Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Taking off my Shoes, Uncovering the Blindfold. [Ley Walker][Completed]
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((Just for background information this will be ic story posts of Relon's journey to becoming a Ley Walker.))

Removing the Blindfold

Three Days Ago; Dalaran

Relon closes his book, a faint writing on the cover, The Leys. He wanders over to a mailbox, he slowly removes a letter from his robe's sleeve. After taking a moment to open and read the letter over, he folds it back up and places it in the mailbox, To Martha Widnock, is written across the front.

He turns and heads back to the inn, hoping for a reply...

One Day Ago; Dalaran

Relon stirs from his mid-day nap, hearing faint knocking against the wall of his room. He rolls over onto his back, slowly open his eyes. A woman, no doubt, most likely in her fifties. Silvering hair, an old purple ragged robe, she's leaning on a walking cane.

"Sorry to awake you deary, but I'm sure you'd much rather be awake to meet me, then me wandering by." The woman states in a soft tone. Inspecting Relon.

Relon slowly sits up in his bed, long hair tied up over his head, he seems a bit tired no doubt. "Hello then ..... if this is so important .... may I know your name?" He leans off the side of his bed, checking to make sure he's not missing any of his belongings.

The woman brightens up, putting on a smile. "Oh my, where could my manners have gone?" She takes a deep breath as if ready to give a lecture, "I'm Widnock, Martha Widnock. I believe you're the one that wrote to me?" She exhales the large breath she took, not really using most of the air she inhaled moments before.

Relon is instantly awake, he climbs out of the bed, and bows to Martha Widnock. "Hello ... Miss Widnock," He almost pauses a while to say his next words, but says them a bit faster then usual, "I'm Relon ... I am the one that wrote you. I'm happy ..... that you responded ..."

With a smile still on her face she responds, "Oh I don't have much to do now-a-days, though, I must ask. What made you seek a little ol' person like me to ask for tutoring, and what sparked your interest in these arts?" She stretches her back as she finishes speaking and finds herself a seat, crossing her legs politely and waiting for a response.

He stands upright as he states his reasons, he ends up pulling out a book, The Leys.

She perks up, and stands. She takes a few short steps closer to Relon and inspects the book, "Oh my, this old thing." Her lips widen into a smile. "I didn't think people read this old thing, or at least I never received much money out of it." She hands the book back over to Relon, "I wrote that book about seventeen years ago when I first learned. Now I'm an old lady, but of course if I know your reasons are for good. I'll be willing to help you with what I know." She takes a few steps back and examines Relon's posture before turning and sitting back down.

Relon gives a nod, "These ... ley lines are very, intriguing. I've always thought I .... looked for the bigger picture .... seeing things others do not, yet these lines. I've always thought there was .... something else. As I read .... I couldn't believe of these ley lines ..... I wish to learn under you. It's as if .... I've been trying to see these lines .... my whole life ... yet to no avail ..." He nods, reassuring himself, though a bit nervous he looks on, waiting for Martha's reaction.

Martha ponders for a few moments, biting a nail in the process. She notices Relon's missing hand, she smiles. "I have an idea." She runs her fingers along her hair, "It'll be almost like a test, I see that you're missing a hand."

Relon looks to his handless arm, then looks back up to Martha. "Yes ... is it possible to ... heal it?"

"Yes darling." She stands up to look at Relon's hand. "There's a powerful connection of healing leys in a druidic place, named Moonglade." She looks up to him. "We will head there tomorrow, I'll help you with what I can. If learn to see the lines, and heal your hand. Then I will teach you what I know." She breathes a huge sigh of relief as she finishes her long speech.

Relon nods, "Thank you very much Miss .... Widnock, I'll be ready .... by tomorrow ..."

Present Day; Dalaran Early Morning

Relon awakens, looking around to see if Martha is there yet. He's happy that she's not here yet, he quickly gets up and in a casual walk. He paces around his room, packing up only a few pieces of clothing. He makes sure to keep the book with him as he heads downstairs to have a meal.

He turns the corner as he reaches the bottom of the stairs to see Martha enjoying a light breakfast of bread and butter with a steaming drink. "Ah yes, good morning." She shouts over, motioning for him to come keep her company. "It looks like you're ready, come to have a meal?"

"Yes." He replies, setting his stuff down and ordering a light meal, same as Martha's. "I've never been to this place ... Moonglade." He takes a small sip of his drink as it's places infront of him, beginning on his meal.

Martga finishes chewing her food before speaking, "Oh it's a marvelous place, I bet you'll like the tranquility. There's no conflict there at all. The druids are very strict of those things."

Relon nods as she continues on.

