Conquest of the Horde

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Orgrim's Outriders
"For the Horde, Strength and Honor!"

[Image: images-1.jpg]

"I remember... I remember the days of old before the hammer fell to a coward's lance... I remember when thunder cried across the sky at our coming and goings across the abyssal portal... I remember when the greatest cities of humanity fell like sand to water against our might... the tides of change are coming; the Lich King stands defeated and with his fall comes a new era, not one of peace and prosperity as was foretold by the wisest of seers, but one of blood and thunder our race knows oh so well... Brought on not by daemon influence, but by the greed and hubris of the treacherous Alliance; a time of great glory and honor is approaching, warrior, and I ask you... who will come and take what glory is rightfully theirs!? For the Horde!" - Warlord Kron of Orgrim's Outriders

Various signs and posters around taverns and warrior halls in all Kalimdor Horde cities can be seen and read.

Chain of command


Orgrim's Outriders and its opposing guild Theramore's Eagles both are approved by the GM staff to operate as functional military outfits for both the Horde and the Alliance respectively. The intention of the guilds and the events to follow them is to promote a fun and healthy RP war scenario set after Wrath of the Lich King before the Cataclysm expansion and bring about the feeling and representation of the war that is currently waging away from the player's view; yet is however currently going on throughout the world. While it is known to us that the attempt of a successful war event has never truly come to fruition without intense drama or other setbacks that have made it otherwise impossible to operate a successful war. Believe me when I say that I feel confident in the ability of the staff that will be overseeing this particular war event to decrease drama and that we have a well thought out formulated set of rules for the events that will be strict but also promote healthy relations and a generally good RP experience for the entire player base! After all, this is going to be a very large representation of war, yes that means that we will be using soldiers, not just players to represent the armies... :P Keep in mind that these soldiers may or may not be actually represented it is all depending on time and availability etc. Let's not abuse this privilege we've been given.

[Image: For_the_Horde.jpg]


Orgrim's Outriders is a functional military outfit similar to other Horde units such as the Warsong Offensive or Warsong Outriders in terms of standing among the Horde as faction. As such they operate under the full penalty of Horde marshal law. All members are in the Horde's military and on active duty and operating as soldiers within the Horde; with that said great responsibility falls to every single one of the players while joining this guild!

Phases of Recruitment

I.) The first phase of recruitment shall be the phase in which players who wish to join must create entirely new characters to join Orgrim's Outriders in an officer position. This will require the individual players to send a PM'd character profile and reason stated as to why their characters would make a good Officer position within the guild to better the Horde and what OOC knowledge they could bring to the table to help benefit the events as a whole. This will be before any actual events occur on the server and will close immediately upon the beginning of events. All characters who are registered officers within the guild will automatically begin as a member of the guild upon the first day we set off from Orgrimmar. The limited number is that of eight members accepted total for Officer position. Post under this Guild Post to declare that you are sending a character profile to lock yourself down for pending approval by myself.

II.) The second phase shall be upon the day we begin in Orgrimmar in which we will take civilians of the Horde and allow them to come forth for enlistment into Orgrim's Outriders and leave their civilian past behind. Upon the end of second phase we shall head into the third phase, after second phase we will not be allowing any players to join the guild for a set number of days until we reach the third phase.

III.) The third phase of recruitment shall be upon us reaching the destination of the Crossroads and Camp Taurajo etc. From this point on only a limited number of players I am recruited as seen fit by those who are running the events. This is to insure that there is a balance of players between both of the guilds for logistical reasons.


Enlisted soldiers are those brave individuals who decided to take up the path of a warrior and join to fight for the glory and honor of the Horde against the Horde's multitude of enemies for the continued freedom and prosperity of the glorious civilization the Warchief has built. These players who join in as Enlisted will join in during the second and third phases of recruitment and will forever be changed and forged into a soldier of the Horde... surely these events shall live on with those who survive these grand and bloody days.


Officers are those who live for only the continued glory of the Horde, the men and women who dedicate their entire well-being to the beautiful dream our Warchief has. These are those men and women who have set the standard for exemplary soldiers and brilliant minds alike to rise to the rank of leaders and commanders of soldiers on the battlefield and at camp! While there are only a limited number of how many Officers may be in position at a given time, there is still possibility for enlisted to rise to the rank of Officer i.e. through Officers leaving or dying in combat and Enlisted being promoted to the rank of Officer in such a case etc. These players must be dedicated to staying in on the event at all costs etc.

[left][Image: 3aeec_11-18_for_the_horde.jpg][/left]

OOC Player Interaction - Copied from My Guide to Roleplaying Warfare!

