Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Be back with reindeer and elves!
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So yes, this is an absence post. It signifies that I will be absent for some while. I know I know, "Where ya goin', nub?" Well I'll tell ya! I'm not going anywhere. I'll still pop back in CoTH every once in a while, but these next two months, they'll be extremely busy for me, so I'm not going to be roleplaying much. I'll have more time once the holidays come around so I'll be back with a white beard, extra body fat for winter, and presents for all! (I'll probably just hug you, to hug me is a present enough :mrgreen: *bigegoface*)

Smell ya later.

I guess I'll get that darn gruntship then, so I won't look like such and ubernub.
Be back soon!
Cya Ghurm! I hope you had a good experience in the time you played and will have greater ones when you get back to lotso' roleplay!