Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Complete and Utter Disappointment
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Like Jon said, this has nothing to do with profiles, however, I did see that it was a convenient way for you to plug about me looking at yours again.

That aside, what I am talking about is simple. People need to -think- about things they are doing in RP.

"Hmm, I'm surrounded by people, and I'm pretty much asking to start a ruckus. Would the Bouncer be put off by my suspicious actions before they start?" Noone thinks of this. Ever. I hear people talking loudly about killing Elves, so on, so forth. Yammering on and on about that kinda thing. Ya know what? Expect a tauren to walk up, tap you on the shoulder, and say "Leave. Now." before you can wave that weapon of yours around and start causing a problem.

That's my point.

The biggest problem I have right now is people not actually reading -crap- in the forums. It's funny, we'll get twenty some people on, but I'll be damned if only four of those people are on the forums. It's amazing, really.

Now, I could go on all day about other things. Does that mean I didn't know this was going to happen? No. Does it mean that I'm stressed? Nope. Am I frustrated and dissapointed with people? Damn right.

But I know that this in -no way- affects my personal life. Ever. This is my entertainment, and yes, I enjoy RP, as long as it's intelligent, well planned, and not sporatic, spastic, or half-assed.
Vaermina Wrote:I know now how to roleplay better in the Tavern, I wish Bella was back to settle things down, but she's sadly sick (Is she still sic or is she taking a break?).

I talk to Kendei every now and then. From what he's told me, she's raiding on retail. So, she's taking a break. But at the rate things are going HERE...
Qaza Wrote:I will also say that whoever was constantly whining that the guards did nothing last night (who likely won't read this post) reconsider what you are asking.

This brings up something else that positively irks me. Yes, the person who said something to the effect of "The bouncers should have done something!" made me want to smack him/her upside the head.

Beyond the fact that you shouldn't be completely ignoring the presence of NPCs to begin with, you *certainly* shouldn't start turning them into bad guys because of their lack of action normally. No, the bouncer is not an uncaring lout that lets stuff happen in the tavern, he really would do his job.

The stronger example: No, the King of Stormwind is NOT some evil man who has no care for his people. I'm sorry that we can't control a huge regiment of Stormwind troops at the same time that we control a huge gaggle of demons. For the love of all that is holy, will people STOP saying that Stormwind is some corrupt city with a horrible ruler, because none of this is the case now that our favorite dragon-in-human-form was kicked out.
Okay, seriously, whoever started this crap at the Tavern, needs to grow up. This is ridiculous. I joined this server after searching for hours and hours for a Roleplay server, and I finally chose this one because it's had so many good reviews from my other friends that are on private servers.

~Disobeying the rules on this server is adding unneeded stress on the GM's~
Remember, everyone, they're volunteers; They don't get paid to babysit whiny children who don't understand the concept of the word 'no'. So either grow up or shut up. I'm sickened by this innapropriate behavior, and its this kind of behavior that has shut down countless servers. I'm over playing this little game of 'GM, GM, give me a sandwich!' Cause I'm waiting for the day when a GM finally snaps and turns some whiny noob into a freaking sandwich to be devoured by the Scourge....Okay, I'm done. :|
Quote:Okay, seriously, whoever started this crap at the Tavern, needs to grow up.

I've been trying really, really darn hard to steer people away from that mindset. Part of the reason that these things didn't happen, and a lot of Stormwind's corruption comes from Harmonic, or other characters, that are trying really, really hard to MAKE the corruption. Harmonic blamed the cities falling on Grey Militia, as well as denying the information of the existence of Kendei's old cult.

The king had -nothing- to do with that, and as Grak said, if he could puppet hundreds of SW guards, they would if they could at the same time as hundreds of guards.

And...ya know what? I've asked people for a LONG while to be mindful of the guards, and to not abuse that I cannot puppet the gaurds. I'm STILL right there watching you, even if I cannot walk up to you in Stormwind armor and say "Hay bub, stop it." This whole ignoring the NPC's...and saying stuff like "lol they didn't do anything" utterly stupid.
TwilightDisciple Wrote:
Vaermina Wrote:I know now how to roleplay better in the Tavern, I wish Bella was back to settle things down, but she's sadly sick (Is she still sic or is she taking a break?).

I talk to Kendei every now and then. From what he's told me, she's raiding on retail. So, she's taking a break. But at the rate things are going HERE...