Here we are at Out-Of-Character Interactions and here it's time we have a sit down with you as the player. The first I have to address is that when you even consider entering an event that is war themed knows that war itself is very much so bearing the constant threat of death or maiming. After all, you don't enlist into the armed forces of your respective countries in real life without understanding that you are joining in order to serve and fight for your country; with that said you would run the risk of dying or getting seriously wounded in real life. Now I know that may sound morbid but there it is, war is exactly that, fighting battles etc. Now, that's not all war is, but you get the point.

The reasons why I say this are simple and that's because in the past when war events were attempted many players Out-Of-Character have had complaints on the interactions of their characters. Particularly when it is a character they have had for a long time and have had well developed; now don't get me wrong, I understand entirely your point of view, but you also have to understand that you have willingly entered your character into a war event and thus run the risk of death or maiming. It's just part of the gig, you can't have your pudding if you don't eat your meat, after all. Now, I apologize if that came off as rude or offensive to anyone, but it's the truth. So you have two options, either make a character designed specifically for the event of choice, or run the risk of one of your more played characters entering.

Another point on Out-Of-Character Interactions is drama. What I mean by this is obviously generic drama that you have about losing or winning a battle or war or anything involving things like that. Pretty much if Jeff fights Chris and Chris loses then Jeff goes ahead and starts bragging in Barrens or Chat then that is just messed up. I'm not saying you can't brag or anything, but try not to hurt anyone's feelings. That seems to be a very common problem we have on CoTH, but that is for a different debate. Point being simple is that if you join a war event abide to the rules preset or do not play in it.

IC Player Interaction - Copied from My Guide to Roleplaying Warfare!

Alright, now that we have covered Out-Of-Character Interactions in a nutshell, let's move right along to In-Character Interactions. This is much less of a worry to me in many ways, yet in other ways a larger worry. And let me tell you why, it's because a lot of players - at least in my experiences - seem to have delusions about what it means to be a soldier or mercenary while under an Army. The first thing to remember is that you are no longer an individual when you enter an Army or Armed Forces. That may sound harsh yes, but its truth. Once you enlist or join, you are under the Chain of Command which essentially means that you take orders from your higher ups and nothing else. You act as a whole, not an individual. Your unit depends on you just as you depend on them.

I cannot stress that enough, however, that does not mean for the sake of roleplay that you can't have any heroics, though, it is very much so suggested you keep them down to a minimal state and don't try to stand out. Mainly because if you have everyone attempting to play the hero then essentially you will lose the battle. Now I know that may also sound harsh but it is just true, I'm sorry, but it is. In order to keep organization you need to maintain that sense of unity. This may sound difficult or not entertaining to some of you; but believe me there is a great amount of roleplay to be had when you act together with your garrison or battalion and look back after a battle or before a battle. It's a great way to make new friends and forge new bonds with one another... or even rivalries!

Now, one other point to cover is the topic of following orders by your superiors; as well as how to successfully roleplay a leadership position. First off let's cover following orders from an in-character perspective. You may come from troubled backgrounds or typical simple characters who simply enlisted and want to fight, war at least does one thing, and that's call people from different backgrounds together into one event. The point is that you should almost always listen to your commanding officer or face punishment; and when I say punishment I mean past the initial warnings giving, I am talking about punishments involving flogging and breaking you down until you are reborn a soldier. Now that does not go for every military, for example, nations throughout history have had militia forces or levy infantry that have very little training or organization and are generally not really that well organized. That's just one example of course. Either way, please tries to listen to your commanding officers when you do decide to join one of these events.

On how to lead is a different story; after all, it is you who will be giving the orders. You will hopefully have a firm grip on how to tactically and strategically win the battles. You will need to be firm in your grip on your army or your soldiers will likely lose morale and organization; and let me tell you that is a nightmare scenario. So, it's my professional opinion that you should take the reins and be firm in your rule as well as forgiving. It takes a great leader to maintain a strong balance between his firms and forgiving sides, yet it is very important. Alternatively remember that it is also dependent on cultures... for example and orc would obviously be much more strict and cruel to his soldiers, yet honorable at the same time than a human may be. It's really own personal preference, but there you have it!

One last point and that is that your characters will likely forever be changed by any war time they see... death is hard to see, especially when you see your own comrades cut down around you... it will change a person, I promise you that. At least then you have something to go off for your character! Imagine you can be in a tavern talking about it later down the line!


The events for this will be widespread and orderly and very structured as it is to produce a realistic and entertaining setting for war time events ranging from events in Orgrimmar and the march southwards upon receiving news of an Alliance army marching to our southern borders etc. essentially there are too many individual events to count, in this guild post and there will be a page designated for the dates and planning of joint-guild events with Theramore's Eagles for battles and skirmishes etc. There will also be plentiful internal events for the members of the guild such as training regiments, marches, rallies, leave to taverns, patrols, and all the other jazz you could expect to have with war and all its horrors! I guarantee you that you will rarely grow bored during the course of this storyline!

