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Full Version: Back from the Game expo!/Should I open Sylvanas thread!
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Yarr! there's a game expo in Stockholm at the moment and I was there yesterday. I was -hoping- to try some new actually good games, but I guess I was hoping for too much. I was a little disappointed in the playable stuff there. Most of it was mainstream shit like CS and CoD. They had Black Ops, btw, and guess what?. . .It's just like the other umpteen billion military shooters.

I also got to try a bit of Donkey Kong country. I have to say, it was pretty nice, actually. I didn't think they'd be able to pull it off. I'm just pissed about the controls. Why do I have to shake the Wiimote to do freaking everything? I have enough wrist problems as it is.

Now here's something I got to actually try that I was hoping for. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, the actual Single-player. It's looking good, guys. Really freaking good. And just 13 days till release! (in Europe.)

Another game that I actually didn't expect to find was Dragon Age II. Yes, I've played it. The console version. It is magnificent. I can't wait till it's released.

And of course, Blizzard Nordic was there with Cataclysm. I got to try it for about 30 minutes. The Goblin starting area is no less than heavenly. And I shot exploding footballs at Deathwing. Tomorrow, I'll be back to try Worgens.

AND I bought a Sylvanas Windrunner figure and I am currently trying to figure out whether I should open it or not. What do -you- think? Answer in the poll!

I might update more tomorrow. Cheerio, chaps!
Cool deal. :3

Real nerds buy 3.
One to open
One to stay shut
and one to show off.
First of all, I wanted to buy two. One to open and when to leave in the box. But I couldn't afford. Secondly, they only had two of them for sale >.<
O.o wow shop keep wasent a real nerd. Your crime against nerdum is forgiven. But I wouldn't open it, unless you have a good place to store it. Thats just me though I have two nephews. The one year old understands that if the box is closed he is not to touch it, the 5 year old has broken many of things in my room. So I base my suggestion on that. Children EAT toys.
If you don't open the box, how will you make her do cinematic backflips off of your bed?
There is wisdom in the above post.
. . .Jason. . .Once again, your wisdom is inspiring as always. I feel I must say. . .JASON FOR WARCHIEF! Anywho! Just to brag, this is the figure I bought.
I would suggest to open it!

I had ordered the Thrall figure, and as soon as I got it I freed the little Warchief from his box, and placed him on the shelf overlooking my room, alongside Reghar and an older Thrall figure. I'm wondering whether I should try and get the Orc Grunt from eBay (which is where I had gotten the older Thrall figure).
Hmm. . .I'm leaning towards opening it. the votes says so and I liked the idea of cinematic back-flips from the bed. I should her out of the box and put her next to my Frostmourne wielding Optimus Prime Bobble head. They'd be a beautiful couple.
*Sniffle* I want a Thrall. T-T
Wrip her out, do cinematic back flips, and pwning of scourgies.
This is nearly perfect. Roxas must unit with Kretol, so that the two Thralls may have a tea party together and Sylvanas may have pleasant conversation with Reghar whilst being entertained by the Frostmourne-brandishing Autobot.

I need an artist. I need you to draw this scene. I really do.
Open eet. I have a gnome on a mechastrider THAT IS WIELDING ASHBRINGER WHILST KILLING A GHOUL. I have epic dreams when I look at it before I drift off.
I went there today! o3o Damn Blizzard had problems with the servers with Cataclysm... I only got to try it for 20 minutes. D: But still, Worgen starting zone was a nerdgasm.
Aaaaand, my brother got one of them Sonic hats! And then I bought it from him! 8D Yay, Sonic hat!
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