Yes the rate at how mind numbingly retarded the players on this server are becoming (or the recent influx on mind-numbing retards), I highly doubt she or Ken will come back among several other players. I am surprised that we even have a server anymore with how ridiculous the majority of the people on here are. It's amazing any of the GMs are actually around. I would not want their responsibilities for anything. All because of the 96 or so percent of the kids that have joined in the last two months or so. Rather mostly because of how stupid some of the 'older' players on the server have started acting like this new crowd. The utter disregard for the rules set down by the creator of this server (all hail Kretol), the ignoring of lore in a roleplaying community, and the complete and utter stupidity of people playing races completely wrong!

IF YOU PLAY A FORSAKEN THEY ARE NOT GOING TO GO TO GOLDSHIRE LOOKING FOR A GOOD TIME! I am completely fed up with all this this.... Hippiness! For a lack of a better word! As much as I did not like this person, Reetha (an old gm) had this distaste for interfaction romance/friendship/casual sex at the core of their person. I am really wish she was back to whip this server back into shape.

Now I know there will be a few people that will say they agree with me, but a majority of them are just being huge hypocrites and kiss-asses knowing that they are the people this rant is aimed at. There, I've said my part for now and I don't really care if I get a suspension or ban for this.
Bishnak Wrote:
HelveteSong Wrote:Okay, seriously, whoever started this crap at the Tavern, needs to grow up.



MrWeasel Wrote:Now I know there will be a few people that will say they agree with me, but a majority of them are just being huge hypocrites and kiss-asses knowing that they are the people this rant is aimed at.

Can I get an "Amen?"
I think what needed to be said has already been said on this topic. But, the comment about Stormwind and it's king being corrupt, evil, and indifferent caught my attention.

Because Krent has this perspect. He has a very negative view on Stormwind and it's King, but I want to stress it's ALL IC and it has an actual IC basis. NONE of it is extended OOCly to the GM's or their actions. Anyone who has OOC hatred towards the GM's for not being able to baby-sit us with NPC's should go play single player Russian Roulette. As players we have many responsibilities; one of them is to create our OWN story-lines and NOT sit around waiting for the GM's to crank one out for us. I think a lot of people have this mentality and it's something that needs to stop.

But anyway, onto Stormwind's perspective.

Krent's 19 years old. Now, even though he's this old, I like to RP him with the mindset of a 14 year old. Immature, ignorant, naive....totally unaware at how the system works, and too impatient to learn. Krent had to watch his entire hometown get destroyed by demons, which would mark the second time the boy had to see his town get destroyed. In this sort of traumatizing event, it's natural for individuals to create scape-goats to vent their hatred / frustration. Krent, being an ignorant little kid, vented his towards Stormwind: their inaction in sending aids, how they laughed at him when he warned of the legion's advancement, etc etc.

It's a defense mechanism the boy developed, to hide the fact that the -real- reason why Darkshire fell is because of his own actions. Not creating good strategies, lack of combat experience, hopelessness, etc etc. Thus, I have Krent spout off constant hatred for the Kingdom due to his inability to "see the bigger picture", and OMFG SCREAMING YOUTHFUL ANGST ARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!

Fact, this is the main reason why Krent signed on board with the Steamwheedle Cartel. Which is something I'm still trying to craft around. He started out as being an Alliance-loyal young scout. Now he's an Alliance-hating young drug smuggler. Character development, I suppose you could call it.
As a note, I wasn't directing that comment at any one particular person. Particularly NOT at you, Krent, as I've always respected you and your RP.
Grakor456 Wrote:As a note, I wasn't directing that comment at any one particular person. Particularly NOT at you, Krent, as I've always respected you and your RP.

That made me :D on the inside.
I've seen this happening as well. I RP people who would not attack people or try to get people to attack for this very reason. This happens much to easily. People will start small brawls for a good tywenty minutes before one will RP a bouncer coming over. I do not think the bouncers would wait and think "Maybe they'll solve it themselves...". I am amazed at how little provacation one needs before flying into full on rages. And if they have the upper hand, they will not call in a bouncer. I refuse to point a finger at anyone. I just wish for people to be more aware of their surroundings. I mean, would you pull out a sword if theres not only bouncers, but giant Orcs in armor with giant axes and not-that-threatening-but-might-hurt-you Night Elves looking right at you? You bet your butt you wouldn't.
Quote:...not-that-threatening-but-might-hurt-you Night Elves...

I agree with you on the post, but I've gotta point out... have you seen a night elf sentinel in action? They're scary. I'm pretty sure Zul'jin checks his closet every night for sentinels before he goes to bed.

So yeah, they should be taken into account.
Meh.. Elves aren't that threatening to me. Never were, but this is beside the point.
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