Chain of Command

Orgrim's Outriders shall use the same chain of command as the Horde uses by lore, I shall list them here, both Enlisted and Officer ranks.


The means in which you are assigned these ranks is as seen fit by the Warlord via your pending approval PM'd character profile to my PM box. Simply post under this Guild Post that you are going to be following Phase I's prerequisites and that you will be sending one to my PM box as soon as you can. Remember that there is a minimum of eight player's total that may become Officer rank.

Lieutenant General
Blood Guard
Stone Guard


The means in which you gain rank as an Enlisted soldier is through a multitude of methods such as feats of strength, acts of glory, officer recommendation, seniority etc. Based on private interviews in-game or via forums, players will be granted rank and will gain prestige in this method.

First Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is there an "evil" guild out of the two opposing guilds?
A: No, of course not, both the Horde and the Alliance are completely in terms of perspective of each faction. To one the other may be evil etc. Though no, there is no "evil".

Q: How will you handle drama between players?
A: We will take drama very seriously and only give a few warnings before we have the characters killed off, yes we know that this is a very strict and seemingly cruel response to it, but this is the only way we can enforce it in a realistic manner.

Q: How will battles be depicted?
A: Battles will be depicted in a number of way, for one thing Jeff and I have determined a new war system that we are eager to try. We will be releasing it upon completion of both of these guild posts and shortly after they've received some attention. Needless to say, we think the players will be vastly pleased.

Q: How does one join this guild?
A: Well you can sign up quickly for Phase I of the application process; or alternatively you can simply post here that you wish to join and come on the first event with a preexisting character and enlist in that method. But remember, once you are enlisted you are subjugated to the law of the Horde or of the Alliance, this is a war event after all. It's not all flowers and sunshine. :P

Q: How will character punishment be taken?
A: Suffice it to say, there is going to be a permanent character warning on ALL PARTICIPANTS of the event. Once you join the guilds you cannot leave without proper reason that being actual OOC reason etc. Once you join you are subjugated to the law of the Horde or the Alliance and can even be killed outside of combat situations... i.e. desertion or other methods such as that. Remember, PERMANENT CHARACTER WARNING ALWAYS! Don't take it too much to the heart though, it's just to enforce realism and minute drama so that everyone is equally aware of permanent character warning... so if you don't like the concept, then don't join! :P

Remember everyone... [Image: images-2.jpg]
First Phase of Recruitment Last Sentence
Quote:Post under this Guild Post to declare that you are sending a character profile to lock yourself down for pending approval by myself.
Awaiting your profile, Spiralin, thank you very much.
Hey my Forsaken Abderos might fit in here.
Alright! We have 2 of the 8 officer positions locked down.



There are currently 6 positions remaining if you want to be an Officer within the guild! Thanks for everyone who read the post by the way, I am sure that Jeff will have Theramore's Eagles up soon enough.
I can't choose whether I want to roll an orc for this or bring my Forsaken Degor, though I am definitely up for it.
Well if it helps, I prefer that you make new characters without a current back story etc. Mainly because sometimes pre-existing characters bring their past to play and it is sometimes difficult to explain how they rose to such ranks within the military and all that silly stuff etc. But both are quite fine!
A PM has been sent!
May I ask though, when will the two guilds start roleplaying as the actual guild. Pre-Cata and go into Cata?
Spiralin Wrote:May I ask though, when will the two guilds start roleplaying as the actual guild. Pre-Cata and go into Cata?

Amerason Wrote:The intention of the guilds and the events to follow them is to promote a fun and healthy RP war scenario set after Wrath of the Lich King before the Cataclysm expansion

It should start soon. And knowing that we will have to wait months for cata to get emulated to trinity core, this will probably be over before cataclysm.
I would enjoy this, but I'm afraid the character I plan to use, Kotak, is not really Officer material just yet.
Yeah I saw that Forsaken, which is was made me decide on the question. xD You're probably right, unless this goes on forever. Which would be cool.
Well, we will begin shortly I know that much, umm... it's planned to be a lengthy and continuous storyline that can very well carry over to Cata as long as we can manage to keep things interesting for players. :P
It's awesome to hear that. It'd be great if we get to RP the battle of camp Taurajo and construction of that wall and highway and all that stuff that changes the area.
Yeah it'd be great fun, and you know that part in southern barrens where there's like a huge war front between Alliance and Horde?
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