressful time with your game, and it can sometimes kill that when you think someone's being a dick.
Semai Wrote:'s why I mostly don't get involved in the chats with the GMs, 'cause I tend to come off a little snarky, and I rarely mean anything by it.

Too bad, sad day when everyone simply follows this routine.

We´re human, that´s been said a hundred times over and over, and we don´t know the exact tone a player means to put in their messages. Noone does. This means that we all have to -think- before we post something. "Would I appreciate to be told this?" If not, don´t post. A bit unsure? Don´t post it.

You know, it´s common sense really, you don´t say everything you think when talking and the same should go for typing. Or else be ready to accept the consequences.

Remember the Respect rule. It goes for everyone and everywhere on the Server and Forums.

This wasn´t directed only at you, Semai, heh. No offence meant (even though I am pretty sure the tone of this message might be missintepreted a lot).
No offense taken, hon. I absolutely agree with you, when it comes to GM/Player conversations.

I think everyone on both sides needs to remember the Respect rule, sometimes. Like I said before, got all sorts of respect for what the GMs have to deal with, and how stressful keeping this all running and organized can be. Just a matter of both sides doing exactly as ya said there, and think about what someone posts before they post.
I know I've said it elsewhere, but I'll say it again here: People seem to be under the impression that first, a kick is a super-nasty punishment and the GM is being horrible, and second, that GMs somehow enjoy issuing suspensions and bans.

For the first, look at what a kick is: You get red text telling you what you did wrong, and you disconnect. There is nothing keeping you from reconnecting immediately, provided that you read that red text and took the hint. Some people choose to wait a few minutes to cool their tempers and reflect of the kick message and what they were doing just prior. These people rarely get kicked a second time, because they return with a cool head and are prepared to follow the rules. Something to think about.

Something that brief and minor is not a punishment, is is a quick wake-up call. Your warning was someone (not always a GM, remember, if a player asks you to stop something like spamming in Chat or LFG, you need to LISTEN to them) asking you to stop, or something that is covered in the rules. Remember that when you log on to the server, it is assumed that you have read the rules and policies and have agreed to follow them.

Second, there is only one type of player that we enjoy banning. Bots! They get a flamethrower and a gleeful, maniacal laugh. For non-automated players, though, it always leaves a bad taste in our mouths to make the decision to suspend or ban an account. We want people to have a good time here, and we want to share those good times with them, but sometimes players leave us with no other choice. Also, and this definitely ties into the rumormongering discussion, WE RARELY SUSPEND OR BAN ON ONE SINGLE INCIDENT. If I could make that text dance and sing, I'd do that, too.

Things to keep in mind about suspensions and bans:

- The number one reason for suspensions AND bans is Rule 1: Respect.

- Insta-suspensions/bans (depending on the severity and attitude of player) result from: Racist language, hacking, harassing RPers with OOC in say (think the RP haters on live RP servers), being a bot, returning from a previous ban.

- That's it. Every other suspension means that we have been keeping tabs on complaints submitted about the player, and have reviewed them, discussed them, and decided that the player's attitude is not changing at all and they need a wake-up call.

- Just like the kicks, people who post furious threads on the forums the second they find out they've been suspended tend to not fare as well as those who check their e-mail, read the suspension notice, reflect on their actions, and come back with cool heads and adjusted attitudes.
Nostra Wrote:We´re human, that´s been said a hundred times over and over, and we don´t know the exact tone a player means to put in their messages. Noone does. This means that we all have to -think- before we post something. "Would I appreciate to be told this?" If not, don´t post. A bit unsure? Don´t post it.

You know, it´s common sense really, you don´t say everything you think when talking and the same should go for typing. Or else be ready to accept the consequences.

Remember the Respect rule. It goes for everyone and everywhere on the Server and Forums.

Another important point is to know the crowd you're speaking to. Some people are easygoing; others, you have to talk to with kids gloves. Whatever, keep you casual tone out of your public tone.