Martha's on her last piece of bread, "I do hope you're ready, seeing these lines will be like truly awakening your mind. You also may want to take up weaving, like tailoring. These lines are very intricately weaved throughout the entire universe. Picking out certain ones may help, or hurt you. You'll need a good hand." She smiles, waiting to see Relon's reaction.

"Yes, I will do as you recommend. Whatever it is that will help me." Relon gets up, "Allow me to go purchase these things you recommended." He heads off, bowing to Martha before leaving.

Martha sits there in thought, 'Oh I do hope he truly is ready.' She thinks.

Relon returns fifteen minutes later with the items Martha recommended.

"You didn't have to get it now, but I guess now that you have it. Practice whenever you aren't with me, when you're eating. Anything, it'll help a lot." She gets up, "Okay come, we'll be heading there now." She smiles as she leads Relon and herself out of the inn.

Present Day; Moonglade Mid-day

Martha steps out of a yellow portal, Relon close behind. "And that was a ley portal." She looks around, "Okay good, right where I wanted. No druids around, some don't like the arcane." She smiles as she beckons Relon to follow her.

"Around here is where the leys of healing is strong." She stops near a grove of trees. "We will camp here, going into the haven for supplies as we progess."

Relon walking behind her carrying supplies, begins to setup a tent.

Martha smiles, "Right now you need to meditate, with your eyes open. You will need to focus, reach out, touch the ley line. See them all around you, the shine of their lacing."

Relon nods, he finishes the tent and stands in the middle of the grove. He stands still, not moving, for the next hour. Martha watches him and makes a small fire, sitting down and doing her own meditation.

A hour later, Relon reaches his hand out. He grabs the air, opening his eyes....

Nothing. He shakes his head as he goes back to meditation, thinking of the trees, everything he's read, thinking of the grass, the animals that scurry below. The ley lines that wrap around Azeroth.

"Continue this until tomorrow." A feint voice is heard. Relon doesn't make a move, but takes this into consideration. Continuing on.
Four Days Ago; Moonglade Morning

Martha climbs out of the tent, standing upright. She walks over to Relon, "How's it going?" She taps her foot.

Relon slowly nods, keeping his eyes closed. He reaches out and grabs the air in front of him. The only difference is Relon pinches it with his right index finger and thumb, being precise with where he grabs he nods and releases the grip. Opening his eyes.

Martha smiles, "So it's going good, but you really didn't touch a ley line. You have form correct, but I would've seen it." She walks closer to Relon and motions him to get up. "Okay first, do this while standing instead of sitting. When sitting you're closer to the ground, when standing up, you're surrounding yourself. Open your eyes, see the lines. They're all around you now." She nods assuringly then walks off.

Relon says nothing but takes in the words she has stated, he affixes himself into a comfortable stance. He opens his eyes to look around. Inspecting all around him, he stares forward with his eyes open. He squints his eyes, looking at something as if it caught his attention. It looks as if a very small piece of hair, is simply hovering in front of him. He cocks a brow, he reaches out and pinches it just like he was with his eyes closed. It lights up, at least a mile of lining when Relon looks to his left, and at least another mile to the right. He lets go quickly, stepping back. Thinking he just triggered a booby trap of night elf society.

Nothing happens. He looks around, no one has noticed. No animals reacting.

Relon reaches out and pinches the line again, this time stronger, focusing on it. It turns bright again, Relon looks around. He sees another 'piece of hair' hovering to his left. He releases his grip of the one he was just touching and pinches this new one. It brightens, the same thing happening as before, a mile of it to the left, and at least another mile of it to the right. Relon tugs on it, but gets a sharp pinch in the fingers, he releases it as it slowly goes back into place. Relon smiles.

Martha comes out from a bush clapping her hands together, not loudly, but slowly and quietly. "Good job. That my friend, was a ley line." She approaches slowly, leaning on a walking stick.

Relon turns and looks it her, "They're incredibly long, I've lived for so long. Yet ... I've never seen .... them ..." He looks down in disappointment.

She reaches into her pocket. "Oh nonsense, it's fine that you've never seen them. Most people overlook them, actually. Everyone does until you learn of them." She slips her hand out of her pocket, a small steel ring in her hand. "Now, so you can learn how to control the lines. Listen carefully to what I'm going to tell you. Never try to pull the line physically, it won't break and you'll hurt yourself. You must used very finely controlled arcane to channel the power of the ley line. Not too much arcane, not too little. Just right." She hands him the ring. "Take this ring, I want you to empower it with ley lines, like an enchantment. Channel your arcane with the ley to empower it. It'll most likely take you a bit of time." She wanders off back into a tent. "Also, try seeing the lines without touching them. If you touch them, and then channeled with your other hand it would work, but you only have one hand. So it'll be an extra test." She smiles. "I know you can do it." Her voice trails off as she leaves.

