Conquest of the Horde

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[Image: mortal-kombat-9.png]

Mortal Kombat


Yup. So I kinda want to do this. I think it'd be cool, and it would be interesting for those who like more R rated rp. What I suggest is a 6 to 8 man mortal kombat tournament. Fights to the death, we can either have. 1 v 1 three times. And after each fight the player dies. ( not knocks out. Your character is dead.) And the remaining fighters fight either in a free for all or traditional elimination style.

If we do 8 players I suggest all joining raid and fighters fight each other in party chat. People read the emotes of the fights they're watching. For time and action, it will get spammy though, but not if no more than two fights happen simultaneously.

I'm not telling you to bring your favorite char, definitely not telling you to randomly make a new char and slide him through the fighting gates in the lvl 1 starting gear either. The more depth the more interesting the fight and maybe it will add to your story if you win or lose. Also we can have it so one person walks away alive for ultimate epicness and maximum fatality count. OR we can only kill the first round losers. But there will be bodies or peices or w/e.

Not sure when I could do this but I would do it if ppl were interested. Wouldn't need many people.

I suppose my most closest to when the server is most active is 14:45 - 18:00 server time. If anyone is interested. I think we should pursue it. Don't know how I'd present it ingame. May make it a LoN promoted, or maybe something independently of it's own, just in-case others want to do
it again. ( Once a month? Year? or just once period ) I think it'd be cool to use our powers, end fights and change something. You can resurrect yourself, try not to make that your focus, but it is there and it can also lead to cool rp if done correctly. Every fighter would be extremely respected for even stepping in the ring. If interested say so also if anyone has any ideas or anything post those as well. Also if I missed something just ask. It's more of a brainstorm phase though now.

I may do a take on the Pharaoh's Colleseum. Maybe I'll make a character who hosts a fight to the death tournament. Also if it makes people feel comfortable I'll enter a character myself. The reward for this tournament would be very high. A wish, or a large pot of gold or something epic within the boundaries of with what is allowed. But if the boundary is 9000 that thing should be 8999.888888888 in my opinion.

Edit: Posted to persuade with nostalgia.
I have just the character for this... :twisted:
I really like this idea, it would add much more depth to RP.
Sweeeet. For those interested please list when you'd be available if you wont be at the time I suggested. I have to get a sunday off eventually if you can't do it during the week. And their may be more than one of these.
I'm definitely joining this. Death tournament. Brilliant.
That time would be good for me, most likely any day.

Also, I think once a month would be good. Throw people into the meatgrinder! There could be large cash prizes for incentive, 200x the Arena wages. Something ridiculous. Could be run by Azeroth's highest and most bloodthirsty. Goblin Trade princes, Magisters, Stormwind Nobles, etcetera. Rules would be: No rules! The tournaments could be hosted at a new place every month.

I would do the rounds as a tier type thing. Brackets and such. That's usually a good deal.

Derp. I am interest.
Yeah thats a good idea. I'm moving forward with this idea. If you wish to participate

please list what character you wish to bring. race an all that for example.

Name: Jidaeo Novalight
Age: 211
Class: Death Knight
Race: Sin'dorei
Name: Roland Missirian
Age: 30
Class: Rogue
Race: Human

Plan on using him for Tarne's secret assassin organization. If he wins this, all the more prestigious he will be known to his select few associates. To everyone else, they'll still think he's just a very tall sailor. Hurrr.
Name: Rogg Sandaxe
Age: 33
Class: Warrior
Race: Orc

I don't use him for much anyways! Mwhaha...
Name: Rogrid Stonebeard
Age: 176
Class: Hunter
Race: Dwarf
Name: Garrius Blackstone
Age: 45
Class: Death Knight
Race: Human
Name: Kitaala
Age: 2546
Class: Shaman
Race: Draenei

If she lives I'll get some good RP out of her, and if not it's a good way to conclude.
Name: Ithillien Nightblade
Age: 420
Class: Warrior
Race: Night Elf

This character is perfect for it!
Name: Kichalo Hardknuckle
Age: 84
Class: Warrior
Race: Tauren

I haven't played him in ages, and there is no shame in being killed in a MK tournament. xD
Okay it looks like we have 8 people myself included. I am not sure if I will bring Umbra or Maku's father. I'll keep it posted. But now all we have to do is find a day that is good for everybody. I am good for wednesday - friday.
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