Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Loosening armor restrictions
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Yeah, by doing such, one must accept the risks that follow with something like this. Although, I do like this idea. Could create interesting RP opporitunities.
Like a punishment of dressing up say, a Blood Elf in mock up Night Elven gear, and sending them out into Orgrimmar? That'd be brilliant.
Or, rather, an axe to the head as punishment? Haha.
Precisely. No blood on the persons hands though, eh? I don't reckon many Orcs can tell the difference. Or would particularly care for the difference :P
Alright - on all the RP items (except for the old-world PvP sets, such as the Marshal's and Warlord's equipment, etc.), the hidden faction requirements have been removed.

I'll once again warn people, though - if I happen to see someone wearing armor that would otherwise identify them of the opposite faction, either guards will become rather hostile to them, or some other random event may occur. Heh heh...

The server will have to restart before the changes will take effect.
Thank you very much! I look forward to adding new sets to my characters, and possibly having them lynch sillier people who wear inappropriate gear.
And the server has restarted!
Why thank you! :D
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