Relon holds out the ring, inspecting it. Nothing unusual he determines. He lays the ring onto his left palm, or what's left of it. He looks up, searching for a tiny visible piece of a ley line to grab onto so he can see it fully. He begins to train so he can see them without having to touch them.

Three Days Ago; Moonglade Mid-day

Relon breathes heavily as he stands there. He raises a hand near the line, he doesn't touch it but as he gets closer more and more of the line shows itself. He relaxes his arm as he brings it to his side. "So ..." He sighs a deep sigh before sitting down. Relaxing.

Later That Day

Relon finishes his dinner meal in his tent before heading back outside. He quietly mutters to himself, "Okay ... I can see them .... Now, to channel ..." He holds the ring out, he raises his hand up in the air. The leys revealing themselves to Relon's eyes, his index and middle finger glow faintly with arcane, he holds the ring up and runs his fingers along the line. The line moves a bit, but is not channeled. He tries again, his fingers glowing more, he runs them along the line. It's pulled, he tries to channel it into the ring but there's too much arcane and it just fades away.

He continues this, slowly making adjusting the level of arcane before falling tired and going to sleep.

Two Days Ago; Moonglade Morning

Relon crawls out of his tent sleepily. He yawns as he feels rejuvenated. He wanders over to where he was last night to practice some more. He stands up, yawning. He looks around at all the lines. He reaches out with his index and middle finger, glowing with arcane. He waves it by the the ley line as it connects. Channeling the ley with his arcane it mixes. He holds it there, feeling the new type of magic. It just floating by his fingers, amazed that he's learning a new type of power. He brings it by the ring, he tries to channel it in and enchant it, but nothing. The mixture of arcane and ley fade off. He stares at the ring, "So there is something I have to do .... to the ring .... as well ..."

"You're right." Martha comes out of her tent, "Well not really, the ring was just a tool to make you focus harder. You can't bind the leys into the physical object, since they're already around it. Forming with life, and inanimate objects such as the ring." She smiles approaching, taking the ring and handing Relon another one. "This ring symbolizes your first step into the ley. Being able to control it long enough to realize that it won't mix with 'this' ring." She holds up the steel one. "The one I just gave you has a golden tint to it, wear it proudly."

Relon slips the ring on, looking at it. He nods, "Thank you."

"The next step," she continues on, "Is to use the lay now, to heal your hand. It can repair it, as a ley 'heal' is very very strong. The best of the best could only perform it maybe four times a day. So once you preform one, you'll need to rest your mind and body for the rest of the day." She clasps her hands together, "So get to it, start practicing."

Relon nods, assuming his usual position. He first practices controlling it for a bit more. Before trying to heal his hand right away.

Late at Night

Relon sits in his tent, a small lantern giving off a light. He sits there practicing his stitching. Making a mitten out of thread. Paying special attention to the fingers. He slowly drifts off to much needed sleep.

One Day Ago; Early Morning Moonglade

Martha calls out from Relon's tent, "Ding ding! Breakfast time." She dings a bell a few times.

Relon slowly wakes up, sitting up and walking outside. Only to see a small breakfast made.

"Come come, sit. I prepared all this food." She sets down two plates for each of them.

Relon nods, "Thanks ..." He walks over and sits down to begin eating.

"I see your hand is still, well, missing. Haven't you tried yet?" She inquires.

Relon finishes the food in his mouth before taking out a small mitten. "Last night I made a mitten, studying how I weaved the thread together to make it, and all yesterday I practiced control." He takes a sip of some water, "I'm going to try .... today."

"Oooh, good. Very smart of you to practice weaving together a mitten, I can tell you're going to be great." Martha smiles as they both continue eating in silent chatter.

One Day Ago; Moonglade Mid-day

Relon stands out in the opening, he takes a moment to meditate before beginning. He removes the wrapping around his missing hand to reveal where it was blown off. He holds his hand out in front of his face so he can see. He reaches next to his hand, and begins to very slowly take a bit of ley at a time and begin to rejuvenate his hand, instead of trying to control one large wave of ley to rejuvenate his hand, he's decided he's going to spend the next hour, slowly weaving his hand back to life.

Half a hour later Relon is dripping sweat, he stops. His entire palm of his hand is back. Only now missing fingers he sits down and relaxes. Only to see Martha marching up.

"Come now, you giving up already?" She smiles, hitting him gently with her walking stick. "You need to be determined with this, just don't stop." She hits him a few more times as he slowly gets up. "I'm going to watch you for the next half hour, every time you slow. I'm going to whack you in the head, got it?" She holds her staff in her hands. Smirking.

Relon shakes it off as he gets up. "Thank you ... I needed that ... push ..." He prepares himself for mentally quickly as he begins to weave the ley for healing.

