Conquest of the Horde

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Spiligrack stirred from his slumber. A single ray of light shining onto the eye slats of his helmet.
'Ol Arty's gone. Now it's my turn.
The Gnome rose, grabbed the runeblade set beside him and threw it at the rocks built up around the cave entrance, sending them cascading down the face of the hill outside.
All Hell's gonna break loose.
The diminutive lunatic lumbered to the mouth of the cave, picked up the runeblade and looked at it's inscriptions, before strapping it to his back and looking to the horizon.
I wonder if there'll be a welcoming party.


Bolgron looked across the mountains, while replacing his beer tankard in a satchel at his waist.
Ah'm all out, time t' get some more.
The Dwarf retrieved a map from a pouch at his side, finding his route. Content, he looks up again.
Ah wonder if anythin's changed back 'ome.
The solemn figure took his axes from a nearby tree, and set off down the mountain, his armour clanging with every step.
Brewnall better still be making good beer.


Rythtrix retrieved an arrow from the mage's neck, content her job was done.
Time to go home.
The Blood Elf looked across the burning remains of the shack, and shook her head,
Magi are so melodramatic.
She turned, walked to her Hawkstrider, and rode off towards Shattrath City, smoke plumes rising from her last location.
How the Fel do I get home from here?