Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: The Cataclysm Cinematic intro
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Some people have probably seen this, but I'm guessing a lot of people haven't. So here. Watch it, nubcaeks.
Ooh, is this like, the actual cinematic that plays when you first install the expansion?
Spotted this as a commercial during the Falcons game today.
Wet was my appetite for warcraft.
Oh my god I think I just exploded into kittens and rainbows.

Blizzard's FMV animations have been getting better and better, and watching the HD version of this, I have to say I haven't seen better.
Anski Wrote:Ooh, is this like, the actual cinematic that plays when you first install the expansion?

Yes. Yes it is.
Poor Valley of Heros D:
The tidal wave about to hit Booty Bay? Absolutely epic. I couldn't wait for this expansion before I saw that, and now I feel like I'm going to explode in anticipation...
Beltharean Wrote:The tidal wave about to hit Booty Bay? Absolutely epic. I couldn't wait for this expansion before I saw that, and now I feel like I'm going to explode in anticipation...

It's just the way Blizzard does things. They don't make a huge deal out of expansions, both of the ones before Cata were the same way.

"Hay Blizz when is Cata coming out"

'Lol I dunno'

"No srsly it's august."

'Deal with it.'

Two months later:



Something about the release date is like, explosive hype for WoW expansions.
When looking at these cinematics I'm thinking. . .Why don't they make a full length movie? Seriously. Square-Enix did it with FFVII, Blizz can do it with WoW.
They are making a movie, Warcraft is the name!
They should make a movie for Starcraft over Warcraft, I think, it'd be like... ;l;alksdjf;lakjsdf;lkjasd;fkja;sdkfja;sioefja;slkdj2 Yeah... something like that.
I personally preferred the WotLK cinematic. It was more well-done, in my opinion. It flowed more like a short film and less like a series of HEY LOOK PRETTY PICTURES, which is how most of the WoW cinematics go. However, this one is awesome.
I think that's cause WOTLK had more of a story to tell. Arthas was a previously done character, etc. Deathwing, although existing in lore, wasn't really a big deal or anything until now.
Spiralin Wrote:They are making a movie, Warcraft is the name!

I know they're making a movie. I just don't have much hope for that movie in particular. Mainly because I heard it'll be live action. I doubt live-action actors will be able to justify the glorious characters featured in the Warcraft universe. At least they told Uwe Boll, and I quote, "We will not sell the movie rights, not to you. . .Not ever to you."
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