Smack! He gets hit in the head seven minutes later. He winces from the pain, but quickens to the pace he was just at.

Smack! He gets hit in the head again, fifteen minutes after the first smack. He looks at his hand. 'Almost there,' he reassures himself. Continuing on, drenched in sweat.

Relon sees the staff coming at his head again, he closes his eyes and braces for impact, but isn't hit. He opens his eyes to see his left hand, he's done it. "I've done it." He smiles, then shivers. He passes out from exhaustion.

Martha tries to catch him, but is no where near strong enough to hold up Relon. She decides to move his tent over to him and let him sleep.

Present Day; Moonglade Morning

Relon sits up quickly, his head wet from a bad dream. He looks at his hand, "Still there." He clenches and opens it a few times. "To think ... I can heal with .... magic ..." He smiles as he hears Martha outside. He crawls out of his tent. "Thanks." He states, seeing another meal setup for them.

"Well, now you know how to heal yourself with the leys. Now that we're done, tomorrow we're heading out somewhere else, where I will teach you more. Until then, today. You have a break, enjoy it. You need your rest." She smiles at Relon.

Relon nods, thinking of what he'll do with his free time for today....
Seven Days Ago; Moonglade Early Morning

"Wakey wakey." A soft voice hymns from outside Relon's tent.

Relon stirs a bit as he slowly awakens crawling out of his tent to see that Martha is all packed up, "We're .. leaving?" His voice soft, still half-awake.

"Oh yes, today we're going to Stonetalon Mountains, to see the Great Maze. It's there that you will learn more of the ley lines." She smiles. "So please pack up, we'll be leaving shortly." She sits down, waiting for him.

Relon nods, going back into his tent, folding up the blankets. Putting his belongings away. A few minutes pass before he crawls back out of the tent, then begins to close up the tent itself.

Moments later, "Okay ... I am .. ready." Relon states.

Martha slowly gets up and with a flick of her wrist, a portal opens. "After you." She smiles.

Seven Days Ago; Stonetalon Mountains Mid-day

Relon looks around for signs of the ley as him and Martha stroll through Stonetalon Mountain.

"I see you're already searching for the leys." Martha smiles as they come to a clearing. She blinks a few times, "Well this is it. Let's setup camp, and I'll explain this site to you." She smiles, walking over to her own spot. Setting up her stuff, while Relon makes his tent nearby.

Moments after completely setting up camp, Relon and Martha sit near eachother.

"Well, first off allow me to tell you why we're here. This area is strong with leys of what could be called the Stone pattern." She pauses to take a breath then continues on, "Within this area your resilience to magic is increased, and the lines here will teach you how to use the ley to defend yourself from magic." She pauses again for another breath. "Of course you can't take forever to make a ley shield, unlike how you spent a hour to fix your hand. In a fight you'll only have a mere second. To form a, almost kind of shield from power. There is a few steps." She exhales, then inhales. "The first step, is you will only use a tiny bit of arcane in the line. The second step, is you must move the line in front of you, doing so. Instead of the harmful spell hitting you, it hits the line then just fades away. The third step, is skill and speed." She nods to him, taking a moment to breathe.

Relon scratches his chin in a pondering state. "I think I ... understand .."

"Good." She smiles, "This training will be much harder, and this spell is a strong one. So I must tell you, limit yourself to only performing this three times a day, or you will suffer various damaging effects on your body." She scratches the side of her face before continuing on, "One more thing! You will practice this for the next four days, after that. I will test you three times a day, for the next three days after the four." She waits for a response.

Relon looks a bit confused, before thinking harder on what she said. "Okay ... I get it. So only ... three times a day .." He stands up. "I suppose I'll try .... once right now." He walks out into a clearing.

"Good, and I'll watch." Martha smiles, crossing her legs. Watching.

Relon stands there, holding his right hand out. His fingers and palm glowing faintly with raw arcane. He steadies his breathing, after being completely silent for fifteen seconds he quickly reaches out, channels a line, and runs it across himself.

Martha shakes her head. "You used way to much arcane, I can see the dimness of the trail in front of you. You'll need to use a lot less next time." She taps her chin, "Come back over here and relax, practice using as little as possible." She beckons him over, smiling. "It was a good try though, I'd be shocked if you got it right on the first day."

Relon breathes heavily as he walks back over, sitting down next to Martha. He looks at her then begins to meditate.

"Good good." She says.

Three hours later.

"Okay, let's go. Try again." Martha's voice is very quiet and calm.

Relon stirs from his meditation, opening his eyes before going to the opening he was at before. He waits there fifteen seconds again before reaching up and trying to channel the ley line. His arm stops halfway through, he releases his grip and grabs the arm.