Really, the respect rule can misfire. Some people have well-intentioned sets of respect rules that really only work in a face-to-face encounter. Online, we all have different sets of what we see as respect. Some may see "honesty" as respect while others may see "never saying 'mean' things" is respect.
If I have to draw it out, some people get mad when people are honest with them and bring up a truth they try to forget about themselves instead of confronting and dealing with on their own.

Like, I'm accepting of adult conversation (I don't mean x-rated, I mean adult like work and stock markets and fuel crises; I can also handle constructive critique that has a good argument, as opposed to those that are outright insults, obvious ego strokes, or brown nosing) and I don't get annoyed easily. Hell, most things that annoy other people on this server make me laugh. I also don't get upset over typos/bad grammar/netspeak (until it enters RP; FFS try) because honestly, I can't give a damn.

But what DOES annoy me are people who are annoyed about the previous and act like they're being tortured to death when they see any of the aforementioned.

In order to avoid a confrontation and keep the peace, I usually keep /chat and /adult in a separate window, or just leave it altogether. I also keep my casual conversation down to about 2 or 3 people who are on the same wavelength, usually over IM. It's really good to have that outlet so you can keep the rest of your conversation subdued.

When you come in to have fun on an RP server, RP servers are 50% ego clashing, so stuff is bound to happen. We can't keep pure harmony and think perpetually happy thoughts, but if you ever feel a rise to say something totally thoughtless, you might want to vent to someone you trust first so you can approach your online issue-- if there IS any issue left after you've ranted --rationally.
TwilightDisciple Wrote:We can't keep pure harmony and think perpetually happy thoughts,

Happiness is mandatory, citizen!

*cough* Right, no mindless posts. *faceslap*

That was very well put and I´m going to keep it in mind myself in the future!
Here's a message to both groups. Players and GMs. (Honestly, this is what I thought when I was GMing/playing on other private servers)

To players:
Think of the server as someone else's house. GMs are the hosts. You are guests there. Should you bother your hosts too much by spamming, hacking, cheating in RP or what have you, they have a right to throw you out. They will be nice to you if you are to them. I mean, I keep hearing how mean GMs are, and I've never had a cross word from any of them. Maybe "Take it to barrens" or something, but never, ever what I hear happening to others.

To GMs:
The players are your guests. If you are being rude, they will leave. They might not come back. You might've not meant to be rude, mean or stubborn, but that's how the player interpreted it. And, I've read on another topic that Kretol wants news of this server to spread by word of mouth- or, better yet, keyboard- and I hardly think that players that were shunned saying bad things about the GMs will bring in many.

Now, these are just my thoughts. No offense is meant to others. This is how I honestly view servers.
The house analogy is a great one, almost flawless. It really applies to any web community.
I help manage an online art community (I won't tell, but if you find out which one it is, GOOD ON YOU!) and have had to bring that up often in some way, shape, or form when shit went down once or twice. You can say "shop" or "nightclub" the rules change a bit, but we still have guidelines of courtesy on both sides.

You can't go demanding outrageous things while at someone's house; at the same time, you can't do your guests wrong unless they've wronged your property/you/other guests.
The news traveling by word or keyboard think is something that Kret doesn't pertain to rediculous rumors that people spread about how us GMs are heartless, and yell for yelling's sake.

I agree with the house analogy as well. When talking to people, or when I personally try to talk to someone, I -never- make it personal, and I do not bring the actions of another person into it. The most common thing people do now when we talk to them is say "Well *insert name* did this, I know because they told me!", basically saying that someone else has gotten away with something, or has a unique character that's not a far cry from theirs.

To re-hash something that we say constantly, if we are talking to you, it's about -you-. Not anyone else. If you have something to say about that person, please send screenshots. Complaining and saying "what you heard from someone" doesn't do any good when we are talking to you. Usually if it comes to that point, it's because we've either talked to you multiple times, have seen you doing multiple things wrong that break our rules, or otherwise. Bans and three day suspensions come from us when we've gotten enough complaints, or have seen enough errant behaviour to warrent this.

So, when we say rumor mongering, what we are basically talking about is when our "Guests" start to say that their "hosts" don't know what they are doing.

I mean, if you really thought you were at a shitty party, wouldn't you leave?
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