Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Question about paladins
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Hi, I'm just having a bit of confusion about whether my character may require a special profile being made. You see, I'd like to make a Blood Elf who is in the Argent Crusade, and rather than being a Blood Knight, she's a Paladin of the Holy Light (as far as I can tell, there isn't any real issue with this lorewise, but feel free to correct me). Would this mean I have to make a special profile or just a regular one?

Thanks in advance. :)
I don't think you would require a special profile, just be sure to explain how your Belf became a Paladin without being a Blood Knight.
Aha, thank you. Just thought I'd check before running blindly into the character profile forum. :P
For the record, at this current point in the lore, there is no functional difference between Blood Knights and other Paladins. The distinction would simply be one of name and rank within Silvermoon.