Martha shakes her head, "Too little arcane that time." She smacks her lips. "Don't worry, it'll be better." She says as he walks back over.

Relon sighs as he sits back down. "This is ... hard ..."

"Listen, relax. Practice this one more time today, then for the next three days. Okay?" She inquires, "When you're not practicing, practice precise control, and weaving. It'll help a lot."

Relon nods, prepared for the long task ahead of him.
Five Days Ago; Stormtalon Mountains Mid-day

Relon and Martha casually walk along the high mountains of Stormtalon.

"I take it you've been doing well?" Inquires Martha, looking about.

Relon blinks a few times before nodding, "Yes, I have." He peers up at the sun, stopping short. As Martha continues forward a few more steps before noticing Relon. She turns around and watches him very closely. "Anything wrong?" She smiles.

Relon blinks a few times before quickly bringing his right hand outward to his side, it glowing very dimly with arcane. He quickly moves it along the air then crosses it down in front of himself, moving his arm back and forth in a precise movement. He stops with his right arm behind himself, paused completely still. He retains his posture and gives a half-smile before returning to his neutral state.

Martha claps her hands together. "Well well, I see what you did there." She smiles before walking up to him. "It looks like you've done well, but why choose exactly now to practice?"

Relon looks down upon Martha, "It's for ... my reaction timing ...." He crosses his hands behind his back after inhaling a large amount of air, then exhaling. "I've set ... three precise times in the day ..... of which I must stop whatever ... I am doing .... and perform what I've decide to call. A Ley Shield." He nods politely to her, continuing forward as they were before.

Martha keeps next to Relon as they walk, smiling. "Good, good." She smiles as they make their way back to camp for the day.

Four Days Ago; Stonetalon Mountains Early Morning

Relon is sitting in his closed tent, tailoring supplies laid out around himself as he weaves a rope together. He puts it down hearing Martha's footsteps outside.

"Oh Relon, deary, could you please step outside for a moment?" Martha's voice sounding as sweet, and calm as ever. Relon decides it must be something good.

He slowly puts his stuff away before making his way out of the tent to see Martha standing there with a fireball in hand. "Fooled you!" She laughs as she launches it at him.

He tenses up as he sees the ball of flame whirling at him, he quickly puts both his hands up. Forming a shield of ice for it to collide against. It melts away as he stares at Martha, "What is the-" His words are cut off by another ball flying at him. "Use the ley Relon!" She shouts.

Relon finally understands, he hops to his side. Dodging the incoming fireball. He quickly raises his hand and prepares to defend against the next fireball.

Martha smiles. Another fireball developing in her palm before she launches it at him.

Relon quickly moves his arm back and forth, weaving the Ley Shield across the front of him. The fireball hits it, Relon watches cautiously as it ends up fading away with the ley. He smiles, "I've done it..." He watches Martha casually walk up to him.

Martha casually steps up to Relon with her cane behind her back, smiling she reaches out and ..... Bonks Relon on the head with it. "Wrong!" Relon winces, "But-" He manages.

"You need to be fast, split second timing. All you did was dodge and prepare. You need to create a Ley Shield the second you see it coming at you, dodging then using it is a waste." She shakes her head, as she takes a breather from the long sentence. "Listen, you have eight more tries. Two more times today, then three tomorrow, and the three the day after that. If you can't by then, then you may not be fit for this." She blinks a few times.

Relon is a bit taken back by the sudden lecture but nods, frowning slightly. "I haven't failed .... yet .." He murmurs.

"No you haven't, yet. So prepare, until then, I am leaving. Expect my attacks to happen at random." She nods before disappearing in a mist of arcane.

Relon sighs, "I have to go through this ... eight more times .." He shrugs it off as he goes back into his tent.

Two Days Ago; Stormtalon Mountains Late Night

Relon is outside, looking up at the stars, casual and calmly laying down on his back. A bright light catches his eye. He quickly rolls to the side the fireball hitting the ground where he laid, he quickly gets up and weaves a ley shield infront of him, another oncoming fireball hits that instead of Relon.

Martha teleports to the side of Relon, "Bad again! Better, but not good." She bonks him on the head with her cane. She then fades away with a mist of arcane again.

Relon shakes his head as he frowns. "I must ..." He walks back to his tent and drifts to sleep a hour later.

One Day Ago; Stonetalon Mountains Mid-day

"Relon!" A loud yell is heard.

Relon turns around quickly, to see a larger than average fireball whirling at him. Weaved with ley of Martha's own.

Relon could instantly tell if he didn't defend something really bad would happen. His legs try to make him move, but he stays. Raising his hand up into the air, dim arcane on it.

He quickly brings it across himself, the fireball halfway to him. He then brings his hand back across, completing the shield he covers his head with his arms.

