Conquest of the Horde

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((This is for anyone that read Vind's prestige and enjoyed it. To keep everyone up-to-date. Hope everyone enjoys.))

"The life of a Gladiator."

Journal Entry 12#

I have packed up my things an began to head out, I have finally gained the title. I shall be heading back to Booty Bay, and Gurabashi. Perhaps I will run into Saif... I have other things on my mind though. My old life with my family. Perhaps I will re-visit Stormwind and see if my former lover... Valarie is still alive. I do not know what she will think of me, but perhaps she will forgive me.

I have made it out of Blade's Edge and i'm coming into Shattarath. I will be staying here for a few days, before getting a mage to bring me back to Azeroth.

Vindaes had been gone for quite some time. His thoughts of the future, were thoughts of re-meeting his former lover. Returning to the arena, and much more. Yet it seemed after all of his thoughts it set down on getting his past fixed. To have his mind-set correct he believed he must reconcial with his family.

Journal Entry 13#

I have gotten' a mage to teleport me back to Azeroth, now I will be venturing back to Booty Bay.

Upon arriving in Booty Bay, I noticed it wasn't to lively. As if I had missed something. I made my way into the tavern, the smell of ale and swet filled my nostrils as I became familliar with my surroundings once again.

[Image: eqt4xu.jpg]

Vindaes had made his way back to Booty Bay, he stayed there. Every day he woke up and made his way to the arena. If it was empty he would exercise inside of the arena, to keep in shape. Otherwise he would fight or watch the fights. His future had not been decided yet, but one thing was certain. He would try to get back with his family again, but he wouldn't give up his life, as a gladiator. His main goal was to make sure he did not ruin their life.

[Image: 2iutkw9.jpg]

One day he was making his way back to the tavern, and ran into his son. Iscaro eyed him up and down before saying "I see you're finally back. Did you get what you wanted...?" Vindaes rolled his shoulders before saying "Yes I did, I regained my title. Yet I still feel as if I have something to do." Iscaro raised an eyebrow at Vindaes "What might that be?" Vindaes shrugged "I believe it is to reconcial things with your mother." Iscaro ponedered before saying "I haven't seen her in months, but she lives in Stormwind now if you want to see her, I won't stop you." Vindaes nodded at his son and said "I appreciate it."

Vindaes made his way back into the tavern, placing some coins on the bar before heading up to his room and sleeping.
Journal Entry 14#

I have been in Booty bay for a couple of weeks now. The schedule of waking up early and making it to the arena seems common to me. Today I will host an arena to see my fellow arena combatants in action. Hopefully it will be a good one. Perhaps people will remember it.

Vindaes hosted an arena tournament, various races showed up to either spectate or fight in the arena. The fights were brutal, you couldn't blink or you would miss something. When the final bout ended a gnome arose to fight Vindaes. Sadly his injuries had left him unable to go all out against Vindaes, but he was still awarded a pouch of coins.

Vindaes made his way back to Booty Bay, there he filled his canteen full of water and sat upstairs to begin writing in his journal.

Journal Entry 15#

The tournament was a sucess, but it feels different not seeing my trainees... I will stay here for a few more days, before venturing to Stormwind.

Vindaes packed his things and made his way to Stormwind. Along his travels he stopped at Darkshire to rest, before heading out. There he saw many dwarves and death knights ranting at each other. One was being disrespectful to a robed man, saying he should not wear a dress. After the arguement Vindaes began to talk to the man quickly finding out he was Saif Ibn Al-Essa. The man that helped him become a gladiator. They talked for some time, before it became aparrent that Saif knew one of Vindaes' sons. Iscaro Laveas, they did not go into detail, but he could tell he disliked him.

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He went for his daily jog in the morning, but became attacked by wildlife. He quickly killed the beast and made his way back to the tavern. Once in the tavern he packed his things and made his way to Stormwind, stopping at Goldshire to rest.

[Image: nbou21.jpg]

There he pondered over making a fight club, like the one he fought in when he was young. The idea rang in his head.

Journal Entry 16#

I ponder over my past... it may have been hard and eventful, but it was always exciting. To be a pit master and watch fighters train and fight just to live... It may sound gruesome, but it the way of a fighter. I will remember this... and perhaps give a chance to young men out there to do what they love.

(Thanks for everyone showing up to the tournament. Leonard was the gnome mentioned in the story. More will come soon!)
Journal Entry 17#

I have been in this tavern for a day or two now. Not drinking anymore, but being around all of this alchohol makes me want to break my eating schedule... Each day I have been here, I got for my jog. Today I will be packing up to get to Stormwind. I do not know what will come of this journey, but I need to do it to clear my mind.

