Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Unfortunates
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Those of you who were on at the beginning of the Scarlet event on Sunday no doubt saw my abrupt departure with a hope to return later in the event. As you saw, that did not happen. Events took place on Saturday that has brought my little world to a screeching halt, and while I do not care to repeat what happened, needless to say, things are not good right now. Hell, the only way I'm sending this is from work.

I wish I could say this was only temporary. I'm hoping beyond hope that it is, but for the time being, I just don't know.

I want to apologize to my fellow RPers with whom I had made plans. There was so much I wanted to do with you guys, and I'm just sorry I'm being cut off so abruptly. But, like I said, hopefully, this is only temporary.

Just remember the #1 rule when playing a Scarlet Crusader: While it's catchy, "I've got the urge to purge!" is not an appropriate battlecry.

Take it easy, folks. Hope to see you again soon.
You will be missed, sir. If things do manage to improve within the time-frame of the Scarlet event-chain, you will have a place at the events, regardless.