A loud crackle is heard, then it fades away. Relon slowly lowers his arms to see Martha in front of him with a present. She's smiling, "Well done, this part of training. Is complete."

She holds out a rune pattern for him. "Save this, you will need it for the future." She nods. "Now, relax for today. You've done well. We take the next step. Tomorrow."
Fifty-Six Days Ago; Redridge Mountains

Relon and Martha step out of a portal. Relon quietly looks around, potting the details of the land, feelings the
ley around him. After blinking once or twice he comes back to reality, seeing Martha already steps ahead of
him and motioning for him to come. He picks up his pace, following after her until he reaches her side, slowing
down to match her pace.

"Where are we ..... located?" Relon inquires.

Martha turns to look at Relon as the continues walking, "I'd say we're in Redridge Mountains, heading to the
place called Lakeshire,"
She points in the direction of noise, "Of course we won't be training there, but we'll
buy a bed at their inn."
She looks forward again as she finishes.

Relon nods thinking of where he is in Azeroth.

"In other words, we're east of Stormwind." She smiles.

They both reach the inn and sleep there for the night.

Outside Lakeshire; Noon

"So.... Relon, have any ideas what we'll be doing today?" She smiles, resting a hand on her walking cane. Waiting.

"Well... I'm not entirely sure......." He stares quietly at Martha before slowly opening his mouth, "Something ..... that has to do with .... the ley ...?" Relon asks knowledgeably.

Martha taps her foot as she speaks, "Well of course! But do you have any more specific guesses?"

"Possibly ..... How to fight ....?" Relon shrugs slowly, trying to muster some kind of idea.

Martha shakes her head with a smirk, "This isn't a fighting school! Come on, you already know how to fight, any other guesses?"

"Maybe there's ..... nothing else to learn ......?" Relon asks.

After this Martha would teleport directly behind Relon, tapping him on the shoulder, smiling as she holds her cane behind her back.

Relon would turn around a bit surprised. "A .... short instant teleportation ....?"

"Noooo, not just short, but anywhere!" She waves her arms over her head once, as if motioning to everything. "Ley lines are all around us Relon, so what's that mean?"

He stands there thinking for a few moments, "That we can ...... use all of them ....?"

"Sort of! There's a way to travel along these ley lines that traverse this entire world! But, the trick is it's a much more faster, self-teleportation. You won't need to stand there and open up your own portal." She nods, taking a breath in before continuing. "You merely transmutate yourself, traversing on and across the ley lines at the speed of light!"

Relon nods, listening carefully.

Martha takes another deep breath before continuing on. "Though, this is the hardest because I cannot truly -teach- you this." She grins, "I cannot plug into your brain the exact pathways of all these things, so first, we'll start with short teleportations. Something like travelling forward maybe ten feet, once you get the hang of that, I'll give you a course, you'll have to find me at certain checkpoints along this pathway."

Relon slowly opens his mouth, "Okay ..... so ....."

"So! We shall begin immediately, to travel just ten feet at most requires you to be -very- quick, since you're travelling so fast, you'll feel like you haven't moved at all. Just as you've finished the spelt, you have to end it immediately or you may end up in Northrend somewhere!' She grins, "It's simple though, really, you know how to find the ley lines, just simply traverse yourself upon them, instead of bringing them to you. You understand, correct?" Martha leans forward, using her cane to support her as she takes a breathing break. "Okay! So, now let's have you try it." She points at a open plain about fifty feet ahead of her. Taking a breath she begins again, "I want you to try and end up, somewhere in that open plain, try about twenty feet or so."

Relon takes a breath, he stands still before he raises his hand and it glows with arcane. A large flash of arcane takes Relon away, he completely disappears. Moments later Relon reappears with a small flash of arcane. He'd look around, not recognizing any of his surroundings.
Seventy Days Ago; Somewhere.....

Martha waited for hours that night, pacing around back and forth hoping Relon
would find his way back, sadly he didn't. So she went inside to try and get
some sleep that night.

Relon sighed, he slowly opened his eyes, he placed a hand on the ground, only to grab
some kind of rug. He twitches his nose and looks up, he's in a small tent. 'Where am I?'
He looks around before noticing a light outside, the smell of cinders fill his nose, sparks
of a fire flying about a tad bit.

Kother scratches his head. Carrying back some wood under his arm, traveling back over
to his camp. He'd yawn, run his fingers through his hair. Kneeling by the camp fire.

'Who is that?' Relon thought to himself, peering at the figure, he'd lay back so it'd
appear as if he was still sleeping, spying on the person cautiously.

Kother sets the wood down next to him, and slowly begins to place it into the fire,
slowly throwing them in one by one, before beginnign to just throw them in quickly.
He looks back at the tent. 'I wonder if he's died.' He'd think to himself.