[Image: 6jkmbl.jpg]

Vindaes had been staying in Goldshire for three days. Following his workout sessions normally, he occasionally met people in the tavern that offered him a drink. He always denied and had water. Today was the day he was heading to Stormwind. All of his travelling would come down to one momment when he met his wife again. Upon arriving in Stormwind his eyes widened as he eyed his surroundings.

[Image: 6pqmxc.jpg]

He made his way into Stormwind and went to the nearest tavern to rest. Upon entering he saw a familliar face. His son had made his way to Stormwind to see his mother aswell, for it had been months sense he checked on her. The talked for some time, before Iscaro left to find her. Vindaes sat in the tavern and wrote in his journal.

Entry 18#

I have finally made it... there is no turning back now. The love of my life, that I left will be coming through the tavern doors at any momment. I am curious to see how she responds to me. I made it look like I died. So she may not believe I am standing before her.

Iscaro came back and told Vindaes to go outside. He made his way outside and Iscaro lead him to her. Iscaro then made his leave while Vindaes approached her. She was talking to a shady man, that seemed to want to take advantage of her. As soon as Vindaes aproached he backed off and the two, former lovers talked for some time. They both were still wearing their wedding rings. They then made their way to Valarie's house where they had dinner and rested.

Upon waking up Vindaes headed downstairs where he sat down and thought over recent events.
Journal Entry 19#

I have been sitting here for some hours now. In the house of my wife, I had not seen her in ages. But once we met once again. We connected, it felt like old times. I could not have asked for a better outcome, but the bad side of things is that I have a responsibility as a Gladiator. I must go back to Booty Bay... the one place Valarie fears to go.

Vindaes left a letter on the table in the middle of the living room that he wrote. He made his way out hoping she would read it and understand why he must leave once again. "Valarie... You were and are my life, but not entirely. I have a responsibility as a gladiator to provide exciting fights for my fans and spectators. I will get back to you as soon as possible." He made his way through the crowded trade market with heavy steps. He cept his head down, peering at the feet of all the commoners.

He bumped into a man and knocked him down. Vindaes had been pondering over something that had kept him on edge. The man stood up and begin to curse at the man. Vindaes looked up at him with his stern and grizzled gaze. He peered at him as a response. The man pushed Vindaes, he didn't budge. The gaurds quickly aprehedned him once a circle of people had surrounded them. The entire conflict Vindaes did not throw a blow. The man that had fallen was the man that had expressed his emotions.

Vindaes made his way outside of Stormwind. He peered up at the sun, wondering what was next. He jumped onto his horse and begin to ride off to Booty Bay.

Journal Entry 20#

I rest now, sitting here next to the crackling campfire. My surroundings are dark and dim, but there is a feeling that makes chills come up my spine. As if Valarie is thinking about me. Wishing I was there beside her. My only companion, is my blade. My only love, is my honor. The echoes of my thoughts ring in my head. Keeping me awake through this uncomftorble silence. I lay here writing my thoughts. While other people sit still in their bed. Asleep...

Vindaes had camped near the shore of Elwynn forest. Across was duskwood, the light forsakened place. Vindaes made his way through, in one hand his blade. The other a torch. The only noise he could hear was the sound of his own sanity fading. The more he went through the forest to find the road. The darker and more lost they seemed to get. Finally after hours of travelling the came onto the road. Only to find out, they were going the wrong way.

After finally arriving in Stranglethorn, he camped.

Journal Entry 21#

My sanity slowly returns to me, sitting in a familiar place. Duskwood broke me down then spit me out. All I saw was darkness, and my mind playing tricks on me. I would see something red on the corner of my eyes. Turn and see nothing, but darkness. It feels as if that place takes your thoughts and turns them against you. I pressed myself deep into the jaws of the darkness. But within' that darkness there was a light. Dim may it be, but the light shown through the darkness. Leaving me with a solid trail.

Vindaes woke only to find his camp in ruins. Him strapped down to a tree, while bandits rummaged through his things. Vindaes eyed and studied the traits of the bandits. He did not panic over the situation, rather he planned how to get out. The most noticable bandit stood at six foot seven, but surprisingly looked very slim. For the tall man, he stood high and mighty. Vindaes assumed he was the leader of the band of bandits. The second bandit looked around five foot eight, but from the facial features Vindaes could spot from the small amount that was shown to him. A large scar shown on his right eye. The rest of the bandits all had imposing traits.

After three hours of being tied up to the tree. Vindaes grew impatient. The bandits still sitting in his camp. using it. He finally broke free from the rope, taking out each bandit. He got his armor and gear, before making his way to Booty Bay. He finally arrived after much conflict. He slumped down onto a chair and slowly went to sleep.