'He's looking this way, just lay quietly.' Relon would roll over slightly,
then freeze in place, trying not to make any movements. 'Did he save me? Did he rescue me?
What should I do with it?'

Kother looks back to the fire, he'd then get up and head towards the tent. Taking a slow step
by step to it. Eventually reaching up, and placing his hands on it to open it.

'He's coming, what should I do? He probably saved me somehow, obviously.
I don't really remember being taken.....'
He looks up at the figure coming, but then
turns around, hiding his face, pretending to be asleep.

Kother begins to slowly spread the entrance to the tent apart, stepping within, he'd lean close
to Relon and lay down next to him. "Hey, you up?" He'd stare at Relon.

Relon slowly opens his eyes, his pupils become smaller as he realizes there's an
undead staring into his face, he flexes his fists and stares daggers at Kother
before pelting him with shards of ice, quickly raising up into a standing

Kother would've just stared at Relon, wondering what his first words would be,
'Can he eve-' He doesn't even finish his thoughts,
he begins to be pelted by ice, he quickly jumps back out of the tent.
"Have you gone mad!?" Kother would grab a blade nearby, drawing it.

Relon steps out, power emanating from him as he gathers arcane power,
Kother just stares at Relon, then sighs, he rushes forward, weapon drawn.
Fireball in hand, they collide-

For the next thirty minutes there'd be clashes of power animals scurrying
from the surrounding area. Blasts of arcane, fire, and ice writhing into
Kother and Relon's persons. Every shot Relon took at Kother, he'd match with
a pendant that seemed to have the power explode on contact. Every shot
Kother took at Relon was matched with some kind of shield that seeped the spell
power away.

Overtime they both became fatigued of the fight, "Why do you continue!?"
"You took me ... Didn't you ..." "What're you talking about! I
practically saved you!"
Relon querked a brow, he sighed then rested upon a walking stick.
"What ....?" "Well, um, sit down, don't kill me, and I'll explain it all to you."

They took their seats, and begun having a long talk.
Many Moons Ago; Off in the Wild

"Well, here goes nothing...." Kother inhales slightly and begins, cigarette in hand.

The next section is all within a recollection of Kother's memory, thoughts to himself, and
details are separated by color.

I was walking along, searching for a book, for my 'tutor'. Per say, it was quiet,
each step of mine could be heard through the forest, all I had to keep myself occupied was my
own book, a cigarette, and the glimpses of scenery that I often looked up to catch a view of.

A flash of arcane caught my attention, my pace of walking slowed down before
soon I came to a halt. I closed my book, stuffed it away into a bag and approached the flash.
I hadn't expected much, I've been exposed to the arcane already. I didn't worry to much of
what I found, shrugging it off I approached.

There through the shrubs I spotted the large draenei I've learned to know as
Relon, though, he was different. Most draenei I've ever even seen seemed like the type that
would attempt to smite me. He passed out, so I built a tent around him. Too large to even
lug him around.

After all this we fought when he awoke, he was a brilliant arcanist. Eventually
we sat down and had a nice conversation. We almost became friends, we shared our
experience of the arcane and why we both love it so much. Using it brings joy to our being.

Overtime he told me of these, 'leys', of which he was learning to use as a reinforcement to the
arcane, natural energies of life all around us. It takes a person who's willing to learn of them
that are able to truly use the ley, as a pure arcane source. My own abilities had a somewhat
similar way of how he used the ley. As my inscriptions copied designs of art made by them,
the lays.

That same night though he had to leave, he used this strange technique where he hopped upon
the workings of the leys and traveled instantaneously across the world upon them, it reminds of
a blink, but much faster, lengthier, and a greater aura to it.

Though there's one thing, he said he wasn't aiming for me.... I do hope he reaches
his correct destination this time. It'd suck a lot if he ended up somewhere near
something that was worse then me.
And so he did...

Relon had blinked his eyes open again, he sighed with relief as he looked around. It was indeed the field he had originally teleported away from. Though he was exhausted, he was able to keep standing up right instead of passing out like last time. He begun to drudge his way back to the inn him and Martha have been staying in. He'd have finally wandered in, the innkeeper looking up at Relon, giving him a wave.

And then there she was, waiting, and sitting at a nearby table. Martha looked up at Relon, smiling warmly as she walked over, "Still alive I see. Had a nice trip?"

"It was ... okay?" Relon eluded out his words quietly, still a bit fatigued. "It could've ... been worse ..."

"Anything can be worse! Always, remember that. The only time it won't get worse, is if your dead. And while your dead, you'll be at peace." Martha inhales some more air after the long sentence. She'd smile again, "But, you look good, though I've devised a new plan for your training..."

Relon had bags under his eyes, he blinked a few times, wiping sleep out of them before nodding. "Of course ..."

"Well, to make this easier. You'll use your blink spell, for short distances of travel. While anything beyond it's range, shall be a 'ley blink'. Sounds easy enough for you, right?" Martha nods, to Relon, before motion him over and seating him. Beckoning someone over to order food from.

"I suppose ... that'll make it ... easier ..." Relon would nod, following Martha to the seat and sitting down, looking up to the lady taking his order. "Bread ... and ice cold milk ..."

"So now, we're going to continue a bit with your training. Alright?" Martha states as Relon finally receives his food.

Just as he is about to take a bit, he sets the foot back down, looking over at Martha. "Sure ... But I'm ... rather fatigued, why .... should I continue ...?"

"Nonsense your not fatigued at all! That just happens as your body isn't used to this yet. You'll get better overtime, just push through it okay?" Martha states.

"But ... I'm barely able ... to do this ..." Relon would say, before taking a drink of his milk, washing it down with some bread.

"Nonsense! This'll be easier now, you've seen how far you went. It's almost simple mathematics now. If you traveled fifty feet, you just cut how long you felt it took for you to get there, in half. Then you'll most-likely come out around twenty-five feet. Get it?" She'd nod smiling, looking at Relon with dimples and big eyes.

Relon would slowly nod, "I think ... I do ..." He'd nod once more, sure of himself.

"Great! Then tomorrow we'll run a course of around three hundred feet or so. If you can do it, then you'll be ready to move on." Martha runs a hand through her hair, as the other one rubs her hip.

The Next Day...

Relon awoke that morning rather early, the sun hadn't risen yet, it was still rather dark out. He had ended up heading out of his room, and down to the bar area. He was greeted by emptiness and the innkeeper just walking about. Getting some cleaning done, Relon had ordered a water from him, paid him, then head outside. Walking over to the docks, taking a seat and looking up.

It's so peaceful out. As Relon thought to himself, he leaned back a bit and just enjoyed the sounds, and the tranquility of early morning.

Relon was casually relaxing as he looked over to the bridge, spying Martha crossing it, every step her walking stick hit the wood, making a unique thump noise. He pursed his lips in thought, then shrugged. Getting up and heading back into the inn.

A few hours passed while Relon spent the rest of his morning sewing random things together, while meditating in and out. The sun had finally risen as light poured into his room. A faint knocking came from the door.

"You up?" A quiet voice traveled into the room.

Relon nodded, blinking over to the door, opening it. Peering down onto Martha, "These beds ... are small ..." He'd state, forcing a smile.

"Uh huh, well look at you, your huge!" She'd pat Relon on the arm, "Anyway come come, we're going for a walk!"

They had left the inn that morning, after quite a walk they made it to a bit of an open field, with some trees surrounding the plains.

"And! Here we are Relon, right where we'll get you some practice!" Martha grins, she extends her arm, pointing straight forward into the plains. "I set up a bunch of targets, one every fifty feet, starting at one hundred. First, you'll go to the one hundred mark, come back. Then one-fifty. Then come back." Martha inhales some more air, catching her breath. "Then so on and so on 'til you get the hang of it."

Relon would squint his eyes, peering far out at all the large targets that Martha set up. "I see ... It looks possibly ... challenging ..."

"Oh you'll get the hang of it my dear!" With that Martha would pat him on the back. "So first, just to give you a feel. I'll take you with me to the one-hundred foot mark. Then let you try and teleport by yourself back here. Sound good?" She'd grab on Relon's robe as they were sent forward, appearing near the hundred-foot mark.

Relon blinked, as he was whisked away to the hundred-foot mark with Martha. He'd gulp, looking around, slightly dizzied. "Ugh ... Okay ..."

"Okay! Good! Let's start now, send yourself all the way back over there!" Martha would extend an arm, pointing way out towards where they started. "I'll meet you there." With that, Martha would disappear.

Relon shrugged to himself. Okay, I'm fine, I can do this. I must feel my way, my eyes won't work... He'd inhale then exhale, beginning to transverse across the ley, he felt himself stopping, a bit dizzy. But otherwise, he opened his eyes. Looking around.

About fifteen feet away behind Relon is Martha, she'd be clapping. "Good try! You're getting there, you won't be precise right now. But that's a good start."

Relon would turn around, and blink to Martha herself.

"Listen now Relon, you're going to practice this, a lot. I made this course, but I can't do it for you. Keep practicing this, and once you get the hang of it. I'll teach you final things. You're coming a long way, and still have some more to go. I'm proud." Martha gives one of her smiles, her dimples showing.

"Thank you ... Miss Widnock ..." Relon nodded, forcing a smile, and continuing with his training...